Beauty Perfume Rollerball

From: Brandie Castillor, Pasco, WA


  • Grapeseed Oil (or any base) ¾ full 

  • 2 drops Sandalwood 

  • 2 drops Rose 

  • 2 drops Ylang Ylang 

  • 3 drops Bergamot 

  • 2 drops Jasmine 

  • If craving more balance or a different blend try adding either Palmarosa, Sweet Orange, Grapefruit, or Clary Sage 


  • Fill a 10 ml roller ball ¾ of the way full with grapeseed oil (or any preferred carrier/base).  Top with essential oils then roll on neck, temples, behind ears, or wrists for intoxicating aroma.   

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