346: The Power of One w/ Brianna K. Wilkerson



Such a simple number. Yet within it, it contains all the power needed in so many of life's challenges. Today on our show we dive into the power that just one essential oil, one decision, one child, or one experience can have on a person's life.

Brianna Wilkerson is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, Essential Oils Advocate, and podcast host.  She helps women find peace with food, create healthy habits, and use essential oils confidently so they can feel better, have more energy, and take care of themselves and those they love. She’s also a wife and momma, matcha tea lover, and at-home crossfitter.


Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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  • Learn more about Brianna K. Wilkerson on her site HERE.

  • Find her on Facebook HERE and HERE, or on Instagram HERE.

  • What does 6+ years of experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

Bedbug/Head Lice Repellant

From: Meg Anderson, New York


In a spray bottle combine:

  • 5 drops Geranium oil 

  • 5 drops tea tree oil

  • 1 oz castor oil

  • 1 tablespoon water


Shake well. Spray directly on hair daily. Spray directly on linens and mattress daily. No need for washings or putting stuff in plastic bags!!! Whitens your nails while you’re at it....


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Episode Transcript

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1 (1s): Where words fail. Music speaks. Hans Christian Anderson,

2 (7s): Empowerment in Education. Two powerful elements that will help you break free of convention and transform your passion for wellness tool level beyond the status quo, the essential oil revolution where you're given the tools to supersede an ordinary, everyday lifestyle, inspiring speakers, DIY recipes, healthy living tips, and more. You'll discover it all here. So tune in and get ready for a wellness revolution.

1 (38s): Hello, welcome to the Essential Oil Revolution. I'm your host, Samantha Lee Wright. Thank you so much for tuning in with us here today, week after week, to learn about one of nature's most powerful tools to keep you well and to help you live a balanced life, essential oils. Today on our show, we talk with Brianna Wilkerson, who breaks down for us her journey of getting started in essential oils and how that changed when she herself became a mother. We dive into lots of different topics, but I decided to call this episode The Power of One because there's a, it's sort of a theme that comes up and you'll see what I mean later.

1 (1m 22s): I'm not gonna set it up anymore than that. But before we get to our interview, let's pull a recipe out of our DIY dugout. And today's recipe happens to be our winner for our monthly giveaway. Every month we pull a winner out of our DIY dugout submitters and mail them a bottle of orange essential oil and our ebook full of our favorite essential oil recipes. So congratulations goes to Meg Anderson from New York for her recipe called bedbug slash headlights repellent In a spray bottle combined, five drops geranium, five drops tea tree, one ounce caster oil, and one tablespoon of water.

1 (2m 7s): Combine and shake well and spray directly on hair daily, spray directly on linens and mattresses daily. No need for washing or putting stuff in plastic bags, she says. And it happens to whiten your nails while you're at it. Thank you so much for this recipe, Meg Anderson, and congratulations for being our winner this month. If you have your own recipe you'd like to submit to our DIY dugout, it can be a favorite diffuser blend, a favorite roller ball, or something more specific, just email it to diy revolution oils podcast.com. Don't forget to include your name and where you're from or your website.

1 (2m 49s): And do me a favor. If you have a tricky name to pronounce, put a little key in there for me so I don't butcher your name to thousands of people. Thanks. StoryWorth

(3m 1s): Thanks to StoryWorth for their support of our show. If you're spending time with loved ones for the holidays, chances are you're going to hear a lot of stories, the ones you love to hear, and the ones you've heard maybe too many times. But have you ever wanted to help your loved one document those timeless stories? It can be really hard to write an entire book of life memories, but story worth makes it fun and easy. So here's how it works. I recently started this with my mom and I'm loving this. She is, she was a little resistant at first, but she is loving it now and she loves the process because story worth makes it so easy. So every week they'll email your loved one. StoryWorth

(3m 42s): A single life related question. For example, I really wanted my mom to write down her birth stories for me and my sisters. All she has to do is reply to that email with her story and she can even add pictures in which she's been doing. And I'm loving seeing all of the childhood pictures that my mom has and even more. I love the idea of being able to share this with my kids when they're older. So after a year story worth compiles your loved one's stories and they turn it into an exquisite hard cover book, creating a valued keepsake that I know will be passed down to my kids and hopefully their kids so that they can read stories like how their grandma used to go on family road trips in the backseat of the car with no seat buckles because hey, it was the sixties. StoryWorth

(4m 30s): Help your family share their story this holiday season with StoryWorth. Go to storyworth.com/revolution today and save $10 on your first purchase. That's S T O Y W ot h.com/revolution to save $10 on your first purchase, storyworth.com/revolution. Vegamour

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1 (6m 47s): I'm here with Brian Wilkerson, who is a holistic health and life coach, essential oils advocate and podcast host. She helps women find peace with food, create healthy habits, and use essential oils confidently so they can feel better, have more energy and take care of themselves and those they love. She's also a wife and mama, MAA T lover, and at home CrossFitter. Welcome Brianna. How are you?

4 (7m 14s): Good. Thank you for having me here. It's an honor to be here.

1 (7m 17s): I'm excited to have you here. And I just wanna start out with at home, CrossFitter has hardcore. That 4 (7m 23s): Is hardcore. Well, you know, I'm not doing as hardcore as I once did. Now I got the little kiddos. But yeah, I just think there's a lot of things we can do at home that we, we don't always have to go to gym for. So

1 (7m 33s): Yeah, that that is true. I'm, I'm personally experiencing that right now. I star, I started P 90 X recently.

4 (7m 39s): Oh, okay.

1 (7m 40s): Ooh, more. Ooh, it is. It is kicking my butt, but it's all at home. Right. And I'm able to do that at home, which is, which is great cuz that that extra time driving to the gym and bag, even though I love that community aspect that a gym can give, I also really like the privacy of working out at home or I can just like look like an idiot and not care. Right.

4 (8m 1s): Or like wear whatever, you know, workout clothes you want and not have to be like, is this appropriate? 1 (8m 6s): You know? Yeah, exactly.

4 (8m 7s): I get that. Trust me,

1 (8m 8s): I get that. I'm laughing cause I was doing, I was doing the extreme yoga workout the other day in my living room and I got so hot I ended up taking my shirt off. I didn't even have a bra and I was just like naked yoga in my living room and I was like, wow, this is something I could never do anywhere else. Right, exactly. Exactly. It was totally How old are your kids?

4 (8m 34s): Two years and four months. And four months. So they're exactly two years 1 (8m 36s): Apart, like by two

4 (8m 37s): Days. So they're young, the little ones. Yeah.

1 (8m 40s): Yeah. Congratulations. Congratulations. So when did essential oils come into your life? What led you to sort of start incorporating those into, into your world?

4 (8m 52s): Yeah, you know, I think I heard about the world of essential oils way earlier than I actually started using. I think that's like most people, but I thought it was just great for like stress and sleep, which is still amazing by the way. But I, for me, I had started my health coaching business and I was just thinking about, well two things happen. I was thinking about what else can I add that could support either my coaching clients or just women that may never be clients but I still wanna help them in their health or, and actually I had really bad pain in my wrist from over usage and my tendon flared up and I just at the same time was like, is there anything natural else that I can do with this? Cuz everything I'm doing, like not working, the pain is still very high.

4 (9m 32s): And so I started using different blends that really helped soothe that. And since I was also a public auditor at the time and working a lot of hours trying to start my business, my immune system was not good. So I got a blend that helped with that and I just was like, okay, what are these things? You know, I, I mean I heard about these things but I never knew that they could help with these and, and so that's when I went into the world of just like understanding what they are, like what really essential oils are, how you use them, why they work the way they do and yeah, how to incorporate them into my life first. Yeah. And then eventually started helping other women in the same way.

1 (10m 6s): Yeah. Well, well back up and tell us about those, those initial success stories that you had. What were the oils that you were using on your, you said it was your wrist, was it like carpal tunnel? Yeah, yeah. Or something else.

4 (10m 16s): Yeah. Yeah. It was tendonitis. It was very, very bad tendonitis and because I did cross CrossFit. But you know what's interesting about CrossFit? A lot of people get injured not doing CrossFit. It's like outside of it, you're not as careful. But for me it was just like, I just was like, it had a pain and I thought, oh I'm fine. You know, I'll just keep pushing through, which is how most of us probably respond. So it was a different blend of different oils. It was like Winter Green was in there, which is the main one that I think really supported that we had, I think if there's some blue tansy in there, it was a blue, a blend called deep blue and it just really like soothed it. I think again, the winter green was the main part in that, the, you know, methyl solic acid that really supported and a natural way the, the relief.

4 (10m 58s): And so, I mean I just used the oil, the oil blend twice a day. I only had a little sample and it came in a rub form. So I'm gonna look at a little sample that I was just doing like a couple dots, not a couple dots, a little bit more than that. Beginning of the morning and end of the night and within a week it just was like way better. I still had to do physio, I still had to give it time to heal, but I just was amazed that like I, I didn't have as much pain that I once had. And then the immune, you know, immune system's funny, right? Cuz it's obviously so many factors that really contribute to a healthy immune system. Stress, sleep, nutrition, exercise, you know, reducing your toxic load, all those things. So I knew that it was like I was working on all of those things, but I just needed that extra boost.

4 (11m 38s): And the blend that I used had like wild orange, clove, rosemary eucalyptus, and I think cinnamon and that all together individually they would help with your immune system, but together really provided a good, good boost. So yeah, that it was just like within a few weeks I just felt different and that's when I was like, okay, what are these things and how do they

1 (12m 1s): Work? Yeah. Yeah. And I love that simple start as well, you know, you've got, you've got this obvious problem, let's try, let's try something right. And that's, it doesn't have to be more complicated than that. What were some of the things you kind of came across in the beginning of your journey when you were discovering, you know, why do these work? How do they work that maybe surprised you, you weren't expecting to learn?

4 (12m 22s): Well one, I had no idea what they actually were. Like what are essential oils and why are they called essential? Where do they come from? So I think just even understanding that these essential oils are just these, you know, parts of plants, flowers, all these different things that are naturally occurring in the earth that, you know, back in my parents' day and probably more eastern, you know, medicine and help, like they go to the plants, like my parents are like, yeah, that's the headache bush. And I'm like, oh, headache books. Like, yeah, we use that plant to help with our headaches and it's like, oh, this is just something that people have done throughout centuries is just used the natural environment to support their health and and provide natural remedies. So I think that was a big aha for me that similar to similarly on my journey of learning that Whole Foods is like really better for you.

4 (13m 5s): It's like there are just things that are just like the, the earth has given us that that can really help us in our health. So that was one. And just even like the, the thing, the idea of like, I could use oils for way more things than I ever thought I could and going on that journey and it's a huge world and it's sometimes I think people can be very overwhelmed, but what you're saying it's like, okay, I've learned all of this, but what's, you know, lemon for example, I learned lemon can do 10, 12 different things, but how do I like start with it? Okay, I'm gonna just, you know, put some in my water and that's all I'm gonna do for a good couple weeks or so. So yeah, that's another thing is that the, the world of essential oils is vast and you can use them to totally overhaul so many of the care products in your, in your life, but you can't start there because you're just gonna be overwhelmed if you like try to do everything at one time.

4 (13m 53s): And so Yeah.

1 (13m 54s): Yeah, that that which we tend to do as women, right,

4 (13m 56s): Right. Exactly. In our health, right? Like especially like, you know, it's like for you it's like doing p90x, it's like okay, should you change other tons of other things at the same time? It might be overwhelming, but Right, right. You know, sticking to one thing and making it a habit and then moving on to the next.

1 (14m 10s): Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And in that example, like I've gone through phases of, of like dieting where I'm like, okay, I'm just gonna focus on my calorie intake, right? I'm just gonna take note of how, how many calories I'm taking in every day and focus on that. And if I'm doing that, there's no way I can add like a new fitness routine on top of that. It's just too much change too fast. And the same with this, with p90x. I mean I'm only on day four and I'm like, who, this is really hard. This is a really hard habit for me to do. I'm not gonna put the added stress of like counting my calories on top of that. Like I'm just not gonna do it. And, and that's, that's my personal approach and, but I've learned, I think that wisdom over the years of trying to force too much change at one time, it just doesn't work and you, you have to take it one step at a time.

4 (14m 58s): Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know, there, you know, seasons of our lives where in different things where we have, we have tons of change at one time, but I think when we, if we can choose not to choose not to, especially when it comes, it comes to your health and self care and you know, your own habits. Because we as women are like trying to do so many things and that it's just men too and it's just, it's gonna be overwhelming and you're not gonna stick with it. So you're gonna then blame the thing that you did versus just blaming the fact that you took on too much at one time. Right,

1 (15m 27s): Right, right. And it's not your fault. I mean if you stacked up, if you made it look just a list of everything that the average person just gets done in a day today compared to let's say like a hundred years ago, oh my god, I guarantee you that list is at least 10 times as long. It was just such a different lifestyle. I'm not saying it was like easier back then. Oh yeah. I'm just saying it, it's, we live in a very quick time where technology, you know, technology was invented to really try to help us work less, but it's really just made us more efficient so now we can get more done. But human nature is to, well if I can get more done, I'm gonna get more done.

1 (16m 9s): I'm not gonna just stop. Right. Because I can. So yeah, it's an interesting, interesting look. So Brianna, tell us about your podcast, the Made Well Women Podcast. You've been doing that for a long time. Props to you. I know what that takes and it's not easy. So tell us a little bit more about your show. Do you have like a favorite episode from, from that work you've done?

4 (16m 32s): Yeah, you know, my, my show's gone through so many name changes, so many focus changes just like business has, right? I think as we evolve it, you know, everything we do evolves and yeah, it, my heart behind that is to do what I love to do with my businesses, really just help women look good and feel good from the inside out. So whether that's like, okay, we're gonna work on our mindset and our habits change and then also like, how are we dressing? Cuz that makes a big difference in how we feel about our bodies. And yeah, I think a most recent episode was actually a really recent one with Dr. Isabelle. She's a kind of a functional health doctor and she just talked a lot about burnout, her journey in going through burnout in medical school and the impact on her health.

4 (17m 15s): And then just as women, how we can so easily burn out. And as I'm listening I'm like, oh yeah, I know I'm, I can see the burnout signs in my life if I don't, if I don't switch something quickly, you know, as a mom of young, two young kids and trying to also run businesses, it's just like, okay, it's, I can burn out if I'm not careful. So that's a, like I, I love having people on. I think that's one thing I love having people on the podcast cuz they can bring a different perspective in their story. So yeah. That, that's a favorite of mine.

1 (17m 41s): Absolutely. We should always be open to other perspectives and having those conversations. Like yeah, in my show especially I'll get, sometimes I'll get emails from people like, oh my God, I can't believe you had this person on and they talked about this and this. And I'm like, dude, if I, if I only let people on my show that I agreed 100% with all the time, I would never learn anything and I, and I wouldn't have a show, there would be no one to talk to. Right, right. Yes. That's just not the way the world works. And so yeah, you have to be open to, to learning new things, but also just be willing to have conversations with people, even if it's not necessarily like what you believe. I don't know, I find that important. Yeah. So how, how long have you been using essential oils?

1 (18m 22s): I can't remember when you said that started

4 (18m 25s): About six and a half years ago.

1 (18m 27s): Okay. That's a long time. Yeah, yeah. Over that time have you developed sort of your go-to favorite essential oils? 4 (18m 33s): Oh yeah, for sure. I mean, there are, so, it's so funny cuz you know, I teach so many classes about them and there's so many, there's so many oils out there and so many blends and all this stuff. But I find that like when I look at my whole case of oils, there are like, like 10 to 12, maybe 15, that I'm like, these are the ones that I use and I'm always reordering. And I, and I wondered why that was, and I, and I realized those are the ones I started with, but also those are the ones that, they're just so versatile. So, you know, lavender has been so great for me in regards to just like really getting to like, I, I've started using it differently. And that's another thing is that even with this oil that can do so many different things, I feel like I use it differently in different seasons.

4 (19m 15s): So I used to diffuse it a lot, but now I've been putting a lot in a, in a water-based diffuser. Now I put it in my palms of my hand and I just have been practicing a lot of deep breaths, which we all know helps, you know, switch our nervous system so we can calm down quicker. And I've been doing that at night and it's just like, I've been experiencing lavender in a whole other way. I'm like, it's gone through my, my nose and I feel it everywhere and I sleep deeper like I'm dreaming. And I know that with me with two young kids, I'm like, dreaming is like a good thing. That means I'm in a good place. So yeah, so lavender, I mean, lemon is so great. I use lemon in my water. I use lemon to like clean little stickers that my daughter puts around or my little whiteboard that I use for workouts that I forget to erase often.

4 (19m 58s): And then like frankincense, I mean, everyone like knows a lot about frankincense, but that is a powerhouse of an oil. My goodness. You can use it for your skin health, your cellular health meditation, calming. And I just, I'm just always in love with this oil and I actually love using it as a perfume too. I remember going into Barnes and Noble one time it on a diffuser necklace and a lady was just like, what are you wearing? I'm like, oh fucking sense. She's like, oh my gosh, tell me more about it. And so it's just really cool. Let's see some other favorites.

1 (20m 27s): I've had that same reaction. Absolutely.

4 (20m 31s): It's just like, this is, it's like ancient, it's an ancient oil. Like, you know, like it's been used so much throughout the years and it's just so cool to like be bringing it back. But yeah, I'm trying to peppermint, I can't believe I forgot. I mean, I use peppermint literally multiple times a day. It is such a great boosting oil, focusing cooling down, you know, I live in Florida where it's getting cooler now, but it's usually very hot that I just like spray it on with some water after I've been on outsider on my kids because it's just cools the body down. And so yeah, those are like, I mean, tea tree, I mean you can keep going on and on and on, but there are so many that I just find that like are on my kitchen or on my bathroom sink and I just like use so much, so much so that my daughter is like, oils, you know, can I use list?

4 (21m 17s): It's awesome.

1 (21m 19s): Aw, that's great. Well, it seems like you've really learned to incorporate them into your everyday life, which I feel like some people struggle with that aspect of it, right? They'll, they know about them, they buy them, they put them on their shelves, but then they kind of just forget about them and they're, they're, you know, unless something really acute comes up, they don't really think about it that much. Do you have any advice for just helping people really incorporate those into their everyday lives better? And and why is that important?

4 (21m 48s): Yeah, I think I've been thinking about this a lot. Like what, not just with oils, but what makes us purchase things and, and what, what do they promise to us? And I think with oils, they promise us support, they promise us relief from a lot of the things that we're experiencing or, you know, wanting to try more non-toxic things that providing that. But I think there is a breakdown that when we like buy it and then we like get it. And I think sometimes we, we feel like it's too, I got this so much, it's too overwhelming to learn something new, what we were just talking about. It's too overwhelming to like completely switch everything. But that's not what we're asking, that's not what you're asking, that's not what I'm asking. I'm just asking them. All right, get us, get, get, you know, the ones that you most need and just start using one.

4 (22m 33s): And one thing I often time help my customers with is just thinking like, just pick one and figure out all the different ways you can use it this week. Just like experiment, have fun with it, you know, so maybe on Monday you use lemon in your water, maybe on Tuesday you use it to add it to your laundry. Maybe on Wednesday you add it to your dish soap or just pick one of those ways and use it all seven days, you know? So I think just breaking it down to the power of one, like one oil, one use is, is has been really helpful for a lot of my customers, even myself that often, like you and I probably have so many that it can just be like, how am I supposed to use Petly Uranium, all these different ones.

4 (23m 13s): It it, you know, that's, that's how, that's what I do when I'm like, my goodness, this one's been on the shelf for a while, so let me just figure out one way to use it. And you know, geranium the other day I'm like, oh wow, this is like, I, I used to love using this as like a deodorant type thing. So I'm like, yesterday I put it on, I'm like, man, I smell good ing down there. So yeah, so just picking one oil one way could be a really great way to start introducing it.

1 (23m 37s): I love that the power of one. It is. And when you're learning too, especially some people, especially the more sciencey kind of the geeky ones like, like me that really want to learn like everything about these oils and just pick like one a day or one a week to be like, oh, today I'm gonna just, I'm gonna read, I'm gonna research about, you know, peppermint and I'm gonna see what kinda studies are out there. I'm gonna see what the chemical constituents are and what does, what do those mean? Like, just for fun, you know, just for fun and taking it one bite at a time, one oil at a time. I agree. That's such a, that's such a fabulous approach. And then on the big picture of things, Brianna, like how, how have oils impacted your life would you say on a whole, you know, you've obviously learned to incorporate them on a daily basis.

1 (24m 25s): What kind of difference has that made from your, from your pre oil life to now?

4 (24m 30s): Yeah, you know, before I started using oils, I think that's when I started getting introduced to the world of, of synthetic toxins that often make their way into our personal care, not hair, skin cleaning products. And before that I was like, oh gosh, I don't want any of that. So I just use like coconut oil, which is still amazing to use on your skin and your hair. But I think for me it's really added in like now I'm, I can be confident after these years that like what, you know, whether it's a do it yourself essential oil product or, or a bought one with the oils, I can be confident that like when I'm cleaning, when I'm diffusing, when I'm putting stuff on my hair, on my body, that I'm not kind of what I call re detoxifying myself.

4 (25m 10s): I'm not like adding other things. I'm actually supporting my health and my body and I think this is a really cool story and I'll share more about me, but like, you know, my daughter was like two, she's two and she's into everything and I was using an essential oil based cleaning, like to mop the floor and I looked and she just was like playing with the water. I'm like, just like splashing in. And I'm like, normally I would be like, oh my God, don't do that. I'm like, it's fine, you know, it's just oils, right? And I already use those oils on you anyways, you know, and she was like drinking it. I'm like, don't drink, first of all that's dirty water. But I think that's another thing is trusting that it's safe with my kids and, but I had already gone through that journey so when I had kids it wasn't like I had to do something different because you know, I was already using it, you know, even with my son, he had a little bit of dry skin when he was born.

4 (25m 56s): So automatically knowing, okay, well I could use these things I recommended or I could just try oils first and see if it works. And it did like using Franken since lavender tea free and some coconut oil and I mean it's like his skin is moisturized, it's no longer dry, you know? So I think it's just the idea of like, that I can be, I can have these solutions, these health solutions at my home and I don't always need to go buy something. I don't always need to refer to someone else. And don't get me wrong, there's a room and space for traditional medicine and all that and I'm so grateful. But the most I've ever been personally to a doctor in the last, you know, 10 years has been when I've been pregnant because I've just been able to like remedy things very quickly, just everyday things with solutions on hand.

4 (26m 41s): So it saved, it saved me money. I think a lot of people are like, like oils are expensive. I'm like, it's gonna save you money because it's only literally pennies per drop saves you money in the long run if you're using them proactively because you're gonna, you're not gonna feel unwell as much. Right. And it's just fun. I'm gonna just say it's just fun. Like I've had girls nights where we've made little face scrubs or you know, for Christmas making little goody basket with oils and can trust that when I'm giving this gift, it's actually a gift that's gonna support them and their health. And so yeah. And you know, I just think it's the most beautiful thing when I can use the same type of essential oil based sunscreen on my kids that I can use on myself. So yeah, so it's, it's supported me with me and my kids, my own health journey, me and my husband's health journey and just like trusting, knowing that we're using these solutions that aren't, aren't just toxic but like are actually supporting our health in the, in the long run too.

1 (27m 34s): Yeah, absolutely. Let's not just focus on what's not bad for us, but Right. What's also good for us, right? And that's what essential wheels are able to really help us lower the, the bad, right? All the synthetics and the, all these things are expensive, you know, medications or whatnot that you might be able to lessen, but they're also good and they're also fun. I'm so glad that you, you said that because if it ain't fun, you know, what's the point? Right?

4 (27m 58s): Right. Exactly. Exactly. And we need more fun in our life, especially as women we, you know, I see my daughter and how much fun she has with the most random things and I just think we lose that. Like she enjoys her kinetic sand and putting things together. Why can't I, as a grown adult woman enjoy putting a little essential oil thing together, you know? So

1 (28m 16s): Right, exactly. Like dropping things into your diffuser and just relishing the mist that comes out and then Yes. Yes. That's a fun and like, and it should be and you should recognize that and celebrate it. Right?

4 (28m 27s): Right. BetterHelp

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1 (29m 58s): Well Brianna, this has been so much fun. Thank you for giving us a little glimpse into your life and encouraging us to really embrace these bottles of plant magic even more. We love it. Before you go, we always love to ask our guests a couple closing questions. And the first is, what's just one or two self-care practices that you try to do every day to stay healthy?

4 (30m 20s): Yeah, I mean I definitely think water. Just making sure I'm hydrated and making sure that I'm giving my body the support it needs through that. And I, and I, you know, it's funny, I'm trying, I was, I was thinking about this, I'm like, what are the things, you know, especially with two young kids too, I try to do, I definitely try to take making sure I'm giving my body the nutrition through proper, you know, balanced meals, but also micronutrients, so like my vitamins and minerals because I just know that that's so important and it's helped me personally postpartum four months in to really like recovering well. So making sure I'm getting the nutrition and water I need is kind of like my base self care right now.

1 (30m 56s): Have you always been a water drinker? Any any tips for people who are

4 (30m 59s): Like, you know, this is, it's so funny. It's just, I think it's like, it's so hard. It, it's something so simple. We know drink water but it can become so hard. No, I haven't. You know, I think what really helped me is just finding little tricks such as like have a cup, well one, always having a water bottle wherever I go, just so I'm able to like easily drink. But when I'm working at a desk or something, having a cup that when it's empty go up and fill it and then bring it back. And so whether it's a small or big cup, but that's just helped me like a visual of saying like, oh I have an empty cup, like go fill it up so that when I'm thirsty I can just do some sips. And so having a bottle and a cup by you at all times will help with the hydration.

1 (31m 38s): Yeah. Well finally, what's just one thing that we should all ditch completely and replace with something healthier today?

4 (31m 46s): Oh, I'm gonna, I don't, I don't wanna call people out, but it's the holidays, right? Well at least when we're recording this and I think there's so many like fun smells, but just switch out your typical thing that you may have been using and just see if there's an essential oil that can make your house smell just as Christmasy or just as holiday or spring timey, wherever you're listening to this. Cuz what we smell does impact a lot of our health as well. And so just switching that out through using particularly essential oils and diffusing can really make a big difference in your life.

1 (32m 15s): Yeah. Do you have a favorite, like Christmasy?

4 (32m 17s): Oh, I love Clove. Clove. So delicious. Cloven Orange together or just heaven. Yeah,

1 (32m 23s): Absolutely. I love it. I love it. Well awesome. Well thank you so much for, for coming on the show. I hope people check out your podcast, your website. What's the best way for people to get in touch and get started in your world?

4 (32m 36s): Yeah, so you can follow me on Instagram at Madewell Women or on Facebook. I have a Facebook group Made while Women's Health Community as well, so I hang out a lot in those two places. For those who are just, you know, either needing a refresher in some of the basics about essential oil system, basic ones to get started with there, I have kinda a webinar that you can sign up for and get the replay essential Oils 1 0 1, introduction to Oils. So I've had many people who've been using almost for years just watch and be like, oh, it's good to be reminded of that. So definitely you can sign up for that and yeah, and then we can, you can ask me. Let me know if you have any questions.

1 (33m 7s): Awesome. Thank you so much. This has been so much fun. Brian Wilkerson, thanks for coming onto this show and sharing your wisdom with us here on the Essential Oil Revolution. We appreciate it.

4 (33m 19s): Thank you so much.

1 (33m 21s): That's it for today. Thank you so much for tuning in. As always, you can find helpful show notes, resources, links, our swag shop, and more on our website@revolutionoilspodcast.com. There you can also submit your recipe to our DIY dugout where you automatically get entered in for a chance to win our monthly giveaways of a bottle of orange oil and our favorite DIY essential oil ebook. That's revolution oils podcast.com. We'll catch you here again next week. In the meantime, I'm Samantha Lee Wright, thanks so much for tuning in, keep on learning, keep on discovering, and most importantly, keep on treating yourself well.

1 (34m 7s): You are worth it.


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