The Essential Oil Revolution

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Ep. 414: The Overlooked Vital Organ: Holistic Kidney Health

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What You Will Learn:

  1. An Introduction and overview of kidney functions (1 min)

  2. Dr. Jenna Henderson’s Bio (2 min)

  3. Dr. Henderson’s journey relating to her own diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (5 min)

  4. What is dialysis? (11.30 min)

  5. The kidneys’ capacities to heal (16.30 min)

  6. The number one reason that people go into kidney failure that is not a “kidney disease” (17 min)

  7. The second leading cause of kidney failure that is not a “kidney disease” (18 min)

  8. Why we should consider heart health when we think about the kidneys (21.30 min)

  9. Some common kidney disorders Dr. Henderson works with (21.45 min)

  10. The staging of kidney disease (23.30 min)

  11. The reason chronic kidney disease is a “silent killer” (26 min)

  12. Where to start if your numbers on labs indicate a kidney issue (29.30 min)

  13. At what age our kidney cells begin to break down (31 min)

  14. Some common symptoms that could indicate kidney compromise (33 min)

  15. The difference between iron-deficiency anemia and renal anemia (35 min)

  16. How to support the kidneys of someone who has diabetes using diet, herbs, supplements, and essential oils (37 min)

  17. Why you should be mindful of using diuretics for kidney disease (40 min)

  18. The use of diet modifications, herbs, supplements, and essential oils to support the kidneys of someone with high blood pressure (41.30 min)

  19.  The healing power of laughter, a sense of humor, and music for the kidneys (44.30 min)

  20. The different types of kidney stones and natural support for them, including essential oils (47 min)

  21. Why dairy should not be demonized for kidney disease (50 min)

  22. How urinary tract infections impact the kidney, how often you should urinate naturally, and what essential oils may be supportive (55 min)

  23. Can myrrh oil be helpful for kidneys? (1 hr. 1 min) 

  24. Can you use essential oils in late-stage kidney disease? (1 hr. 2 min)

  25. Closing questions and Dr. Henderson’s favorite essential oils (1 hr. 4 min)

Bio of Dr. Jenna Henderson, ND:

Dr. Jenna Henderson, ND is an esteemed holistic renal specialist, naturopathic doctor, lecturer, author, and educator. She is a leading authority on kidney disease and a sought-after international speaker on the use of safe, alternative, and integrative medicine for renal patients. Dr. Henderson earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine and her bachelor’s degree from the University of CT.  She is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the American Botanical Council. 

Being a kidney patient herself, Dr. Henderson has firsthand experience of the struggles and tribulations that one can go through to receive optimal integrative care in mainstream medicine, including 20 years on dialysis. Her mission to find solutions for her own health morphed into an unrelenting desire to share her discoveries and effective solutions with fellow patients by becoming a naturopathic physician specialist. As a result, Dr. Henderson has lectured extensively across the US at prestigious conferences and has provided medical and educational information to various audiences, including naturopathic doctors, kidney patients, and kidney professionals. She is also a contributor to several integrative peer-reviewed publications including NDNR, The Townsend Letter, and The Natural Medicine Journal. Dr. Henderson has authored educational posts for consumers and practitioners as well. These include writing for Renadyl, a supplement formulated to promote natural kidney health, and the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM). She has also been featured in various print, podcasts, and online media sources and co-hosted the radio show “Improve Your Kidney Health.”

Dr. Henderson is the owner and founder of Holistic Kidney, one of the only integrative telemedicine practices focusing specifically on the unique needs of renal patients. There, she provides integrative, personalized, and evidence-based care plans that are appropriate for her patient’s individual needs and their stage of kidney function. Dr. Henderson consults with patients with a wide variety of kidney conditions and at all stages of kidney disease. This includes those with diabetes, high blood pressure, newly diagnosed with kidney disease, on dialysis, or who have a kidney transplant. She helps patients stay off dialysis for as long as possible, improve their energy and sleep, and protect their heart and bones from the long-term damage brought about by kidney disease. Dr. Henderson also works with transplant patients to help them cope with the side effects of immunosuppressive therapy in a holistic and integrative fashion.

Dr. Henderson currently offers telemedicine to patients on six continents. She is not only brilliant on all topics integrative, natural, and kidney health, but a true leader in integrative kidney support and a brave, fierce, and dedicated pioneer who is bridging the gap between conventional nephrology and natural therapies. She is an emphatic, compassionate resource who is helping patients at all stages of kidney disease achieve optimum health. Her book, The Holistic Kidney Guide to Natural Therapies for All Types of Kidney Disease, is on track to be published this summer. You can find her at

Links to Learn More About Dr. Jenna Henderson, ND and Her Offerings:

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles by Dr. Henderson, ND:

References on Essential Oils for Kidney Health:

Additional Resources from the Show:

Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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