The Essential Oil Revolution

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Coconut Milk Chai

Submitted by: Mary Jane Journey in Texas


  • 1 c fine shredded unsweetened coconut- (or 1/3c soaked almonds)
  • 1 whole vanilla bean
  • 1-2 drops cinnamon bark vitality
  • 1-2 drops ginger vitality
  • 1 drop cardamom vitality
  • 1/2 drop nutmeg vitality
  • 4 dates
  • 2 c boiling water
  • Cheesecloth or a nut bag (highly recommended


Place all the ingredients in a high powered blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. Let cool for 15 20 minutes. When cool enough to handle, strain through the nut bag. Enjoy! The coconut is great hot as it separates when chilled. I prefer the almond cold.

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