Posts tagged Nutrition
235: Masks, Covid & Nutrition Highlights

This is a very special episode specifically focused on the current covid-19 pandemic, including the science behind wearing a face mask and the importance of proper nutrition to help with immunity and infection protection.

Our guest, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. In addition to his medical practice in New Jersey, Dr. Fuhrman operates the Eat To Live Retreat in San Diego. He is the president of the Nutritional Research Foundation and is on the faculty of Northern Arizona University, Health Sciences division. Dr. Fuhrman’s five PBS specials have raised more than $50 million for public broadcasting.

Empower yourself and put your health in your hands! This episode will focus on so many great tips to help protect yourself during this pandemic, and also set yourself up for lifelong health!

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