Podcast Interview FAQ’s

We look forward to having you on our show!

Below are a list of tips and FAQs to help you get the most out of our time together.




What should You do to prepare for the interview?

  • Prepare to share in-depth essential oil knowledge, stories, and tips for people wanting to go beyond the basics of essential oils.

  • People love stories. Whenever possible, try to answer questions with an example or personal experience.

  • Look for an email from our team with a list of pre-arranged questions I’ll ask during our interview. Give your feedback on these so that they can best bring out your knowledge of the topic.

  • We always ask guests these closing questions:

    • What’s one or two self-care practice you try to do everyday to stay healthy?

    • What’s one thing we should all ditch completely and replace with something healthier today? (For example - ditch artificial sweeteners for honey or maple syrup. Or replace Netflix with books).

  • Listen to an example of one of our highest rated episode, “5 Easy Steps to Better Health Using Essential Oils” HERE. This will help you see what our listeners are really tuning in to hear.

What do we need from you before the interview?

Please send over the following items BEFORE your interview to team@revolutionoilspodcast.com:

  1. Full name (for proper spelling), and phonetic breakdown if it’s tricky to pronounce.

  2. A short bio (around 100 words) for me to properly introduce you to the audience.

  3. A headshot to use in promotional graphics.

  4. Website/All Links you want put in the show notes.

Do You need special equipment or software?

Yes, but hopefully it’s stuff you already have or can get easily….

All interviews are conducted via Zencastr with the goal of getting the best sound quality possible. So, with this in mind, please prepare the following:

  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection. (close out anything you can before we record to save on bandwidth).

  • Zencastr works best on Google Chrome. Second best is Firefox. No other browsers support this platform.

  • Obviously audio quality is really important to us, so guests must use a decent quality USB mic. Anything made by Blue is great if you’re looking to invest in good equipment for your business. This low-cost option works well.
    Do not rely on a pair of earbuds alone. (As an entrepreneur you owe it to yourself to own a good quality microphone, but if this is too cost prohibitive, some guest will buy a mic for the interview, then return it afterward).

  • Also, have a pair of headphones available. (So that the sound of my voice doesn’t pick up on your mic).

  • Be in a quiet place and try not to ruffle papers or touch things on your desk when recording. Turn off any background noise like fans, etc. where possible.

How long will the interview take?

Somewhere between 35 minutes and 50 mins. Let me know if you are in a rush when we start.

What do I do when it’s time for the interview?

Hop onto the Zencastr link we share with you 5 mins before go time. Send me a message when you are ready to roll. We will chit chat a bit before we record.

Can I cuss on the show? Politics? Religion?

Please don’t cuss (lots of listeners tune in with kids around)

Let’s keep politics and religion out of it, cool?

FDA Regulations - Please Read

My entire show (myself and guests) are required to “speak compliantly.” So do not say words like “antibacterial, anticancer, antimicrobial, fights disease, cures XYZ ailment,” etc. Talk to our team if you need help or have more questions about this.

How long before it will go live?

Anywhere from 1-5 weeks usually. You’ll get an email when your episode does go live with a link to your show notes page and shareable graphics.


We greatly appreciate help from you in sharing our show with your audience. Thanks in advance!

You can share these links to your audience at anytime:

Sample FB post:  I’m so excited to be invited on as a guest to The @Essential Oil Revolution Podcast with @samleewright! If you love essential oils check out this free weekly podcast. My interview will go live in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned to catch it!

Sample IG post:  I’m so excited to be invited on as a guest to @samleewright ‘s podcast, #revolutionoilspodcast. If you love essential oils check out this free weekly podcast by searching “The Essential Oil Revolution” in any podcast app. My interview will go live in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned to catch it!

Can I embed the interview onto my own website?

Totally! Let the team know if you would like an embed code for this by emailing team@revolutionoildpocast.com.

Other helpful tips.

The Essential Oil Revolution is the world’s top-rated essential oil podcast with over 4 million downloads to date. New episodes are released every Tuesday. Episodes are AUDIO ONLY (no video) and NOT recorded live.

The first episode was released in December, 2015.

The show is all about healthy living and essential oil education, NOT business education. It focuses heavily on Young Living essential oils and products, but our goal is to be open to all people regardless of brand choice, and not to be salesy about our preferred brand.

Not all listeners are using a specific brand of essential oils, or may have never even heard of Young Living or other brands. Try to talk inclusively to all. If you mention a specific brand’s blend, please be prepared to share what oils make up that blend.

Anything else I should know?

  • You will not be on video, only audio.

  • We are not recording live.

  • Place your phone, computer, tablet, etc on Do Not Disturb mode.

  • Get some water before we start.

  • Close down anything that isn’t Zencastr if possible to save on bandwidth.

  • If you have a habit of tinkering with things when you talk, please remove items that can make noise while we talk such as: paper, which people tend to shuffle around; pens, which people tend to click and open; mouse, which people tend to click; other items on your desk, which people tend to slide around. All these things get picked up by the microphone.

  • For Young Living/DoTerra Distributors - Please do not solicit new signups during your interview. Instead, promote your website, blog, or other online locations where people can connect and learn more about you. You are welcome to offer a free gift or newsletter, etc.

Do You Have More Questions?

Email team@revolutionoilspodcast.com

Need a quick way to reach me? Text 828-457-1081