Janet has been playing with energy her entire life, but in 2004 she began to do so in a serious way. She began with the study of Reiki and quickly became a Master. She has since learned Pranic Healing and Matrix Energetics, and she is able to psychically understand what Spirit wishes to reveal to her clients. As a result, she has created a type of healing that is led by her intuition and personalized to each individual’s unique needs. Over time, she was given tools to help others connect with their intuition as well and she has become an activator for others, helping them to access their healing and intuitive gifts in a way that feels safe and secure.She has a thriving healing practice, teaches intuitive development, leads spiritual circles, and hosts retreats around the world. On today’s show she shares with us how essential oils can help us become more intuitive, more grounded, less overwhelmed, and even develop your superpower.
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