Ep. 421: An Integrative Approach to the Treatment and Prevention of Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases


What You Will Learn:

  • Dr. Chesney’s bio and background (0 min)

  • How Dr. Chesney became interested in specializing in Lyme disease and tick-borne illnesses (5 min)

  • Why Dr. Chesney has a passion for prevention of tick-borne diseases(8 min)

  • Why we should care about prevention of Lyme disease and tick-borne illnesses and who is most at risk (9 min)

  • How to know if you are in a tick endemic area and what ticks may cause tick-borne illnesses (10 min)

  • The myth of tick season and if ticks can really live in the cold (14 min)

  • Does size matter with ticks? (15 min)

  • The best way to identify a tick (16 min)

  • How long does a tick need to be on you to transmit a tick-borne disease? (16 min 30 sec)

  • The caveats of Lyme testing and the accuracy of different methods (18 min)

  • The many ways Lyme disease hides in the body and why doxycycline may not completely eradicate it (24 min)

  • How to effectively treat a tick bite by combining pharmaceuticals, herbals, and essential oils (27 min)

  • How herbals and essential oils treat more than the infection (30 min)

  • The power of Andrographis for several aspects of Lyme disease, including a really disgusting one (31 min)

  • The components of Dr. Chesney’s Tick Preparedness Kit (35 min)

  • Can you use essential oils with homeopathic remedies? (39 min)

  • How to prevent ticks in the environment based on the life stage of the tick and white-footed mice (41 min)

  • The confusion around studies with essential oils as tick repellents (44 min)

  • A non-toxic essential oil blend that can be used on the yard to repel ticks for 2 weeks (46 min) 

  • Specific essential oils and oil-based formulation shown to be good tick repellents, when combined with other measures (49 min)

  • Six for ticks: Why you may not want to wash your clothes after you’ve been in an area with ticks (52 min)

  • How diligent we need to be about tick awareness and taking precautions (53 min)

  • An overview of Dr. Chesney’s course (55 min)

  • Closing questions (1 hour)

Bio of Dr. Alexis Chesney, MS, ND, LAc: 

Alexis Chesney MS, ND, LAc is an internationally esteemed naturopathic physician, acupuncturist, author, researcher, lecturer, educator, patient advocate, and specialist in treating Lyme and tick-borne diseases. She received her BA from Holy Cross College and earned her Master of Science in acupuncture and doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the University of Bridgeport. Dr. Chesney is also a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.

Dr. Chesney serves as a preceptor for the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation (ILADEF) Physician Training Program (PTP). She also provides accredited continuing education training to nurses and naturopathic doctors. Dr. Chesney is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), Vermont Association of Naturopathic Physicians (VANP), the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), and a founding full member of International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI).

As a sought-after lecturer, Dr. Chesney speaks and teaches widely on tick-borne diseases prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. She has been featured as an expert on tick-borne illnesses at professional and patient-focused conferences including the ILADS conference and has appeared in numerous media sources such as talk radio, podcasts, and various news publications. 

Dr. Chesney is the author of Preventing Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases and the creator of the Tick Preparedness Kit, a one-stop first-aid kit for a tick bite. She also recently released her premier course, Preventing Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases. This self-paced, evidence-based program educates and enlightens its students on the prevention of Lyme and tTick-bBorne illnesses and empowers them with detailed information on tTick-borne diseases. Throughout the course, learners gain insight on characteristics of ticks from around the world, the symptoms of various tick-borne illnesses, what to do if one gets a tick bite, safe, effective, holistic, comprehensive protocols and solutions for tick-borne diseases, and how to advocate for proper treatment.

Dr. Chesney has dedicated her practice to working with patients who have complex chronic environmental illnesses. Besides Lyme and vector-borne diseases, she also excels at supporting those with mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and other complicated and misunderstood conditions. She has both a private telehealth practice and an in-person practice within Sojourns Community Health Clinic. Sojourns Community Health Clinic was founded as a non-profit organization, offering integrative, collaborative care regardless of socioeconomic status. 

Dr. Chesney provides a healing, therapeutic environment in which she gets to the root cause of multifaceted illnesses. She offers compassionate care and partners with patients to help them find wellness and balance in their lives. Through her private practice and her passionate and fierce drive to empower individuals and practitioners with natural solutions that work, Dr. Chesney offers hope to many who have been misled and mistreated within conventional care. She is a true pioneer that is making the world a brighter place in areas where many have been in the dark and frightened. You can find her @dralexischesney.com

Links to Learn More About Dr. Chesney, MS, ND, LAc:

Resources by Dr. Alexis Chesney, MS, ND, LAc

Previous Episodes Mentioned During the Show:

Additional Resources from the Show:

Additional Essential Oil and Wellness Resources from Dr. LoBisco, ND, IFMCP:


Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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