The Essential Oil Revolution

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Soothing Rollerball –Great for soothing nervous energy and opening the heart.

From: Amy Galper, author of Plant Powered Beauty


  • 10 drops of White Pine essential oil (Pinus strobus)
  • 14 Drops of Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • 2 drops of German Chamomile essential oil (blue Chamomile) (matricaria recutita)
  • .35 oz roller ball


Add about 1/3 ounce ( a little less than 1 TBSP) of Jojoba Oil, or your favorite carrier oil into a small measuring cup and add in your essential oils. Blend with a metal, glass or wooden stirrer, and carefully pour into rollerball. Pop on the top and gently shake.

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