The Essential Oil Revolution

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348: A Chat About Thyroid, Endoflex, and EO Books w/ Dawn Camp

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Imagine putting your 4-year-old child down for a nap, then conking out yourself for a much-needed rest, only to wake up later realizing your child was gone, and a note on your door reads "Your son is next door playing at our house." You were so exhausted that you slept through all of this! That was the day that made our guest, Dawn Camp, finally see a doctor about her fatigue. She was later diagnosed with a serious thyroid disorder, and after nearly 20 years of taking medication, decided to incorporate essential oils into her journey. Tune in to learn the mind-blowing results, and how Dawn's passion for essential oils resulted in her authoring sic books about them!

Dawn Camp is an Atlanta-based author of six books and a photographer, speaker, and contributor to DaySpring’s (in)courage website. Dawn is a researcher by nature whose enthusiasm for essential oils led her to write It All Began in a Garden and My Essential Oil Companion, which take a deep dive into 50 single essential oils, their common and historical uses, and include dozens of DIYs, reference articles, and photos. 

Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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  • Learn more about Dawn Camp on her site HERE.

  • Find her on Facebook HERE, or on Instagram HERE.

  • What does 6+ years of experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

Christmas Joy

From: Meri Dorsey, Knoxville, TN


In a spray bottle combine:

  • 3 drops Peppermint

  • 3 drops Cinnamon Bark


Diffuse for a joyous feeling, as we focus on the spirit of Christmas.

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0 (2s): Life begins the day you start a garden. Chinese proverb,

1 (7s): Empowerment in education. Two powerful elements that will help you break free of convention and transform your passion for wellness to a level beyond the status quo. The essential oil revolution where you're given the tools to superseded an ordinary, everyday lifestyle, inspiring speakers, DIY recipes, healthy living tips, and more. You'll discover it all here. So tune in and get ready for a wellness revolution.

0 (38s): Hello, welcome to the Essential Oil Revolution. I'm your host, Samantha Lee Wright. Thanks for tuning in with us today. Oh my goodness, today's episode you are going to love. Our guest on camp is just one of the nicest, most brilliant women I've had the privilege of talking to recently, and her stories are just so moving. So in particular, she has a just a fab, a fabulous success story around her thyroid. And so we'll dive into that topic in particular for a little while. But in general, her approach to essential oils, education, the books that she's written, it's all just sort of what this show is all about.

0 (1m 25s): So I'm really excited for you to meet our guest and hear all of the wisdom that she has to share today. But first, let's pull a recipe out of our DIY dugout. Our recipe today comes from Mary Dorsey, who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee for her recipe called Christmas Joy. To make Christmas joy in a spray bottle, combine three drops, peppermint and three drops, cinnamon bark diffuse for a joyous feeling as we focus on the spirit of Christmas. Thank you so much for your recipe, Mary. If you have your own recipe you'd like to submit to our DIY dugout, email it to us at diy revolution oils

0 (2m 12s): When you do, you'll be automatically entered to win our monthly giveaway where you can win a bottle of orange essential oil and our favorite ebook chock full of essential oil recipes. That's DIY revolution oils Support for our show comes from Vega more. Now we focus a lot on our mental, physical, and spiritual health here on the show, but have you ever considered your hair health? I mean, when I look at my hair sometimes I think, gosh, why is my hair so dry? Why do I have so many split ins? Why is it frizzed out all the time? And I always thought those things couldn't really be changed.

0 (2m 54s): That's until I met VOR. With vor. Not only am I finally seeing results and change to my hair, it's looking healthier, it's looking shinier, less frizzy, but I'm doing it all without the use of harmful chemicals with products that are cruelty free and never contain parabens or hormones. VA war has something for everyone looking to improve their hair health, their grow products create visibly thicker hair and improve hair from the roots. And there's no risk for trying because they have a 90 day money back guarantee. 90 days. That's amazing. Get the hair you have always wanted with Vaga more. Go tove and use code revolution to save 20% on your first order.

0 (3m 40s): That's V E G A M O U code revolution to save 20% Support for our show comes from story worth. One of my favorite things about the holidays is that chance to hear those family stories. You know the ones that you love to hear or maybe have heard too many times, but if you ever wanted to help your loved ones document those timeless stories, it can be really hard to write an entire book of life memories.

0 (4m 23s): But StoryWorth makes it fun and easy. Every week, StoryWorth will email your loved one, a single life related question that you pick from their collection. Like, what's the bravest thing you've ever done? Or What's the furthest you've traveled? All your loved one has to do is reply to the email with their story. Then after a year story worth compiles those loved ones stories, memories, and even photos into an exquisite hard cover book, creating a valuable keepsake that you can hand down for generations. Get started with your loved one for the holidays, and before you know it, you'll be cherishing those timeless stories for generations to come.

0 (5m 5s): Like, now I get to read the story to my children about the day I was born and how my mom didn't even know she was having twins, and inadvertently kicked the doctor on a swivel stool across the room when he tried to start sewing her up. And she said, I'm not done. Just priceless. Help your family share their story this holiday season with StoryWorth. Go to today and save $10 on your first purchase. That's S T O R Y W O R T to save $10 on your first purchase,

0 (5m 54s): While I'm here with Don Camp, who is an Atlanta based author of six books and a photographer, speaker and contributor to Day Springs Encourage website, Don is a researcher by nature whose enthusiasm for essential oils led her to write. It all began in a garden and my essential Oil Companion, which takes a deep dive into 50 single essential oils. They're common and historical uses, and include dozens of DIYs reference articles and photos. Don, welcome to the show. How are you?

4 (6m 29s): I am great. I'm so excited to be here.

0 (6m 31s): I'm excited for you to be here too. I've got two of your books on my shelf and I just have to say they are gorgeous. They're just gorgeously created, gorgeously written, impeccably designed. I'm, I'm like, I've, I'm a stickler for design and, and it's just incredible. Do you do all the design work and the photography for your books yourself?

4 (6m 53s): I did all of the photography. I did not do the design work. The publisher is Harvest House and they had a design team that did that, and I think they did an amazing job with it, but I did do the photography.

0 (7m 6s): Yeah. Awesome. Well, it's, it's good to know like when, where to outsource and who to outsource to and get the right people, and it all comes together so perfectly. So I wanna dive into your books in lots of things, but I wanna start with just how did you get started with essential oils and Don, do you have like, you know, your biggest essential oil testimony you'd like to share?

4 (7m 28s): Yes. So I got started with oils. It was in 2015. We had two sons, we have eight children. I can't believe I didn't include that in the bio. It's kinda crazy. My husband and I have eight children and we were having our first two weddings. Two of my oldest sons were getting married like weeks apart, close together. They were both outta state. I was so stressed out. I was having some other health issues that I didn't really understand, and I had a friend online and she actually wrote the forward to it all began in a garden, Dr. Ed Wadsworth, and she had started using oils a few months before I did. And she was, she was talking about 'em online and I thought, okay, I am so stressed out.

4 (8m 11s): I, I am having trouble sleeping, all these things and I don't know if these oils can do anything, but you know, it's worth giving them a shot because something's gotta give. And so I, I got the oils, I started using them, you know, I was, I saw a difference immediately. I became totally addicted to lavender. That was the first one hooked on lavender. It was what I needed to get to sleep. And that's kind of where I got started. I was at a point where I just, I couldn't sleep and I was very anxious and I was very stressed out. And that's when I turned to, to oils. Now my biggest testimonial personally in my family, there's just lots of thyroid issues.

4 (8m 56s): My mom had, she had a tumor. Her thyroid gland was removed as a teenager and her mom had had the same surgery. My dad is almost 80, he still takes thyroid medicine. It was a big thing. So I guess maybe it was kind of, seemed kind of inevitable. I wasn't watching for it. I don't think I, you know, understood what that was gonna look like. But when I was in my mid twenties, I was like a zombie. I couldn't stay awake through the day. We had one son at the time, and there was one day like I would put him down for his afternoon nap, but I needed the nap more than he did. And there was one day that I put him down for his nap and I fell asleep too, and I woke up.

4 (9m 41s): So he was probably about four. I woke up and he's nowhere to be found. There was a note on my front door that he was at my next door neighbor's house. It was terrifying. This was how soundly I slept. It was like I was drugged. I just could not make it through the day. And then I missed.

0 (10m 1s): So he had woken up and then like gone over to your neighbors or in the neighbors?

4 (10m 6s): Yeah, like I was, no, I think he just went over, he just went out to play. They had two little boys that were his friends. His mom is like sound asleep and not waking up, and he went out to play. So it was terrifying. That was how like out of it I was. And so after our second son was born and childbirth can, I mean being pregnant and all that can totally mess with your thyroid even more for better, for worse. And so when our second son was 14 months old, I miscarried our third child and they ended up realizing that my thyroid was just so low I couldn't even sustain a pregnancy.

4 (10m 49s): Wow. 0 (10m 50s): I'm so sorry about that.

4 (10m 51s): Thank you. So that's, that's how, that's how I found out. And so after, you know, after I got on thyroid medicine and I was really low, I had a pretty high dose, you know, it was the first time I'd ever had periods that were regular, anything like that. And so I just thought, I'm gonna be getting up in the morning and taking this little pill for the rest of my life. And that was a lot people do. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I, I never realized how many, but it is a lot of people. And so I started thinking after I started using oils and I saw all these things and I knew they could help for sleep and I knew they could help for stress, but I thought, can they really help, like make a real change, you know, like something like that in my body.

4 (11m 39s): So I asked my friend who knows a lot about such things and I said, if I were gonna try to do something and make a difference with this, what what would you suggest? And she suggested it's a, a blend. It has spearin, sage, geranium, myrtle, German camomile and nutmeg. She suggested a blend and that I is that inex? It is Inflex. Didn't know if I could say that. Yes, it's inflex. I didn't know if I was allowed to say it, but yes. So she suggested that I put like four or five drops of it in a capsule and take it at bedtime for a month or so before my blood work.

4 (12m 24s): And so I know there are people who will rub it on topically too. I have really sensitive skin. So I, I just went for the internal mode on that. And so I probably did it for more like two or three months instead of one month. And I went in, I had my blood work done, the nurse called me back and she says, the doctor says you can discontinue the meds and whoa, completely. I went, yeah, I'd been taking them for 26 years at that point. Wow. It was half of my life. And I was like, what? Because I thought, I thought maybe my dose would go down a little bit, maybe, you know?

4 (13m 8s): And oh, and also I will say I was, I did not stop taking my thyroid medicine when I did this. I didn't just quit and switch over. I was doing both and, but that's what the doctor's 0 (13m 19s): Office said. Thank you, thank you for saying that. You know, this is like, we're, we're not here to diagnose or tell people like stop taking your meds and just take oils. Like let's be crystal clear on that, you know? Right. But yeah, continue your, your story cuz this is fascinating.

4 (13m 32s): Yes. That was the advice I was given. Yes. I did not stop taking the meds. I was doing both. And so the nurse, first of all, I still cannot believe that the doctor didn't say, Hey, would you maybe ask her if she's doing anything, you know, if there's anything different going on. Nobody asked. But the nurse found out because I was like, I mean I was kind of freaking out. And so I said like,

0 (13m 56s): Were you kinda scared where you're like, well what if it, what if I get off my meds and then like, this stops working. Like, what were you thinking?

4 (14m 4s): Well, one thing I, this is one thing, oh my gosh, I will totally stick with, there is no way that I would say that this helped me and I didn't need thyroid medicine anymore. And then stop it and then really need it and not go back just to make a point. Because there is absolutely no way I would go back to living like I lived before that I could not stay awake all day. I was like a walking zombie. I looked back at pictures in my mid twenties and I'm like, how could we not see? I was just sleepwalk through life, but, you know, I just didn't recognize it. So I, I just, I was stunned. I just, I was so sad.

4 (14m 44s): I had just refilled a three month prescription. But anyway, I just, I just stopped and literally I was, was watching like, what's this gonna be like? And it was really funny because in that first week there were days where it was like, I didn't hit my kind of midafternoon slump. I'm a night person. I kind of, midafternoon is not my peak time. And so I, I kind of thought was that thyroid medicine kind of pulling me down, which is kind of funny. Anyway, I, I actually just felt better at first and it's been about four years now and I've never taken it again. I just, it came off and I came off of it.

4 (15m 26s): And so, I mean I think what that did was it just woke up a gland that had not been doing its job for decades, I guess, and kind of got it working again. And this is one thing I found really fascinating and I didn't read this until later, but there's a book that Life Science publishing has that's called Taming the Dragon Within. It's all About Oh, I love that book. Yeah. All about hormones and all. And I was reading in that book, now this was one thing too, at the same time I had switched over a lot of just, you know, normal household products and health and beauty items to, you know, things more natural alternatives, essential oil based products.

4 (16m 12s): And so I was using a toothpaste that doesn't have fluoride in it. I was using, you know, I was using like, oh Gully, what do I use the, the Young Living, the The Thieves toothpaste. Yeah, yeah, the Thieves toothpaste. The words were leaving me there and I was using that with no fluoride. And I read in that Taming the Dragon within book that your body, like you need iodine to make thyroid hormone, your body doesn't make it. But fluoride, fluorine and chlorine compete with the, they compete for the iodine reception sites in the thyroid gland and they bind more powerfully, but they don't perform any kind of useful function in your thyroid gland.

4 (16m 59s): So not having that extra fluoride come in probably really helped. I mean, this is my gut take that maybe that helped also because maybe that helped my thyroid gland too. But that book also says that it takes about four months to change a tissue in the body. And I just have to believe that that's what happened. So, you know, like I said, I had probably done it for two or three months and then after that I would put that into flex and capsules at night, you know, religiously like this is in place of my thyroid, you know, medicine. And now, you know, I do, sometimes I get lazy.

4 (17m 41s): I mean I make capsules I take at night. Sometimes I run out and I get lazy and I go a week or so and I don't make more. You know, it's, it's not, it's not like it's a straight up substitute. It really just seems like a gland that didn't work for a long time seems to be working like it's supposed to now.

0 (17m 59s): Like it's self corrected.

4 (18m 1s): Yeah, it's amazing. It was amazing. I ran into a lady this weekend. I used to go to church with her and she moved and I see her every few months and she is in her seventies and so she also uses essential oils and so she knew I had a testimonial with 'em and the last time I had seen her, she had asked me about it and I told her what I had done. And so I saw her this weekend and she said that she had been rubbing into flex, you know, on her throat, on her thyroid gland and that her dosage, when she went to the doctor, her dosage had dropped. So yeah,

0 (18m 37s): Good for her. Good for you. That's so exciting. Since we're we're kind of deep diving into Endo Flex and thyroid and whatnot, are there any safety precautions you wanna say or reinstill about Endo Flex? You know, are there any people who should avoid it, not take it? Anything you wanna say on that?

4 (18m 56s): Ooh, goodness. Now that's a good question and I need to look at those individual components and see, but one thing I will say about it, it is one of the, it is in a line that that is approved for internal consumption. So it is a prude for internal use and oh my goodness, I'm not thinking about those internal, those individual components. That's one thing in my book at all, beginning a garden, at the beginning of every chapter, there's this little overview where it says, you know, how can you use this? Is it aromatic? Is it topical? Is it internal? And I'm sorry I'm not giving the definitive answer here, but, but I feel like, I feel like it's all good.

4 (19m 38s): It is approved for internal consumption though.

0 (19m 41s): Well, speaking of your book, I first have to say I love your, my Essential Oil Companion book. It's just so well designed and it's laid out in the, it's like the book I wish I had at the beginning of my oil journey because it makes the essential oils just so approachable. You give these short and simple testimonials for each oil easy, recipes for each oil, interesting facts and, and you also include a place for journaling and note taking, which I love. So kudos on the great work done there. I mean, all your books are fabulous, but I, that one in particular just has a special place in my heart.

0 (20m 23s): Explain about your references to the Beetles in Vermeer, for example. It's one of my favorite things about your approach to oil education.

4 (20m 34s): Well, this is how I thought of it. So I, like I said The Beatles, I was like in a Beatles immersion while I was writing these books. I mean literally. And I am, as much as I love to research, I mean I do do, I loved researching the book and I would start researching the Beatles while I was researching. I was just researching. I was in research mode. And so I was reading about how that Paul McCartney, all the Beatles, they didn't know how to read music. Frank Sinatra didn't know how to read music. Vermeer who I've got a replica of Girl with a Pearl Earring in my house. I saw it at the High Museum years ago. Love that painting, love Vermeer.

4 (21m 16s): He recorded himself as like a master painter at 21 years old, but there's no record that he had a master that he did formal training or an apprenticeship. So you've got these people, these musicians, this artist that literally changed history, like what they did, like changed the world as we know it. And they, they used their gut instincts and they did, they did this thing they loved, but they didn't sit around and analyze all the things that they didn't know. They just went with what they did. And like they changed and they

0 (21m 53s): Did it a lot. They did it a lot.

4 (21m 55s): Oh yes, they, 0 (21m 56s): They got their 10 in

4 (21m 59s): For sure. Yes. So I just want people to think about it this way. And I talk about this in the book, in the chapter on Elmi, like, you don't have to know everything about oils to use them. You couldn't know everything about oils if you tried. I learned every single day while I was writing this book, I literally would be researching and writing a chapter and go, oh my gosh, really? And I would walk away from the computer and go grab that oil and pull it out and do whatever it was that I just read you could do with it. So, and I, I knew that I would be going back to the book that I had written and highlighting and everything too, because it would just be impossible to remember all those things and know all those things.

4 (22m 44s): And so, you know, you just, you are not gonna know it all. And if you think I have to fully understand every bit about this and how it works before I do it, then you're just missing the point. Be like, the Beatles be like premier, just jump in there and do it. Because even if you don't know everything, God, I believe that God created these plants that the oils came from and he created our bodies and that he made them to work together. And so those oils are gonna know what to do and your body's gonna know what to do with them, whether you understand it in your head or not. And so that's, that's the way I look at it.

4 (23m 25s): Yeah, and I,

0 (23m 27s): That's a good point. Well, and it reminds me of a question I meant to ask you about your journey when you started using Endo Flex, for example. And you know, what were your, what was your original feelings towards Endo Flex and were you kind of like, you know, well I don't know if this is gonna work. I don't understand it, but yeah, tell me about that.

4 (23m 46s): No, this is what is so funny about it. So I knew I had thyroid problems obviously, and I had heard that Endo Flex was good for that and Spearin is like the main component. So I, I had, I'd gotten Endo Flex and I think, I think I tried to use it. I didn't try to use it very seriously, I didn't really love it that much. And then I got a free bottle of Spearin with a promo and it was the first time that I ever put a drop of an oil in my water and I poured it out like it was disgusting to me. It was repulsive to me. I mean, ugh.

4 (24m 27s): And, and so a few months later there was somebody in one of my oils groups talking about how much she loved sp and I'm thinking, what is she talking about that is gross? And so I pulled that bottle back out based on what she said and I put a drop in my water and it was like the complete opposite reaction. Like I carried it around in my purse for a while because I wanted it all the time. I went from initially thinking this is repulsive to thinking, oh my gosh, I gotta have this. And I didn't realize at the time, but now I know, I think I totally believe there's something to that, that idea that if you have a very powerful reaction either for or against an oil, that is probably an indicator that you need it.

4 (25m 21s): And that was before I was using the inflex and clearly I needed that experiment and I needed that endo flex and I had those two extremely different reactions, but I think it was just kind of a sign of how much, how much my body needed it.

0 (25m 36s): Yeah, well that's fascinating. I just, I've heard that from a few different people and there's, there's really been no like scientific grounds for that, you know, it's hard to prove, you know, that that theory there, but you hear it a lot and it kind of hearkens back to you don't have to understand everything all the time to just know that sometimes you just gotta dive in.

4 (25m 58s): Yeah. There's lots of oils that will do kind of the same thing. Like you're gonna read a lot of things that help you with sleep or help with pain or help with whatever it is. And just like, you know, every, everybody and everybody is different. Like, you know, some people are like, caffeine doesn't bother me at all. You know, they can drink it at night and if I have it passed about noon, I'm not gonna sleep that night. You know, we're all different and I think we just have to jump in and try things and see what works best for us.

0 (26m 30s): Yeah, absolutely. And, and don't be scared. Were you scared when you first started using oils? Like you started using them kind of later in life and it doesn't sound like you had a, a huge background in like herbal medicine or things like that? No. Was it difficult for you to get started and kind of what helped you get past that hurdle?

4 (26m 48s): I think my biggest thing was I am, I am one of these people who analyzes everything and I research everything and I had trouble. I thought that before I did something, like if I was gonna make a roller or I was gonna do something, I thought I had to understand exactly how many drops. Like exactly, I, I was in that mode where I thought I really had to understand and know everything. You know, somebody said you could make a roller for a headache with peppermint. I would, I couldn't do that until they coming, coming

0 (27m 24s): Let me get my scale out. Like how do I need to have this, this drop to get the right percentage? Like,

4 (27m 30s): Oh my gosh, that was it. I analyzed everything to death. And the thing that was really crazy when I started, I had never really used coconut oil before I started using oils and I heard people talk about it as a carrier. Well as it turns out, and I, I don't think it's as bad now. I think that maybe my body was doing a lot of detoxing too when I was switching over to things with oils. But I definitely had a topical sensitivity to coconut oil. I mean I had an issue with coconut oil and that was unexpected because I introduced coconut oil to my life at the same time as oils. And I started having, I started having some big problems.

4 (28m 11s): I was terrified that I was allergic to frankincense. And that just seemed like, that just seemed even like morally wrong.

0 (28m 20s): It

4 (28m 21s): Was something just traumatic about the idea that I could be what? Allergic to Franken? No, I was, I was having a problem with coconut oil and I, I kept, I got to where I kept eliminating things cuz I would have these issues and finally it got down to way the coconut oil is the only thing that's left, that's the problem. And I realized after that it was, and so that was kind of confusing at first. But yeah, I just, I analyzed a lot, which I mean that the good thing is that natural inclination to analyze things helped me with these books. I mean I felt like I would research for 45 minutes to write a sentence. It was so slow.

4 (29m 3s): But you know, it also kind of helped me work through some of that too. So now I try to tell people not to overanalyze as much as I did cuz it did hold me back. But I just thought, I had to know like exactly how many drops of peppermint need to go in this roller. I was crazy. But I think that's it. I think it's just such an unknown because there've been people at my house and they'll say, okay, what do you have that I should do for this? And sometimes I think that's one reason why too, that the journaling is important because we forget, like I'll hand 'em a bottle or whatever and they'll go, okay, so like what do I do with this? So

0 (29m 44s): Don, this has been amazing. You've done such amazing work with these books and more amazing work to come, I'm sure. So thank you for, for coming here and sharing all these amazing stories with us. Before you go, we always love to ask our guests a couple closing questions. And the first is, what's one or two self care practices you try to do every day to stay healthy?

4 (30m 8s): Well, I'm, I'm a reader. I like to write, but I love to read to and I love guided journals. So I think that that's, that's what I would say. I kind of, in the morning I have like my quiet time and my bible study time, which I've, I've gotten to where I've added so many books into that. It's, it's like my quiet morning, not just my little bit of time and then I sit down and read with my Kindle, you know, I try not to keep my husband awake there and I read at bedtime almost every night too. So usually fiction and that's the next thing I'm trying, I'm trying to write fiction. We'll see how that

0 (30m 44s): Goes. Good for you.

4 (30m 45s): Yeah, we'll see. But so I would say that's it. I do a lot of journaling and all in the morning and then I, and then I read at bedtime, so reading.

0 (30m 57s): Yeah. Well I like that reading fiction is kind of one of your self care practices cuz I, I relate to that. Like you need to just yeah, give your mind a, a different way of thinking sometimes. Yes. You can't just cram facts in there all the time and there's just such a, a beauty that happens when you're reading stories I think. So well finally Don, what's just one thing we should all ditch completely and replace with something healthier today?

4 (31m 25s): So my thought on this was, I think that we're, that we are all kind of program growing up for what to reach for for certain things. Like you've got a headache or something hurts, reach for an a aspirin, reach for a Tylenol, you know, or you've allergies. Grab the Benadryl. And I think I would just say, just think about what kind of alternatives you might have that aren't gonna have the side effects. They'll be better for you. I mean, if you got a headache, maybe put a little peppermint under your tongue, rub a little on your for and go take a nap. I don't know, I think just, I would just say trying to reprogram yourself to think outside the box and not just reach for that over the counter stuff cuz it's, it's not always doing you any good.

4 (32m 16s): Yeah, we, we went so long where we had just stopped using stuff like that, that finally all the bottles that we're laying around here expired and I threw 'em away and it's, it's funny because my kids would have a friend over and they would come in and say, so-and-so's got a headache, you know, they wanna know if we have, you know, something for it. And I was like, no, we don't have any of that. And they're like, what do they do? And I was like, well have 'em come here, we'll pull out the peppermint or whatever. And so, you know, it's just kind of interesting. It is just, I think if we just encourage ourselves to think differently about these things.

0 (32m 54s): Well Don, what's the best way for people to get in touch with you, be a part of your world and get their hands on these amazing books?

4 (33m 2s): Yes. Okay, so I have a I go on Instagram too at Don camp, but you can find me there and all my books, they have their own individual page there and everything too. And also if you want a freebie, a little more content that has to do with the books. There were extra chapters that didn't get used. I turned in a lot of information for these books. It was just too much. And so if you sign up at the bottom of any page on my website, there's a link to sign up for the newsletter. And believe me, not get bombarded. I have been a very lazy newsletter writer lately.

4 (33m 43s): You will not get overwhelmed, but what you will get is if you give it a chance for the page to load, you're gonna get a link to a page where you can download three bonus chapters to the book. So there were three extra chapters. There was one on C, one on Golden rod and one on carrot seeds. So you can get three extra chapters.

0 (34m 5s): Wonderful. Well we'll put a link to that below. Wherever you're listening, just scroll down and you'll find helpful notes and resources from today's episode. Thank you again, Don, for coming on here. It's been lovely talking with you and hearing your story. So thank you for sharing your wisdom with us on the essential oil revolution. We appreciate you.

4 (34m 25s): Appreciate you too. Thank you.

0 (34m 28s): The essential oil revolution is created by me, Samantha Lee Wright, thanks so much for tuning in and thanks for those who have taken the time to leave a rating and review. Wherever you listen to your podcast, it makes a tremendous difference in helping other people find the show. Thank you. Thank you. If you're looking for resources, swag, essential oil recipes, or more, go to our website, revolution oils And don't forget to enter yourself into our monthly giveaway. You can email us your original DIY recipe that involves essential oils simply by emailing it to us, DIY revolution oils

0 (35m 9s): Or you can go to our website and there's an entry form there. Super simple, super fun. And we love hearing how all of you are using essential oils throughout your lives. We'll catch you here next week. In the meantime, keep on learning, keep on discovering, and most importantly, keep on treating yourself well. You are worth it.

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