The Essential Oil Revolution

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“Bacne” Spray

From: Alexa Fuchs (pronounced "Fox")


  • 12oz spray bottle

  • 1oz water

  • 1oz witch hazel

  • 4 drops Tea Tree

  • 4 drops Eucalyptus Radiata

  • 3 drops Patchouli

  • 3 drops Lavender

  • 2 drops Geranium

  • 2 drops German Chamomile

  • 1 drop Roman Chamomile

  • 1 drop Cedarwood 


  • Combine ingredients in spray bottle, make sure to shake before use because German Chamomile has such a pigmented color.  You want to mix it up so it doesn't stain anything.  Spray over back or inflamed area (helps if you have a second person to spray, but not necessary), let air dry for a few moments and carry on with the day!

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  2. Include your name, where you live and/or your website, and your simple recipe

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