Vaginal Yeast Infection Coconut and Essential Oils Soother

From: Amy Dyer


  • 1/2 cup Organic Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, semi-melted but not hot

  • 7 drops of Young Living tea tree oil

  • 7 drops of Young Living lavender oil


Stir in small glass container. Take a tampon and sort of open up some of the folds and rub your oil mixture into some folds. Put tampon back to its original shape as much as possible. Then, roll outside of tampon around in oil mixture. Insert into vagina and use your fingers to rub mixture onto the outside part. Do Not Get Close to your Urethra! I just repeated every time I had to go to the bathroom and made sure I had a fresh one in at bedtime. 

**If you prefer to use as a suppository instead of using a tampon, you can do that by pouring mixture into waxed paper that has been pushed down inside a container so that when mixture hardens it can be used like a suppository. Refrigerate until firm before first use and store the rest of them in the refrigerator. You'll want to wear a pad or cloth if you use the suppository.

“It only took me 3 days of using this until the infection was gone!”

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