The Essential Oil Revolution

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281: Burgeoning science & Bergamot with Dr. Danielle Daniel

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Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

If a lavender bush and citrus tree had a love child, it would be Bergamot. This fantastic smelling oil boasts the calming properties of lavender and the mood boost of citrus oils. 

This “best of both worlds” quality is the precise reason that Dr. Danielle Daniel chose Bergamot for her thesis research on essential oils and PTSD. 

Dr. Danielle takes us through her study and the amazing outcomes experienced by her participants. She goes into the science behind essential oils and how their unique chemical makeup can positively improve our emotional wellbeing. 

This episode is fascinating, insightful, and will help you understand why essential oils are so powerful when it comes to dealing with stress and anxiety. 

Listen now to learn something new and hear why Dr. Danielle wants you to ditch your toothpaste.

You’ll learn: 

  • How essential oils can help with sustained emotional wellbeing

  • The difference between psychoaromatherapy an psychopharmacology

  • Why holistic approaches to health are gaining traction

  • Essential oils for PTSD, stress, and anxiety

  • Why you should be diffusing essential oils overnight

  • What actually goes on in your brain when you inhale essential oils

👇👇 Hit play to listen now 👇👇

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Dive deeper:

  • Check out Dr. Danielle’s resources and research on her websites: and 

  • Follow Dr.Danielle on Instagram @drdaniellepsyd to stay in the loop on her latest work.

  • What does 6+ years experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

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Recipes mentioned: 

Our DIY Dugout:  Rock Your Chakras! Diffuser Blend

From: Shelley Gilbertson


In a 12oz spray bottle

  • 1-3 drops Patchouli (for the root chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Clary Sage (for the sacral chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Lemongrass (for the naval/solar plexus chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Cedarwood (for the heart chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Spearmint (for the throat chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Rosemary (for the third eye chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Frankincense (for the crown chakra)

  • 1-3 drops Palo Santo (for the 8th chakra - above your head)

Sam’s Favorite Oil of the Week: 

  • Equal Parts Orange and Vanilla Essential Oil

  • Combine in Rollerball or Spray bottle 

  • Spray when feeling in despair

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Episode Transcript

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