Posts tagged Anti-Aging
230: Top Anti-Aging & Longevity Expert Brian Vaszily Shares All 

There are a lot of misconceptions about getting older, especially the myth that aging brings the potential for disease and suffering. As you’ll learn in this episode - that is absolutely NOT the case. We’ll chat with Brian Vaszily about some of the widely unknown life-changing secrets that can make an impact on your life.

Brian is a popular and outspoken advocate, author, and researcher with over 2 decades of experience in natural health who opposes the widespread perception that likens getting older to getting a disease, and who instead supports the truth that your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond can and should be the best years of your life. Brian is hosting the worldwide release of his second major online summit – called “The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit” -- that relaunches July 22nd 2020, and really is the pinnacle of his mission.

It’s time to bypass the toxic “solutions” and destructive myths about getting older, and the fear, anxiety, and illness they provoke. This episode will help empower you with all the proven and most effective steps to look your best, feel your best, and live a long life doing it!

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