The Essential Oil Revolution

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366: There's an Oil for That! W/ Kelly Kruger Brooks

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When she was trying to get pregnant with her first baby, Kelly Kruger Brooks went down a rabbit hole of information about her environment and its impacts on her health. That journey has led her to today, where she is the formulator of essential oil blends and a fierce advocate for essential oils and healthy living. Today we dive into her journey, her testimonials, and her formulations.

Kelly Kruger Brooks is an actress, wife, mom of 2 girls and a health and wellness enthusiast. When she was trying to get pregnant with her first, she went down a rabbit hole about what our food, beauty products and synthetic fragrances were doing to our endocrine systems. She made it her mission to help people get off of chemicals; and that’s when Madison Charles Oils was born, an online shop that offers essential oil blends, roller bottles, room sprays, and more.

Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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  • Learn more about Kelly Kruger Brookers on her website HERE. Use code “Revolution” for 15% OFF anything on the site!

  • Find Kelly on social media @kellykrugerbrooks here: Instagram | TikTok.  Follow Kelly on instagram and tik tok to be entered to win oils and beauty products every month.

  • What does 6+ years of experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

Pollen-Hater Recipe

From: The Growspace Crew

In 10 ml roller bottle combine


  • 8 drops Lavender

  • 8 drops Lemon

  • 8 drops Peppermint

  • 8 drops Copaiba 


 Add carrier oil of choice and apply topically. 

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Episode Transcript

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0 (2s): You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. Aa mil

1 (12s): Empowerment in education. Two powerful elements that will help you break free of convention and transform your passion for wellness to a level beyond the status quo. The essential oil revolution where you're given the tools to supersede an ordinary, everyday lifestyle, inspiring speakers, DIY recipes, healthy living tips, and more. You'll discover it all here. So tune in and get ready for a wellness revolution.

0 (42s): Hello and welcome to the Essential Oil Revolution. I'm your host Samantha Lee Wright. Thanks so much for tuning in. Today we dive into the world of Kelly Krueger Brooks, who is an actress, wife, mom, and essential oil enthusiast. She formulates essential oil blends and educates people on their uses believing firmly that there is an oil for everything. We'll dive into testimonials, formulations, and more in today's episode. But first, let's pull a recipe out of our d I Y dugout. Today's recipe comes from the Grow Space Crew and it's called the Pollen Hater Recipe.

0 (1m 23s): To make the Pollen hater recipe in a 10 milliliter roller bottle combine eight drops, lavender, eight drops lemon, eight drops peppermint, and eight drops. Coba, add a carrier oil of your choice and apply topically. Thank you so much to the Grow Space Crew for submitting your recipe to the DIY dugout. If you have your own recipe that you'd like to submit to our DIY dugout, you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win our monthly giveaways of a bottle of Orange Essential Oil and our favorite recipe ebook, simply email us at diy revolution oils

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0 (4m 17s): Raise your hand if you wouldn't mind smelling better naked. Let's face it, armpits aren't the only place we can smell bad. That's why I'm excited about Loomis whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond. Loomie is clinically proven to block odor all day in control odor up to 72 hours. But unlike some deodorants that we're used to that try to mask the odor with fragrance that, let's face it, is not good for your health. We talk about this all the time on the show. Lumi instead formulates using man delic acid to stop odor before it even starts. So it's more like a pre deodorant.

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0 (5m 46s): Well, I'm here with Kelly Krueger Brooks, who is an actress wife mom of two girls and a health and wellness enthusiast. When Kelly was trying to get pregnant with her first, she went down a rabbit hole about what our food, beauty products and synthetic fragrances were doing to our endocrine systems. She made it her mission to help people get off chemicals and that's when Madison Charles Oils was born. An online shop that offers essential oil blends, roller bottles, room sprays and more. So Kelly, welcome to the show. How are you doing?

4 (6m 22s): I'm great. I'm so excited to be here.

0 (6m 25s): Me too. So how old are your girls now?

4 (6m 28s): They are, Gemma just turned one and Everly is three.

0 (6m 31s): Oh, what a fun bunch. Oh, that's great. Yeah. So when you became pregnant with your first, that's sort of when your exploratory phase about this kind of chemical world and natural wellness may have begun, were you a already using essential oils at that point or did that come about because of that experience?

4 (6m 54s): I was already using essential oils at that point. I just didn't understand the extent of of how much they would be a huge part of my life. But I did start using them. Actually, the story in how I got into essential oils in the first place was in 2017 I went to shoot a movie in Canada and my CoStar and I were on a flight together and we both picked something up on the plane. Second day of shooting, we were not doing very well and my makeup artist just happened to be an aromatherapist and so she just started giving me and her spoonfuls of oils and I was just like, I don't care. I'll take it. I'll try anything just to to feel great.

4 (7m 36s): And the most incredible thing was that usually something like this would put me out for a week at least, and the symptoms would've been a lot worse, let alone being able to work, you know, 16 hour days and we were shooting nights. So that's even more brutal, especially when you have something and all of a sudden my symptoms were getting better. I had energy and I got over it in about three days and I was like, what is this? And on top of that, my skin, I battled with acne for a very, very long time and my skin was doing pretty bad and she was advising me on different oils to use on my skin. And I always said, well, you can't use oil on acne prone skin cause that makes you break out more, which is completely false.

4 (8m 18s): It's of course the type of oils that you put on your skin. And I flew back home thinking, okay, this is this essential oil thing is interesting and I'm gonna look into it. I get off the plane and the driver who was picking me up from the airport, I mentioned I had a headache and he said, oh, you know what, I have this incredible essential oil from France and I'm gonna put some in your hands and you're gonna smell it. And of course like I got a little neurotic and put it on Instagram, like, you know, my driver's making me sniff something, I dunno what it's gonna do, you know, letting the world know like, hey, something happens to me. But I did, and it, it actually was, was just a French lavender, so not necessarily something that would help headaches or that is specific for headaches, but it did help.

4 (9m 3s): And of course it calmed me down and I said, okay, this is kinda weird, two essential oil, you know, kind of if you wanna say it like, like signs from the universe. And, and I said, okay, yeah, I guess I'll look into it. And I was sort of still like, this is cool. And then a couple days later I talked to my sister-in-law who is into Ayurveda and yoga, and she's a therapist and she starts telling me how she's gotten into essential oils recently. I was like, okay, I'm listening. Let's just see what what this is. So I started dabbling and really just getting into the world of essential oils and trying out all the oils and testing out what works for what.

4 (9m 45s): And of course I was fascinated in getting hooked. And my journey with clean products started a few years before this because I had met a woman who was a breast cancer survivor and she was an aesthetician and she was doing my facials again, trying to help with my acne. And her mom was a biochemist and she was just explaining to me how our skin is our largest organ and everything that we put on it is absorbed into our system. And the chemicals in beauty products today is our are, they're not regulated and we have to be very careful. And so I went on a whole clean beauty. I am a product junkie. I, I love beauty and, and makeup and I do a lot of makeup tutorials on social media and stuff like that.

4 (10m 30s): I've always been really into it. And I went on a deep dive and I cleaned up all my makeup and I started just, you know, exploring the world of clean products at that point. But when I got into the essential oils in 2017, I realized that there was basically an oil for everything. I, when I started to get pregnant, or sorry, when I started trying to get pregnant, I went on an even deeper dive because there was no reason why it shouldn't have been happening. And it did take us quite a while to get pregnant with our first, and I started just reading about everything, hormones and, and you know, egg for just fertility in general and women and, and just basically what's been happening.

4 (11m 16s): And I started to go even further with of course cleaning up all my products, but not just the products at this point now it's the food and not using plastic and which, which I wasn't using very much of anyway. But little things that you don't think about, like if you get takeout from a restaurant and the pla and it's in plastic and it's heated even for that short amount of time, all those chemicals are going into your food, which are then going into your body, which is affecting everything. So I, I just started doing all this research and I started creating these blends and I created a, a couple months before I actually conceived with my first, I did create a fertility blend and I started using the oils to help balance my hormones.

4 (12m 3s): And, and that's basically, basically I guess when I finally did get pregnant was when I decided now is the time where I really wanna make, I, I want what I've experienced with this. I want as many people as, as I possibly can reach to have the same experience and whatever control I have over that, I would love to just make this available for them basically.

0 (12m 26s): That's beautiful. I have to ask, what is in your fertility blend?

4 (12m 30s): Sc fluorescence, sage and fennel.

0 (12m 34s): That sounds like a beautiful blend. Is that a roller ball or just a blend? How do you reco how do you recommend women use that?

4 (12m 41s): It's a roller ball and I rolled it on my, you know, it's hard to explain over here, but it's basically on your ankles, like your fertility point where you, your sort of the pressure point that affects your uterus. So it's kind of like on your inner ankles, I'd roll it on my feet, on the, on the tops of my feet, bottoms, my feet. I just kinda, but I would do it only the two weeks prior to ovulation, so for the first half of my cycle and then I would stop for the second half.

0 (13m 13s): So Kelly, something you said earlier I thought was interesting was how you were learning about all these oils and realizing, oh my gosh, there's an oil for literally everything. I'm curious what's your go-to resource or place when you have that question of, oh, I'm struggling with x, Y, Z, how do I figure out which essential oil is for that or that I can experiment with?

4 (13m 37s): So I, I do a ton of research. I do have a consultant who is an expert in oils. So I go to her to, to basically if, if there's something that I don't know about, I mean at this point, you know, I've been doing, I've been in this world for a long time, so I usually have a good idea, but if I don't, I I go to her and I say, Hey, what's what, what would be the best blend for this? Or what would be the best oil for this specifically? And then there is an app that I go to as well to kind of, you know, see what basically what oils are the right treatment. I mean, because it's for anything.

4 (14m 17s): If you have a rash or you have, I mean, people don't think about going, everybody go, or I shouldn't say everybody. A lot of people go to over the counter meds and straight to a pharmacy when you don't realize that everything can be helped, I don't wanna say treated, but with an oil, with an oil blend. And that's what's, so that's the message I'm trying to get out there really is, is just, and for the non-believers, because I say too on my Instagram all the time, I say, listen, if you believe in it, it's gonna work. I, I do believe that too. I think there's a lot of that.

4 (14m 58s): But there are people who don't understand how essential oils work, how they get into the body, what they do. For example, we have a massage roller. Our massage in a bottle is our, my our nature's tiger bomb, right? So what I explain to people is if you, and not to speak poorly on tiger bomb, but if you take something like a tiger bomb, that is something that you put on topically that basically it's a bandaid, it numbs your skin so it makes you think that it's taking the pain away. Whereas the massage, the oils get into your system within 20 minutes into your cells and they're reducing inflammation and the pain from the inside.

4 (15m 38s): So it's not just masking the pain, it is helping the pain topically, but it's actually helping with the inflammation from the inside. And some people can't really understand the idea of that or how that is possible until you use them yourself and experience it. I I wanna share a story. Before I launched Madison Charles oils, I was making oils for everybody. Anybody who would take them, somebody had a headache. Here, lemme take this blend, lemme roll it on. You see what happens. My bro, my brother-in-law came to visit and I had two dogs and Charlie will get into that later and they're, they were short-haired dogs and they shed a lot and he was having allergies, he was playing with them on the floor and he couldn't stop sneezing and he was just having horrible allergies.

4 (16m 22s): And I said, here, try this. I put a blend together, I rolled it on the back of his neck, behind his ears and on his chest, about seven minutes later I said, Hey, how are your allergies? And he looked at me and he wasn't itchy his, he stopped sneezing and he was like, wait a minute, no, this can't be right. This isn't what, no, it's gotta be a coincidence. And it worked. It really did work. Now he could have taken any kind of anti-allergy medication and I'm sure it would've worked as well with side effects and with, you know, so it it's situations like that where I, I try to really get that message out that if you're open to trying it and you have an open mind, because a lot of people are so used to being told that natural remedies don't work.

4 (17m 12s): Right.

0 (17m 13s): Well, and unfortunately it's because a lot of the times they don't because a lot of the times it's either not the right quality, not the right usage, it's a company maybe being deceiving and what's going into their products. You know, I think that it's, it, it's still feels a little bit like the wild west out there when it comes to health and wellness. And I've, I've gotten to the point in my career where, where I, I've kind of accepted the fact that, you know, out of everything you read or hear or are marketed to by this, by that this pill, that supplement that, you know, product, 80% of it's just frankly crap.

0 (17m 56s): It just doesn't work. It's just someone trying to make a buck or manipulate you or you know, flaunt this or that research and skew it in a way that makes you think it's gonna solve this anyway. But that's not to say that the other 20% of things out there, natural remedies, health and wellness things aren't amazing and truthful and, and great and will work. But I think that maybe I've become jaded over the years being in this industry for so long. But I, I don't know if you've experienced that same thing where people just sometimes get off on the wrong product or the wrong company or, or the wrong methodology and it doesn't work for them.

0 (18m 38s): And so they kind of just then throw the baby out with the bathwater and say, oh, it's all snake oil, it's all crap.

4 (18m 43s): Of course. And and that is, that is frustrating cuz I do explain to people when I am talking about my oils, for example, if you go to a health food store and buy an essential oil, you are not getting the same essential oil as you're getting from the products that personally that I am using. You are getting, there are, there are other ingredients in there that are a, the oil itself isn't as pure, so it's not as medicinal. It is mixed with other things. It is, as we say, you know, sometimes double, triple dipped, so you're not getting the initial, you know, you're getting it much, you're not getting the, the initial strength of it. There's pesticides, there's all kinds of things that chemicals to preserve.

4 (19m 24s): There's all kinds of things in these oils or these oil blends that would prevent them from working, I think. Would you agree with that?

0 (19m 34s): Yeah, I a hundred percent agree. And, and I think it's, it's sad sometimes that people get that false impression because of all of those myriad of possibilities that can come, come into contact with them. Right. So Kelly, what are just some of the, those stories you'd like to share about oils and how they've kind of changed your life or, or the life of those around you? I, I'm sure you have a million testimonials, but do any favorites come to mind?

4 (20m 0s): They do. A few do a as far as personally how they've changed my life, it's taken away the anxiety of if I have something or an issue of not knowing what's inside the products, truly right. Because we know that there can be a lot of things in products that we're unaware of. So for me personally, it's just knowing that I have a solution to any issues that I could potentially have for me and my family. That's a big one, even for my children, if they have sleep issues or, you know, I i, I don't have to rely on something that I don't necessarily trust. So for me it's been a game changer for me, my family, my friends for the people around me and the people who use the oils. I cry when I get messages from people on how these oils have changed their life and it, it truly makes me, me feel like, you know, I became an actress to really be what I needed when I was a little girl, going through a really hard time and needing, you know, the, the, the examples and the inspiration and, and I looked, I looked to movies, I looked to, to actresses that I wanted to, to be like, I look to stories that would, you know, you take someone who's maybe broken in the beginning and goes through an arc and becomes the hero in the end.

4 (21m 16s): It, it, it got me through a lot of hard times. And when I started doing this, it's, it's sort of felt like the same if not even bigger message when I can take somebody who has some kind of issue and help them in this way. And they come to me and they say, wow, you know, the one that sticks out is there was a mom to an autistic teenager who was on very strong meds for migraines and other issues and she started using a few of our rollers and she said he has, she's never seen him respond this way. He's sleeping, they're working so well and she's so grateful. I mean, I get the chills when I talk about it.

4 (21m 57s): Or there was another mom. It's mostly when it's, it's people who have been struggling for so long. Another mom had her daughter on allergy meds for till she was 17 and she tried our breath roller and she's off the meds and on the breath roller, my, my mom, my own mother, okay, had horrible pain from tmj. She has a, she crushed her ankle when she was 16 in a ski accident. So she, her ankle is sort of held together with pins. So she has chronic pain in her ankle, she gets migraines. She was sort of my test subject. She uses our sleepy roller. She sleeps incredibly, her TMJ pain has gone away from the sleepy, she uses the anxiety.

4 (22m 41s): I mean she most recently lost her dog of 15 years and she was having a really, really hard time. The anxiety roller helped calm her, get her through that. She uses our massage roller on her ankle that has helped her inflammation and her pain and our migraine for her headaches as well as the female roller, which is to help balance hormones for, you know, any kind of PMs or or menopause or any kind of hormonal stuff. So she's sort of, when I, when I see how much it's changed her life and how much these oils help her, it's truly just inspiring. My, my my, my stepdad and my husband both, you know, pulled their backs out. Not at the same time but at different times.

4 (23m 20s): And my stepdad is ache was a skeptic. He definitely was somebody who was more on the other side of things and he started using the rollers obviously because his daughter and he had pulled his back out. And usually when he does, when he has this specific injury, he is out for about three weeks. He used the massage roller and he was better in three days and he said, I have never, never, he was, that's what made him a believer, he was just like, I, I'm blown away by this. This is something I, I can't believe I haven't been on this sooner. And you know, I've had teachers come to me and say, thank you so much. I'm in the classroom. I've never gone a whole school year and not gotten what the kids have and what's going around.

4 (24m 5s): She was using our immunity oil, this, this specific teacher and then I posted about it and other teachers started using it. They weren't catching what was in the classroom using immunity. So it's just daily I get messages from people, especially with the sleepy roller and people who have, have insomnia and have gotten off of any kind of sleep meds. Personally I can say when I was pregnant with Everly, when I first got pregnant, finally I went to go do a movie and I was, you know, first trimester not telling anybody I was pregnant except for our producers. And of course having issues sleeping. Anytime I'm on any job, especially when there's a time difference and I have to travel, sleep is really, really difficult.

4 (24m 48s): And I would not have gotten through it without this sleepy roller, without the, the ability, you know, to be able to use something for my first trimester nausea. I mean, I could go on and on and on. It's just, and you know, of course not all oils are safe to use during pregnancy. Not all oils or safety use around pets. You have to do your research and know and of course consult your doctor. When I found out I was having a girl, you know, and of course it's hard to say consult your doctor cuz a lot of, you know, western doctors don't necessarily believe in oils. My OB had said, you know, you sh you need to be careful with lavender because it's estrogenic. So if you're having a boy, you wanna kind of stay away from lavender.

4 (25m 30s): And you know, there's all kinds of different schools of thought with that. So you wanna do your own research and I always tell people that, but it's, you know, they're really good, much better options. I'd rather roll an oil on knowing it's natural and could have potentially the same effect than, than take a pill. That's just where I'm at, you know, and where I hope lot people,

0 (25m 51s): I think a lot of people are, are there as well. There's a lot more awareness today on the side effects and potential dangers to medication. I feel like I don't, maybe it's just cause I'm in that world more, but I see people kind of less prone to just pop a pill, pop a pill, pop a pill, you know, there's more of a right awareness now on the danger, you know, even the, the dangers of overtreating with antibiotics and the ramifications that we're going to have to live with for a long time with superbugs and things like that. People are a little like more aware, which is good. Yeah. Kelly, would we recognize any movies that you've been a part of?

4 (26m 29s): I've been a part of, if you watch Hallmark or Lifetime or Netflix, I have a couple Christmas movies on different, you know, Amazon Prime, A very quirky Christmas is on Amazon. Hallmark is from friend to fiance if you're a Hallmark fan, I just did, yeah, I just did movie

0 (26m 49s): Last Christmas. My sisters and my mom and I did a Hallmark Christmas movie drinking game.

4 (26m 57s): It was

0 (26m 57s): Quite hilarious. And we printed out, it was like the bingo card of Hallmark Christmas movies and all this sort of taboos and, and staples that come along with it. It was, it was fun. It was really fun.

4 (27m 8s): I love,

0 (27m 8s): But that, that's great. Congratulations on the, on the career. That's fabulous. Thank

4 (27m 13s): You. Yeah, and most people would recognize me from young and the restless or bold, beautiful. I don't, you know, if anybody's so fans. That's, that's really where I started and where most people recognize me from. But, but yeah, the, the, the the, you know, I love, I love both, I love doing tv, I love doing movies and it's just, yeah, you know, it's my passion, so.

0 (27m 33s): Well that's great. Well, I have one last question I wanted to ask you, Kelly, before we move on to our closing questions. And that's just about the research and the methodology that goes into the creation of your blends, you know, how long does it take you to kind of land on a formulation? And also kind of two part question, how do you source those oils to create those blends?

4 (27m 55s): So the blends are really de depending on, so the inspiration that I get from the Blends is really from, from from the fans and from the people. So how we started was we started with five main oils and that's like the main bundle that we started with. And to be honest with you, I didn't think that that anybody would buy them. And that's the truth. I had started a t-shirt, sort of a, an apparel line the year before or two years before that. And it was sort of like motivational quotes on t-shirts, inspirational things. And it didn't do, nobody really bought them. They weren't really into it. So when I decided to make these available, because I just said, you know what, this is life changing for me. I did get pre I, I launched the oils basically.

4 (28m 37s): I, I got pregnant in January, I launched them in December of 2018. So right before I got pregnant in 2019, knowing that, you know, this, this needs to be out there. And I started with five oils thinking, you know, let me just, if in case this can help somebody, let's just put it out there. And I put them on my blog and I could not believe they sold, we sold out, I mean two days in and people started using them and coming back and saying, Hey, do you have an oil for migraines? Do you have an oil for, I need an oil for my thyroid. Is there an oil for this? Is there an oil for digestion? Is there an oil for this? And so I took the inspiration from them and then I went and did research.

4 (29m 18s): I went and consulted my expert and we just created the blends and to from start to finish it, you know, between testing everything. And so what I like to do when, when we create a blend is I always test it on myself first. And so we, we create the blend, we come up with the number of drops and what we're using and then we make sure that the smell is, is where I want it to be. And then I test it on myself for about a month to make sure that it works. And if it's working on me and if it's something for example that let's say, you know, I don't have something like chronic migraines, so I would test it on someone who does like my mom or if it's joint pain or digest it, if I've, you know, I don't necessarily have stomach issues.

4 (30m 1s): I'm gonna go find somebody who does and sort of test it, have them be sort of my test subject to see if it helps and if it works. And then once I know that it does, usually I do that for about a month, then I, I'll put it out and have people try it and, and feedback constantly. You know, the thing about my social media community is we really are a tight-knit community and I, I check deanne's, I talk to everybody. I try to answer as many as possible. And when I launch a new oil, the first thing I say is feedback. I wanna hear back from you, how is it working for you? What do you, you know, what do you think of the this obviously because for some people when they come into this world, it's really, I'm sort of pushing whatever you do, if you don't wanna use them for therapeutic benefits, at least use them as great smelling perfumes that, that don't have toxic chemicals in them.

4 (30m 50s): So, and then you'll get the benefit of the therapeutic, you know, you, you'll get the therapeutic benefits and then you're, you're sort of getting a two for one. So the smell is very important. I wanna make sure that, that it smells really good. I also like to layer different ones on top of each other to make sure that those kinda go well together. Cause a lot of people like to wear multiple rollers at the same time. And for anything topical, like we have the skincare, that was all I test them on myself. Like I said, I battled with acne for so long. I used an, one of our, our glow blend, which is for acne has franken, some geranium. It's for acne and aging and hyperpigmentation of course, you know, the, what these ingredients, what these oils do and what rose oil does for your skin.

4 (31m 35s): I was using those personally before I launched them. That was back in 20, you know, when I started getting into it in 2017. So I used it for, you know, a year and a half on my skin and could not believe what my skin looked like after using these every day. So, so usually that's the inspiration comes from the people basically and what they want and what I want too. I mean, our body oil for example, is I was searching for a body lotion that I, that smelled a very specific way cause I'm very, I can't do any fragrance that is, you know, I'm, I'm, I get horrible headaches, I just, I can't do it.

4 (32m 15s): And I, I always kind of wanted a citrus vanilla kind of, I couldn't find it. So I created it. I made one that I wanted to use that reminded me of a day at the beach that was hydrating but not greasy that would help, you know, firm the skin and help with any kind of stretch marks or anything that, you know, especially during pregnancy. And, and that would also help with free radicals. And so I just put all that together and I just created the body oil. And the body oil is one of our, it's so popular that we ha we created the roller bottle to go along with it because people wanted to smell like that all day. So really that's where, where, where all of it comes from is the, the people who are using them, the fans of the line and, and that my community basically.

0 (33m 2s): Yeah. And how do you source the oils that go into your blends?

4 (33m 7s): So legally, I can't say, but I'm sure your audience will kind of get an idea of they are the, we use the highest grade cleanest guaranteed seed to seal essential oils that you can get out there.

0 (33m 25s): I think I might know who that is. Well, fabulous. Thank you for sharing that. That's very informative. So Kelly, this has been so much fun. I really appreciate you spending the time with us here today. And before you go, we always like to ask a couple closing questions. The first is, what's one or two self-care practices you try to do every day to stay healthy?

4 (33m 52s): So I try to meditate. That has been a game changer for me. I do try to meditate every single day. I've also gotten my three-year-old daughter into it. We do our, our meditations in the morning. So I'll do my own of course. And then her and I do our little quick meditation where we sit and we talk about what we're grateful for and we do affirmations and we do a little visualization and she's been loving it. And I, I love that I could instill that in her at such a young age to give her the tools as she gets older. So meditation is a, is a big one for me personally. And it, it really changed, changed a lot for me. And then the other self-care thing is, is, is, you know, movement working out.

4 (34m 34s): I like to do cold showers, I do sauna blankets. So a lot of just taking that time, especially as a working mom of two, I need that time to, you know, for myself and the workouts and the, the cold showers really, really help with all of that.

0 (34m 50s): And finally, what's just one thing we should all ditch completely and replace with something healthier today.

4 (34m 57s): I would love everyone to ditch inflammatory seed oils and replace it with avocado or olive oil. I just, based on my research, and again, everything that I preach is I test on myself first. And when I see changes or something works for me, I wanna scream it from the rooftops because I'll, I'll do years and years and years of research on something and I just want people to just know how they need to do it as well to change their lives and inflammatory oils, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, all those oils that are in a lot of things. It's very hard to ditch them completely because they're in everything today.

4 (35m 40s): But if you can be a little bit aware and read labels and especially when you have it in your control, use the organic, you know, avocado oils and extra virgin olive oil. I do wish that people would sort of jump on that train a little more. And then of course syn, synthetic fragrances, replace those with essential oils. I mean that's just a no-brainer.

0 (36m 3s): Absolutely. I agree a hundred percent. Well Kelly, this has been fabulous. I know people can find you on Instagram. Where would you like to send people if they wanna get started in your world? Do you have any freebies newsletter? What's the best place for people to get started?

4 (36m 19s): We do, yes. So if you go to kelly kruger, that is my website and you can sign up for the newsletter. Through the newsletter you will get so many fun things, discounts on oils, discounts. I have a, a monthly four week journal, it's called Just Get It Done Planner and it's, it actually has essential oils in there, like your Oil of the Week to use that, go along with all the oils and it's, it's really great meal planning grocery lists cuz that's how I get things done is literally writing everything down. So when you sign up for the newsletter, you get discounts on the planner, you get all kinds of great things. And then if you go to Kelly Kruger Brooks and you sh and you wanna order some oils just for your listeners, we have a discount code and it's revolution and that will get you 15% off all oils.

0 (37m 11s): Fabulous. Well thank you again, Kelly, for spending your time with us here today on the essential Oil revolution. We so appreciate you.

4 (37m 19s): Thank you so much. It was so great to be here.

0 (37m 22s): The essential oil revolution is created by me, Samantha Lee Wright, thanks so much for tuning in. If you've got an extra two minutes on your hand right now, we would highly appreciate you leading us a rating or review wherever you're listening and sharing us with a friend. Thank you so much in advance. We'll catch you here next week. In the meantime, keep on learning, keep on discovering, and most importantly, keep on treating yourself well. You are worth it.

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