Hormone Balancer

From: @nurturebyoils

Do you feel a bit off but can't explain why?

Maybe you just need a tune up :-) Try out these oils to give you the boost you need!

For Females:

  • 2 drops Endoflex (*YL Blend of spearmint, Sage, Geranium, Myrtle, German Chamomile, and Nutmeg in a sesame seed oil base)

  • 2 drops clary sage

For males:

  • 2 drops Endoflex

  • 2 drops Idaho Blue Spruce


Apply Endoflex to neck and lower back, followed by Clary sage on inner calves -OR- Idaho Blue spruce to inner thighs

Sam’s Favorite Oil of the Week: 

Aroma Ease Blend

Submit Your Recipe to the Dugout:

  1. Email us at revolutionoilspodcast@gmail.com

  2. Include your name, where you live and/or your website, and your simple recipe

  3. We'll read your recipe to thousands of listeners on the show!

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