The Essential Oil Revolution

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301: Obscure Oils to Try in 2022 w/ Laura Ascher

Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

I’m embracing BAD SMELLS this year! Yes! And here’s why I want you to join me on this new endeavor. Don’t you sometimes find yourself stuck in a rut with your oils?  Using the same staples over and over again?  Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint. I’m not even sure I could live without them. But sometimes I wanna shake it up a bit, and try something new. There’s so many benefits to oils that I’m probably missing because I just keep going to the same ones. How about trying the “WORST” smelling oils??? Sometimes the benefits of certain oils can outweigh the “pain” of dealing with a not-so-desired aroma. This week Laura Ascher and I bring you tips and tricks for getting these special and beneficial oils into your system, and why they are so worth it.

Our guest this week, Laura Ascher is the face behind the blog and youtube channel “our oily house.” She started her blog 3 years ago to share her love for essential oils and all of her DIY recipes. She educates her readers to use essential oils safely and how to make a more sustainable home. I fell in love with her blog titled “the worst smelling oils” and just had to get her on the show! After our chat I went straight to my cabinet and pulled out some oils that I’d left standing in the shadows.

You’ll learn: 

  • The best oils to use for sensitive skin

  • How to make your own home cleaner

  • How to use Siberian Fir

  • The most undermined oils for boosting immunity

  • Why a “bad” smelling oil is so so worth the try 

  • How to apply a “hot” oil like Oregano safely

  • Why you shouldn’t forget about Helichrysum

  • A great oil for repelling insects

  • A killer Oil if you’ve got strep throat

👇👇 Hit play to listen now 👇👇

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Dive deeper:

  • Check out Laura’s website to read her blog and get her tips.

  • Get her FREE essential oil masterclass to become an essential oil expert as a newbie here

  • What does 6+ years experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

Recipes mentioned in this episode: 

Cacio e Pepe - A classic Roman dish

From: Linda Giammarese (Brooklyn, NY)


-cook your pasta

-before draining the pasta, scoop out some of the boiling water

-in a separate bowl, whisk together the boiling water and grated Pecorino cheese to make a watery paste

-add 2 drops black pepper vitality oil, and grate fresh pepper as well, whisk the water/cheese/pepper all together and fold in your pasta!

* For single serving I used 4 heaping tablespoons of cheese and about 1/3 cup of the boiling water - but adjust depending on how many servings you’re making

Super delish and easy, cheap, fast people pleaser and classically Roman, this is still served in many Roman restaurants!

Sam’s Fav Oil of the Week:  Tea Tree for a Yeast Infection

  • First of all, I highly recommend Azo’s Probiotics particularly for women

  • Take a nighttime capsule of 3 Tea Tree EO drops, and fill the rest with Olive or Fractionated coconut oil.  

  • Insert in vangial canal overnight for at least 2 nights 

Listen to all of The Essential Oil Revolution Podcast completely free on Apple PodcastStitcherSpotifyGoogle Play iHeartTuneIN or Here on this website

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Episode Transcript

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