Ep. 418: Why Tea Tree Oil is So Popular & The Backlash of Its Success


What You Will Learn:

In this episode, I discuss why tea tree oil is so popular. I also explain the latest regulatory scare surrounding this favored oil. For perspective, I then provide you with an overview of the literature and how it has been historically viewed by several skilled and esteemed aromatherapists. These points are important to understand because the latest attempt to classify it as dangerous could decrease our ability to access it. 

Below is an overview of some of the major points discussed in the show as well as all the references. 

  • Why tea tree oil is so popular and in demand (1 min)

  • The sustainability concern of tea tree oil (2 min)

  • Why we need to be aware of the latest regulatory controversy about tea tree oil (3 min)

  • A background on why tea tree oil was flagged as a safety concern (4 min)

  • The issues related to study methods for assessing essential oil safety in rats vs. humans (5 min)

  • How fennel oil’s safety scare was comparable to the one being discussed about tea tree oil (6 min)

  • The potential escalation of the safety warnings about tea tree and how this could impact our ability to access tea tree oil (7.30 min)

  • Who is banning together to help keep tea tree oil safe and accessible (8 min)

  • The other safety issue tea tree has been in the spotlight for (9 min)

  • Should tea tree oil be refrigerated? (11 min)

  • What quality factors to be aware of when assessing the safety of tea tree essential oil (13 min)

  • What a review study of 46 human trials concluded regarding what tea tree oil is effective for and its safety (14 min)

  • How esteemed aromatherapists view the safety of tea tree oil (15 min)

  • Using essential oils responsibly (19 min)

  • Closing thoughts (20 min)

Resources From the Show:

Previous Episodes Mentioned on the Show:

Links to Learn More About My Offerings and Education on Essential Oils:


Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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