The Essential Oil Revolution

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364: The Survival Paradox w/ Dr. Isaac Eliaz

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Cancer. Organ failure. Accelerated again. Can a single "survival molecule" fuel our most deadly and devastating health concerns? The truth is, the very biochemical mechanisms the body uses to survive are actually making us sick. This is the survival paradox, a groundbreaking new perspective in medicine and the key to unlocking your infinite healing potential. Today on our show we speak with the author of The Survival Paradox, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD about his theories, practices, and essential oils.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a leading expert in the field of integrative medicine, specializing in cancer, detoxification, immunity, and complex conditions. He is a respected physician, researcher, best-selling author, educator, and mind-body practitioner. Dr. Eliaz partners with leading research institutes including Harvard, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Columbia, and others, to co-author studies on integrative therapies for cancer, heavy metal toxicity, and others.  

Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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  • Learn more about Dr. Isaac Eliaz on his website HERE.

  • Get 15% OFF any EcoNugenics Products with our exclusive discount code SAMLEEWRIGHT15 or simply shop through this link HERE

  • BONUS! Dr. Eliaz was so inspired by his chat with us that he wanted to offer a larger bonus gift for our podcast community. Here has never before offered this gift: a link to 5 Chapters of his book The Survival Paradox. Thanks Dr. Eliaz! Grab it HERE

  • What does 6+ years of experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

DIY Thieves hand sanitizer

From: Shaina Arb , Hermitage, TN (this is a previous winner fyi)


 in a 2 oz spray bottle combine: 

  • Pinch sea salt, 

  • Carrier oil of choice

  • Theives EO Blend


Make your own hand sanitizer with this simple mixture

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Episode Transcript

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0 (1s): What happens when people open their hearts, they get better. Haruki Me,

1 (10s): Empowerment in Education. Two powerful elements that will help you break free of convention and transform your passion for wellness tool level beyond the status quo, the essential oil revolution where you're given the tools to supersede an ordinary, everyday lifestyle, inspiring speakers, DIY recipes, healthy living tips, and more. You'll discover it all here. So tune in and get ready for a wellness revolution.

0 (40s): Welcome to the Essential Oil Revolution, the podcast that dives into health, wellness, and of course, essential oils. I'm Samantha Lee Wright, and today on our show we talk to Dr. Isaac Elias, who has been studying integrative medicine and complex conditions like aging, detoxification, cancer, and so much more For over 30 years, combining the best of scientific research, western medicine and Eastern, or more holistic approaches. His book, the Survival Paradox raises important questions like, can a single survival molecule fuel our most deadly and devastating health concerns is the very biochemical mechanism that our body uses to survive actually making us sick.

0 (1m 34s): Deepak Chopra, one of the best known figures in alternative medicine, says The Survival Paradox is an excellent guide for anyone struggling with chronic illness. Read it carefully and start your journey to wholeness and wellbeing. Today we ask the author to dive into his book and give us an overview of his theories around the survival paradox and how it relates to us today. And of course, we have him dive into his love of essential oils and how he uses them within the context of his practices. That's today on our show. But first, let's pull a recipe out of our DIY dugout.

0 (2m 15s): Today's recipe comes from Chey ARB in Hermitage, Tennessee. Her recipe is called DIY Thieves Hand Sanitizer. To make this DIY hand sanitizer in a two ounce spray bottle, combine a pinch of sea salt, any carrier oil of your choice and thieve's, essential oil blend. Simply mix together to create your own DIY hand sanitizer. Thank you for your recipe shine. We appreciate you. If you would like to enter your own recipe into our DIY dugout, simply email it to us at diy revolution oils

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1 (6m 55s): I'm here with Dr. Isaac Elis, who is a leading expert in the field of integrative medicine, specializing in cancer detoxification, immunity and complex conditions. He is a respected physician, researcher, bestselling author, educator, and mind body practitioner.

0 (7m 15s): Dr. Eli's partners with leading research institutes, including Harvard National Institutes of Health, Columbia, and others to co-author studies on integrative therapies for cancer, heavy metal toxicity and more. Dr. Eli's, welcome to the show. I'm so excited to have you here. How are you?

5 (7m 34s): I'm great. Same. Thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited and looking forward to our conversation today.

0 (7m 41s): Absolutely. And I, I understand that you are in California now, but where is that lovely accent coming from?

5 (7m 46s): My accent is comes from Israel. I'm a native of Israel. I went to medical school in Israel and right now I'm, I've been in United States for about 33 years, so a big part of my life.

0 (7m 59s): Isaac, your new book, the Survival Paradox, discusses your research and your unique approach to healing. Can you give us an overview of what the Survival paradox is and how it affects all of our, our lives and our health?

5 (8m 17s): Yes, absolutely. The survival paradox is really a culmination of, you know, over 40 years of, of studying, of meditating, of being a researcher, of being a clinician. And it really offers a new paradigm. It really introduces and new conservate affects our life, our health drives our aging and can allow us to heal. And it's based on the very basic premise that what, that we are built to survive. Same, every cell in our body is built to survive. And this survival drive is actually what drives aging. It would drive diseases, it would make our life painful and and difficult.

5 (9m 0s): The same thing that keeps us alive, which is innate in us. And now especially in the integrative field, especially post covid, there's an understanding that inflammation drives so many diseases, but inflammation is really not the cause. Inflammation is a result. And what drives inflammation is a survival respond to survival paradox. And because it's built in in us, it, it's triggered in a fraction of a second automatically through the autonomic nervous system, through the sympathetic system. It either takes us to a place of fighting, which equates to inflammation to struggle, or it takes us to flight or freezing, which creates a microenvironment, which creates shields inside our body, and which eventually will lead to isolation and to fibrosis, to organ dysfunction.

5 (9m 52s): So while on the nervous system, it starts in the friction of a second, and you know, we go out, we take a deep breath, we walk in nature, we meditate, we exercise, we listen to music, and we can shift to a parasympathetic system. But biochemically within a little, a few more seconds, the body triggers special proteins called alarming proteins and they start a waterfall of inflammatory scales. And unfortunately they don't turn off so quickly. So once they turn on, they drive practically every acute and chronic disease.

5 (10m 31s): And that's in a nutshell why the survival paradox is such a big concept.

0 (10m 37s): Well, you, you had mentioned the Coronavirus Covid 19, and there's a really interesting section in your book. I really enjoyed this, this little section about cytokine storms, COVID 19 and galectin three. Could you explain everything that you just talked about is sort of an overview, but maybe walk us through this as an example with something we're unfortunately all familiar with Covid 19, what happens to the body when exposed to, for example, the Covid 19 virus in relation to what you're talking about, the survival paradox or this survival gene that gets triggered?

5 (11m 17s): So that, that's a great, it's, it's a great question, a great example. So the, the keys, there are a number of, of alarming survivor protein, a key one that I've been researching for, you know, well for, for for 30 years. It's called galectin three. And Galectin three turns on within, again within minutes. And it's a driver, Sam, it's the bus that goes to the area of injury and drives inflammatory compounds.

0 (11m 48s): And you said that's a protein, correct?

5 (11m 50s): That's it, yeah, it's a protein. Okay. Specific protein, different lichens attached to, to it. And they go to the area of injury and they create inflammation. And as part of the problem, they start a kind of immune responses. So many of us are aware of inter interleukin six, you know, they've been talked a lot in the, in the Corona. The issue is that when we try to reduce cytokines, it's like trying to stop the waterfall by, by a bucket at the bottom. What starts the process is really the survival protein. And once and once it, and once it starts, it's very hard to turn off. So for example, when, when covid patient, very loud studies in 2020 walk into the emergency room, regardless of how sick they are, the level of collecting three in their blood determined who is gonna make it to the ICU and who's gonna die.

5 (12m 41s): Research that I published last year showed that patient with sepsis, with infection in the blood, which is a similar concept, come to the intensive care unit without preexisting condition, they don't have kidney disease, how disease of cancer, their levels of galatin three at the time of admission will determine who is go determine who is gonna get kidney damage and who is gonna die in the ICU in the next few weeks. Now going back to the concept of the survival paradox, we are not the only one that who wants to survive. The Corona also want to survive the spike protein is practically identical in structure to galectin three because the, because the Corona also want to survive.

5 (13m 25s): So this idea of survival is not exclusive to us. Every living organism, every living being wants to survive. So the Corona is an example, but you, you take it, my main research have a large H grant to study the removal of galectin three via filtration of the plasma called therapeutic sis as a way to treat sepsis in the intensive care unit. And we already in studying our animal safety studies and hopefully will be in clinical trials. So this concept, it can be boiled down to a protein, to a biochemistry, and we can block the protein with a natural product called modified pectin.

5 (14m 6s): And if you look at the research on galectin three, and many people dunno about Galectin three, right Sam? It has right? No, very unfamiliar. Yeah. It has 10,000 published papers and modified its pectin. For example, ol the pectin I developed has over 80 papers and I've been so consumed with focusing on my clinical work and on my research, and I haven't spent the time sharing this with the world. And now I'm doing, I'm putting more time into it because of the benefits. So the idea of a survival response, we saw it in Covid and, but we also see it in our life when we go into survival mode.

5 (14m 49s): It affects our health, it affects our quality of life. And the beauty is there is a lot we can do about it.

0 (14m 58s): Oh, I would love to get into what we do about it, including you were, I wanna make sure I understood you correctly, that you're, you've done a lot of work on petrosal, which I've, I'm familiar with, but you called that a modified what?

5 (15m 13s): Modified citrus pectin. So pectin, yeah, so I'll, I'll explain. Okay, so pectin is the inside of the peel of the citrus fruit fruit. It's extracted from the white powder inside and it's a long chain of carbohydrate of sugar, not glucose of actually acid that is very heavy. It doesn't get absorbed into the bloodstream and it's a good binder. It lowers cholesterol, it helps bowel movement, it has some benefits when you modify it in a very specific way to a small size. So it gets absorbed into the bloodstream and to a specific structure. This is the work I've done and came out with it in 1995.

5 (15m 56s): So quite quite many years. It goes into the bloodstream, it blocks the active site of galectin three that causes the damage, but it also binds to heavy metals. It also binds to toxins and it also regulates the immune system. So when we take it, we get benefits in a very large array of health conditions because it addresses a very basic mechanism. And of course it's, you can't get a product which is more natural than something that is extracted from the pill of the citrus fruit. And so it's really, initially the interest was in cancer that the initial papers in very, very prestigious journals like National of Cancer Institute Journal.

5 (16m 42s): But then I discovered that when you block modified, when you block electing three with modified pectin, you actually block inflammation and fibrosis. And there's a lot of interest in it because as you know, and I know inflammation drives so many conditions.

0 (16m 58s): Yeah, there was a lot, I remember a lot of conversations during the pandemic around vitamin C infusions. Is there any overlap between vitamin C and petrosal? Because people think vitamin C oranges, citrus petross coming from the specific part of the, of the citrus rind and also essential oils, A lot of essential oils are derived from the rind of right citrus fruits. Is there any overlap in those molecularly chemically, or is it sort of a completely different extraction method and compound when you break it down into just petrosal?

5 (17m 40s): So it it's pec tesol with a Cytosol. So yeah, no, it's very different mechanisms. Persol is really a fiber and vitamin C is a molecule that is present in citrus present in other places. It has amazing, you know, health benefits and essential of oils of course are oils, you know, they're not carbohydrate. But it's so amazing that one fruit has so many benefits, you know, you know, within the citrus, and again, essentialized is not my biggest expertise, but I am, I'm a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, so we use a lot of a, the whole concept aromatic herbs is, is is driven by by essential.

5 (18m 21s): And we actually, if we have time, if not in another time, there's a very interesting deep esoteric ancient understanding of Chinese medicine about essential that is not commonly talked about. I had interest in it for my twenties. But if, if, if you look at it, it's really remarkable how different parts of a plant can have different effects on us. And if you really look at it from the point of view of, of the global holistic approach, so you get a fiber which is, you know, which is really a material you can hold you, you, you can see, right, you can see fiber, you can mix it, you've got vitamin C, which is a little bit harder to see, and you got essential oils where metal turns into energy, where metal turn into something you can't see.

5 (19m 9s): So the more refined the substance, the deeper and more powerful effect it has. And in Chinese medicine, and I know I'm going there, it's not the topic, but I can't,

0 (19m 20s): Oh, I would've made you go there anyway, so it's perfect.

5 (19m 22s): I can't resist. So in Chinese medicine, in Ayurvedic medicine, in Tibetan medicine, in Buddhist philosophy, when we talk about the elements, we talk about the taste of the element and the taste like each different element which relate to organ. So the liver relates to sour taste. Now we are almost at the spring and the liver and go to the spring season, but there's also an aromatic quality. And what happens because the aromatic quality is so subtle, it penetrates all the way into the organ, it penetrates all the way to our essence, which is inside the organ from a Chinese medicine point of view, from a a psychospiritual point of view.

5 (20m 5s): And this is why you get such a powerful effect with an essential oil. Like your mind can change, your feelings can change. And if we really had a lot of time, because one of my greatest expertise in training is in meditation and healing for decades and decades where I teach if in order for something like an essential all to affect us, it's almost, you can look like you are getting a gift, but we have to be open to receive the gift. And so for example, if you smell, if you smell essential oil and you know the old factory nerves, that goes straight into your brain. Are we open in the brain to make the change?

5 (20m 47s): Do we have narrow inflammation? Is our blood brain barrier imbalanced? Do we have resistance? And so when we look at how to maintain our health, we have something like pectoral, like pectin, which is my opinion is the most important supplement because it addresses a basic movement in the body that affects all of us and drives practically every disease. We have things like vitamin C, which are nutrients we need, but we can get, and we have something very essential, like for example, essential of course the other things which you don't have to have, but it gives you a very subtle message.

5 (21m 30s): And our mindset, where is a place where we do it, our and our internal mind mindset, how open we are to the change will make the difference. And when we, when I say how open we are to the change, same, this is not a new ag a statement, this is which receptors on your cell membrane are present to make the shift to tell your cell inside, wow, I am moving to a sense of safety. I can now produce energy in a relaxed way, 36 80 p from one molecular of, of gluco instead of of of two of them. I'm not gonna produce lactic acid.

5 (22m 11s): I can take a deep breath. You know, there's a factor in the cell called hypoxia inducing factor. It's a sense of, my god, we don't have air now. It's not only physical air, it's psychological air, it's emotional air, it's, it's, it's it's feeling under stress. It's being inflamed on a global level. So when we allow ourselves to go there, profound change can happen. The initial thing that prevents us from doing it is a survival paradox because it'll change the environment outside the cell. It'll change the receptors outside the cell. It'll shut down the normal, the normal metabolic function.

5 (22m 54s): So when we take things that open us up, if we are ready for them, as we all know from our experience, we'll get a much more profound effect. And I'm giving this as different example, I'm taking your question, making a little bit bigger than maybe you, you were planning. But the idea is to show how, how multi-dimensional we are and how being a, you know, a conventional doctor and a researcher, when we try to look at things in a linear way, I've yet to see one thing which is linear about life. And essentially in this sense, they don't go up, they don't go down, they go everywhere. They go outside, they go inside and they create a reaction, some of which we probably don't know yet.

5 (23m 35s): And that's the intricacy of life. That's really the growth and journeys that we all are here to do. And anything that can help us, if it's meditation or walking or essential or, or acupuncture or healing, whatever it is, there's a part in us that maintains our health, like good nutrition and good sleep and hydration, then there's a part in our lives that makes us grow, makes us experience life in a bigger way, in a clearer way that shifts us from reactivity to responsiveness. If we have time, I'll talk about it. And essential oil play a big role. You know, in, in the secret Buddhist text, there are five different aromatic aromatic plants, which really is essential.

5 (24m 22s): And the smell like clove, clove will open your consciousness and will help you see everything clear, will open your meditation, well also will calm your nervous system from an essential oils. So it's so beautiful to see something that was done for, for millennia based on people meditating in the Himalayas, which had the, the, I was fortunate to treat some of these great masters and study from them in the Himalayas and get some of this knowledge. You know, some are romantic stuff that I actually use in my formula. I don't usually talk about it. And then look now it's the fact that we can get it delivered to us mixed in, in good carriers, you know? And so yeah, and then of course you can put them in different points based on different seasons or different times of the days.

5 (25m 5s): You can combine it with acupuncture, it can be very creative because each of us is different. And really, like people ask me, I think they have a protocol, I say absolutely, my only protocol is that I don't have a protocol. So, so this is really, you

0 (25m 21s): Know, I'm sort of anti protocol myself, you know, I'm like, people ask me, you know, what essential oils do you use every day? And I'm like, it changes every day. I don't think there's a single day where it's the exact same because we are growing beans, we are, we are ever changing. It's the one constant that we have in life. So Dr. Elis, I wanna make sure I'm understanding this correctly. The survival paradox that you talk about is really centered around the, this paradox protein within our body. And what you're saying is essentially this gets triggered in certain people due to lots of different factors, whether it be, you know, a virus or stress or lifestyle, all these things that then creates sort of a cascade of health events within the body.

0 (26m 15s): Am I understanding that correctly?

5 (26m 17s): Yes, definitely. Sim So what you're describing is a biochemical part, and it's true, but what gets it triggered is anything that puts our body into survival, stress, any stress, it can be as you said, infections, heavy metals, toxin, psychological stress. And on the biochemical level it'll trigger, it'll trigger galectin three and it'll start cascade of events. And because it's triggered by so many different things, we can also address it in many ways. So we talked about pectoral pec is the galectin as a natural galectin three blocker.

5 (26m 58s): But of course, if we live our life in a way where we are able to deal with stress in a better way, of course it's great if we can live a stress-free life, but as you and I know we don't always control it, but we can control our response to stress, our response to difficulties, and this is what you talked about every day is different. You know, this is a transformative part of life. And I'll borrow a sentence, you said, the only thing we is the only truth nobody can argue about, no matter what is your belief system is that everything is changeable, nothing stays the same. So in this sense, acknowledging, recognizing that everything is changeable already loosens up the survival paradox because what is survival?

5 (27m 49s): Survival is holding to something that is supposed to go away, that is changeable. And so there are so many levels of addressing it. And when we connect with the mind, heart, part of the survival paradox that will, when we connect with our infinite healing potential, and that's really the, the, the whole concept, the whole, the whole premise around the survival paradox. The beauty is that we have a simple supplement that can address the protein, but we have our lives, the way we conduct our lives, the way we interact with ourselves and the way we communicate and interact with others.

5 (28m 30s): All of this have a profound effect on our health. 0 (28m 34s): What are some of the other strategies that you teach or implement in your own life that helps to, helps us with this relationship between stress and, and survival and outside factors and healthy, what would you say are your favorite strategies for living a life in optimal health?

5 (28m 58s): So it's, it's an excellent question and of there are different layers. So eh, on the very simple layer is to try to create space in our life, a place where we can rebalance and we can regenerate. And it doesn't have to be a lot of time, it can be when we wake up in the morning before we jump out of bed, we see it for a few seconds, we take a few deep breaths and we just open our vision just into the space in front of us until we feel more relaxed, until we feel more open and we start our day that we make sure that we do very basic thing like we hydrate our body well because water hydration is what helps us communicate.

5 (29m 42s): We have about 50 trillion cell that need to communicate with each other, and we try as much as possible to get enough sleep. So many people are, are sleep deprived and take time. Like even when we eat as busy as we are, take the time to eat, take the time to create this space, and then from a, and then, you know, take nutrients, take supplement, take essential oil, take whatever you use for your own, for your from, for your own picture. And then ed s it respecting into your program. So these are all things that will help us be healthier. The real transformation is when we shift our whole, our whole awareness of our body.

5 (30m 27s): That's really the transformative power. That's really what drives me to go and podcast and speak. And that's really what I, I specialized and I spent 20 years going to the mountains for two, three months a year to meditate and for 10 years at a half day retreat and have day work.

0 (30m 43s): Is that, how, is that the method you see as the key to help people change that relationship with their bodies is through meditation?

5 (30m 50s): Yes. And I would love to explain about it. So

0 (30m 53s): Yeah, please. And I just for a little background for the audience, I attribute one of the most transformative experiences in my life was I living on a meditation center for, it was only 30 days, but that's longer than I think most people get experience in meditation. But it was a very specific form of meditation. There's lots of different techniques out there. This one was called the Pasana and I went because it's, it's free. So I was, you know, young and broke and was like, oh, there's a meditation center that l lets you go for free. And I, I volunteered there and during those 30 days, it was just literally the most transformative experience I've had.

0 (31m 34s): I came out of that with such a different relationship with my mind, with my body, my depression went away, my anxiety lesson. It was, it was just an incredible experience. So I personally am a, a huge fan of meditation for really any technique or any strategy of meditation that works for people because, because I agree, it's like you said earlier, it's not, it's not necessarily about the stress that's external in our lives. It's how we respond to it. And that really comes down to that relationship between your brain, your body, your emotions, and your understanding of all that.

0 (32m 18s): So go ahead. I'd love to hear your, your take on meditation and your experience and how you encourage people to sort of implement that into their lives a little more.

5 (32m 27s): So same you actually gave you, you already, your your own example really gave, gave so much and we patronize Yeah, it's a, it's a very important basic Buddhist meditation. It is part of what I do. And so what I do in my approach in when I teach, not necessarily the way I practice myself, is I try to connect people to the connection between meditation and what happened in our body and what happened in outside our body. And many of us don't recognize that we have close to 50 trillion sales, trillion, not million, not billion trillion. And each of them has close to 1 million reactions.

5 (33m 7s): So the fact that we can talk and hear each other is literally a miracle. And all of these sales work together, right? They create one big community and within it, every cell is a boundary. I really look at cells as like living, living organism with personality. They have a membrane, they decide what comes in, they take in what they want and they don't let what they don't want come in, they push away what they don't like and they take in what they want. And if something threatens them, they will react. And this is a reactive nature of our living that happened on a cellular level, happened on us as people, our ego functions, et cetera.

5 (33m 49s): There is one organ that functions differently and that's our heart. Our heart is the only organ in our body that takes everything that every organ and every cell doesn't want, right? It takes the dirty blood from the whole body and it takes it without discrimination. It doesn't say, I'm gonna take it only from the liver, but not from the kidney. In fact, this amazing acceptance of the heart is necessary. It's really the survival of the heart. The moment the heart doesn't accept dirty blood and doesn't give clean blood, we are dead. So the function of the heart in its basis has acceptance.

5 (34m 30s): And acceptance is really the other side of survival and reactivity and fighting and resistance. And when the heart accepts the blood, what does he do? It connects with the universe with this infinite healing potential, with this infinite space through our breath, right? We can see the power of the breath. It with essential hold is so important. We breathe same, same principle. And then there is the universe can hold our drama, can hold our problems, and there is a shift, a transformation in the lungs. And then what the heart does, the heart gives clean blood to the whole body.

5 (35m 10s): And people, if they may not know their o the main artery coming out of the heart is a rigid artery. It doesn't, it's not flexible. It gives blood everywhere without discrimination. So this is the innate boundless giving quality of the heart. And what's amazing for me when I kind of made this analogy, the heart only after the heart gives blood and it did its job, the only organ in the body who does it, and it relaxes only then it nourishes itself through the coronary arteries. But the coronary arteries are the first place where the heart gives blood to any other organs. And that's part of self-love as part of loving others, very different than narcissistic approach.

5 (35m 58s): So in this sense, we have the heart that has this ability to transform and accept on a physiological level regardless. Same of how we think, how we feel with meditation, we can connect to this quality in a very natural, simple way. It takes a few hours and you learn how to do it because why it's built within us. As you know, from your experience with meditation, it's hard to get the mind to slow down, to open her up, not to grasp, not to hold, not to react. Why? Because our head analyzes and fixates our heart flows. The moment our heart doesn't flow, we are dead.

5 (36m 39s): So when we connect with the heart and we now know that the heart has its own brain, actually there's more information coming from the heart with the brain than from the brain to the heart, then the heart takes over our body. And what's amazing about it is that the electromagnetic field of the heart is a hundred times bigger than the electromagnetic field of the brain. So how we feel, what we send from our heart gets to every cell in our body and affects everyone around us. And there is some similarity between this and when you have the right essential oil that is suitable for you and you smell it and the whole body feels it, right?

5 (37m 25s): Correct. So it's, it's another quality. So in meditation, when we connect to this and we combine vpaa and Shama and other, and, but the idea that we learn instead of react to stress, react to negativity, we respond to it with love and compassion and nourishment. First it's a little bit contrived and at some point the hearts physiology and the work with meditation becomes who we are. And then suddenly difficulties becomes sources of, of strengths and compassion and openness instead of bitterness and anger and frustration.

5 (38m 9s): And we can understand the person who has a different opinion and we can embrace them even if we don't agree with them. And you can see how the world right is, is not exactly there right now.

0 (38m 21s): Right. I was about to ask it as a medical doctor, as a medical professional, do you ever get pushback from some of your colleagues about, you know, oh, that Isaac guy, he's always talking about the heart and all these fufu things, you know, do you ever experience that?

5 (38m 36s): Yes. You know, it's interesting. I remember I gave my first big lecture in a medical conference, I think it was like 1999, and somebody who, a friend of mine said, Isaac, you won't believe they're talking about you in the hallway. Some doctors love it, some doctors are really saying no way. But you know, I I'm used to it because my personal journey, they say first they ridicule you, then they fight you. And then they say it's self-evident. So now I'm it the self evidence, you know, 30 years overnight success. So I, I'm finally, so I'm fine with it and I, you know, I mean, I do get grants from the nih, I do work with leading researchers. I have, my whole research part we didn't talk a lot about today.

5 (39m 18s): So it gives me the credibility to hold both worlds because Right, I've taken the time, you know, whatever I'm sharing now is based on decades and decades of studies, of contemplation, of research, of clinical work. So there is some gravita to, and and I think people feel it when they connect with

0 (39m 35s): Me. Yeah, I wanted to share, we were talking about the heart and one of my favorite blends to create for when I really am focusing on opening my heart and, and being more receptive through the heart is basil essential oil with a little bit of ling and jasmine essential oil, that combination, you mix it together, rub it right over your heart or put it in a diffuser and just inhale it. You can feel it really immediately interacting with that part of the body. And it's a beautiful thing. Well, Dr. Isaac, this, this has been incredible.

0 (40m 16s): I feel like we've only scratched the surface really on the work that you're doing. Do you wanna leave our listeners with one last either piece of advice or thing that you've learned throughout your research about the survival paradox, and then we'll move on to our closing questions?

5 (40m 33s): Yeah, of course. So I think that it's important to recognize it because everything is changeable, everything is possible. And it's not that everyone will be a miracle, but anyone can be a miracle. So it's really important. There is always the potential and the room for change, for transformation. It's built within us. It's who we are. And our journey is really is to connect with this, with this amazing, you know, infinite potential. Sandy Spring Bank

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0 (41m 39s): Dr. Elias, this has been incredible. Thank you so much for spending your time with us here today. Before you go, we always like to ask a couple closing questions to our guest. Anne, I'm really curious about this first one. What you'll say are either one or two self-care practices that you try to do every day to stay healthy.

5 (41m 60s): So what I do is I, I try to make a point of when I start my day to focus on taking care of myself and fine tuning my motivation to help others to help myself. So I will meditate, I will, you know, I will take care of hydrating well, I will take my supplements and I will exercise different, whatever, wherever I am. I travel a lot, so it can be a walk, it can be swimming and try to be as in nature as much as possible. And during the day, I, you know, I try to keep an attitude of gratitude and really, and every time I can touch somebody and make a difference, I'm grateful for the opportunity.

5 (42m 51s): Every time I'm off and I didn't do well, I kind of let go. And I go through a sim, a similar process at the end of the day where I will review my day, let go of anything which wasn't positive toward myself or toward others. Rejoice in anything good I've done. And, you know, you know, reinvigorate my commitment to do my best and just, just connect with this universal energy. So then it becomes a part of my day of my energy and just recognize that no difficulties come, but they are, as you say, they are changeable. They come and they go,

0 (43m 30s): That's beautiful. Well, finally, Isaac, what's one thing we should all ditch completely and replace with something healthier today?

5 (43m 42s): Wow.

0 (43m 42s): Just

5 (43m 43s): One. Yeah. Yeah. I, I, I think that, you know, trying to be, trying to see where we can be less reactive, where when we are ready to react, we can take a deep breath, a deep breath, create space within, within ourself. I think it's the right thing to do right now where we are, you know, because there is so much divisiveness, there is so much inflammation on a global level. So this is something which is really important. 0 (44m 13s): Well, I understand that you have some bonus chapters of your book that you wanted to gift to our listeners. Can you explain what those bonus chapters are and how people can find them and be more a part of your world?

5 (44m 28s): Yeah, of course. So really knowing that we have a broad audience, I really asked my team to create a, a largest unusual compilation of the book. So I think it includes introduction, chapter one and two about the whole concept of survival port as a survival respond, survival paradox and how it works. The chapter about the heart, which is so, which is so important for me, and I think a chapter about, about detox. So like, like one third of the book. So, because even if people don't get the book, I think there is enough there to really make a difference. It's more than just a sampling. So I know, I know, I know that my team provided a link where people can download it and people of course can, can, can visit my, my

5 (45m 14s): We have a high quality newsletter with a whole research and writing team that we put once or twice a week. And, and then, you know, if you want to read more about modified respect and about Pocol, it's really, it's really making a difference in the lives of so many people.

4 (45m 34s): Hmm.

0 (45m 34s): Well thank you so much. This has been incredible and the work you're doing is really, really life changing for many people out there. So thank you for what you do. And thank you for spending this time with us here on the Essential Oil Revolution. We appreciate you.

5 (45m 50s): Thank you so much, Sam, for having me, and I'm looking forward to more conversations.

0 (45m 55s): The Essential Oil Revolution is created by me, Samantha D. Wright. Thanks so much for tuning in. As always, we'll put helpful links, resources and more just below in the show notes section, wherever you are listening. Or you can go to our Thanks to those who have left us ratings and reviews in Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. And for those who share the show with their friends and loved ones, we really appreciate you. We'll catch you here next week. In the meantime, keep on learning, keep on discovering, and most importantly, keep on treating yourself well. You are worth it.

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