The Essential Oil Revolution

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A Joyful Rub

From: Deb Edwards, Annandale, Minnesota


  • 2 Tablespoons beeswax 

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil 

  • 1/4 cup olive oil 

  • 50 drops Orange essential oil 

  • 40 drops Stress Away essential oil 

  • 30 drops Joy essential oil 


  • On top of double boiler, melt beeswax, stirring occasionally. Add coconut oil and stir as it melts. Add olive oil, stir until mixed well. Cool for about 5 minutes (it shouldn’t be hardening yet). Add oils, stir, pour into containers. I used one ounce tins and it made about 8 tins.It should set in under 20 minutes. Rub a bit over your heart, on wrists, neck, temples or anywhere your heart tells you. Deb says “Sometimes you just need a little more joy in your life. This ‘rub’ helps to recall loving times, relieve stress, enjoy life and smell great! I often use it in place of perfume!”


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