288: From Sufferer to Survivor- Mold, Lyme, and Motherhood w/ Lindsay Tuttle

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Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo


If you’re feeling like you’ve tried everything for your physical ails, I want to ask you: Have you gotten to the emotional root of your physical problem? We’ve all heard over and over again how deeply stress can affect our entire system.  So why do we keep avoiding confronting our stress and trauma head on? It’s time to spend time on the emotional side of what ails you. 

Lindsay Tuttle is a nurse practitioner who went from marathon runner to not being able to get out of bed due to lyme disease and mold toxicity.  She fell in love with holistic health and essential oils on her healing journey, and brings us nugget after nugget of oily wisdom- especially when it comes to using oils with your kids! 

You’ll learn: 

  • How Lyme and Mold Toxicity relate

  • Are you getting the right test for Lyme?

  • How limbic rewiring can support your brain

  • How Stress equals Trauma

  • The tried and true wonders of Raindrop Therapy

  • Staple oils for Lyme Disease and Mold Toxicity

  • Why we love Copaiba and Frankincense Oil

  • What to do if your kids think some oils are too intense

  • A MUST Spray for Postpartum  

  • Our best tips and tricks for oily moms


👇👇 Hit play to listen now 👇👇

Listen for free right here, or on your favorite podcast app: Apple PodcastStitcherSpotifyGoogle Play iHeart or TuneIN


Dive deeper:

  • Connect with Lindsay Tuttle through her site HERE or on IG HERE.

  • Take her new Dr. Mom course HERE.

  • The Feelings Kit Episode 250

  • Breaking Through Emotional Barriers with Dr. Carolyn Mein Episode 22

  • What does 6+ years experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

Recipes mentioned in this episode: 

ep 288 recipe.png

Magic Potion

From: Jamie Smigelski


In a 5ml roller, add

  • 15 drops Lavender

  • 10 drops Valor

  • 8 drops Stress Away

  • 5 drops Patchouli 

  • 5 drops White Angelica 

  • 2 drops Peppermint

  • 5 drops Orange. 


Top with a carrier oil. “This is a powerful but calming blend you will want to have within reach! Pure Magic!”


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