331: Hair Growth, Dandruff, and More w/ Briana Simpson


Did you know that at the time of your birth, you already have every hair follicle you'll ever have on your head? But over time, due to a multitude of factors, those follicles can stop producing hair, which causes thinning and balding. Today we discuss the causes of hair loss, and other common issues like dandruff and greying, and ways to support a healthy head of hair through essential oils and other tools.

Briana Simpson is a Registered Nurse & Certified Aromatherapist with 10+ years of experience working with essential oils. Her goal is to help others take one step closer towards their health goals by arming them with knowledge about using essential oils safely and effectively!


Hi! I’m Sarah!

You deserve to live a healthy, happy life my friend. I’m here to help you find tools and information that help. I’m cheering you on. xo

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  • Connect with Briana Simpson on Instagram HERE. Send her a DM with what you’ve learned today for a free bottle of Rosemary EO!

  • What does 6+ years of experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

This Week’s DIY Recipe

Smith Smell

From: Anne Smith,Traverse City, MI


In a roller bottle combine

  • 10 drops patchouli

  • 6 drops vetiver

  • 2 drops green mandarine

  • 2 drops pink pepper

  • 2 drops star anise


 fill remained with FCO


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Episode Transcript

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0 (1s): Beauty is the promise of happiness, Edmond, Burke

1 (6s): Empowerment in education. Two powerful elements that will help you break free of convention and transform your passion for wellness to a level beyond the status quo, the essential oil revolution, where you're given the tools to superseded an ordinary everyday lifestyle, inspiring speakers, DIY recipes, healthy living tips, and more. You'll discover it all here. So tune in and get ready for a wellness revolution.

0 (36s): Hello, and welcome to the essential oil revolution. I'm your host, Samantha Lee Wright. And thanks for tuning in with us here today. We've got such a fun episode for you. All our guest B Simpson walks us through the science of hair loss. We'll walk through not just hair loss, but gray hair, dandruff, all of the things and how essential oils can support a healthy scalp in hair. Tons of recipes today. And let's start out with a recipe from our DIY dugout. Today's recipe comes from Ann Smith in traverse city, Michigan, and her recipe is called Smith smell to make the Smith smell in a roller bottle.

0 (1m 18s): You'll come by 10 drops. Petly six drops V ever. Two drops, green Mandarin, two drops, pink pepper, and two drops star, a niece essential oil. Then fill the remainder with a fractionated coconut oil. So unique. I love this. Thanks for submitting your recipe and we'll give it a try and see if we can smell like Smith for a day. If you have your own recipe, you'd like to submit to our dugout, email it to us at DIY revolution, oils, podcast.com. BetterHelp

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0 (3m 24s): I'm here with Brianna Simpson who is a registered nurse, a certified aroma therapist with 10 plus years of experience working with essential oils. Her goal is to help others to take one step closer towards their health goals by arming them with knowledge about using essential oils safely and effectively. Brianna, welcome to this show. How are you?

3 (3m 46s): I am good. Thank you so much for having me. I am super excited to be here,

0 (3m 51s): Me too. And this is such a fun topic talking about essential oils and hair care. And it it's a question that comes up a ton because, you know, I guess long story short essential oils have sort of gathered a reputation for being able to help people with hair growth, scalp issues, all sorts of things. So I wanna dive into all of that and get into the nitty gritty. But first I'm curious, just how you sort of started with essential oils and especially how you got interested in hair.

3 (4m 21s): Yeah, well, so getting started with essential oil. So about 10 years ago when I was a teenager, I had teenage acne pretty bad. And I went to my health food store after having tried just a whole bunch of conventional treatments and nothing was working for me. And she told me to try tea, tree oil and lavender. So I completely cleaned up my skincare routine started using tea, tree oil and lavender. And I was so impressed because my skin cleared up within about six months.

0 (4m 51s): And, and how exactly were you using using that on your skin?

3 (4m 55s): So I was doing, I was using it prophylactically by mixing it with Alovera a little bit of tea and a little bit of lavender and putting that all over my face, just a super light delusion. And then I was also using tea tissue oil as like a spot treatment. So that was very helpful. And I was really just doing that and using like a clean moisturizer, a clean face cleanser. And I really wasn't doing too much to my face, whereas before I had been using just a whole bunch of different commercial products, trying to clear up my skin. So yeah, after that, I was just super impressed, started deep diving into essential oils.

3 (5m 37s): And I haven't stopped since I actually started losing hair a couple of years ago. So because of that, I started diving into how to use essential oils to support a hair growth. So that's kind of what spurred this topic today. And just in talking to many other people, a, a lot of people are really interested in how we can use essential oils to support hair growth. I think it's, it's a topic that is very important to a lot of people.

0 (6m 10s): So Brianna, I know we're gonna dive more into the kind of geeky science stuff about hair loss and, and just hair in general and how it works, which is fascinating. But I know that you're a huge advocate for people to kind of first just look at that whole, that low hanging fruit of if you are losing hair, if your hair is thinning, if you're not happy with your hair first, just pause and look with, with a scrutinizing eye, look at the products that you're using in your hair, on your hair on a daily basis. So let's talk a little bit about the cosmetic industry and the, the hair product industry specifically.

3 (6m 48s): So many ingredients that are present in commercial hair products are known carcinogens, but they also have ingredients that can negatively impact like our reproductive system, our neurological system, our indoctrine system, and even the immune system. So it is very important that we use products that are made with clean ingredients, both when our hair is behaving normally. And also when we are treating a problem with our hair and scalp, such as Dandra for hair loss. So there's a whole list of ingredients that we want to avoid. And some of these are like parabens sulfates, PVP, which is in hairsprays benne, dyes, fragrance. Fragrance is kind of a tricky one because when a product lists that it's got fragrance or even natural fragrance, there are a whole host of ingredients that can be hidden under the word fragrance.

3 (7m 37s): So we want to be purchasing products that actually list what the fragrance is. So like if it's using lavender or eucalyptus as the fragrance, we want that to actually be listed.

0 (7m 48s): And we want that to be pretty much the only thing listed. We don't want fragrance lavender, because like you just said, I mean, we talk about this all the time on the show, but it's so important to understand that that word fragrance is just a boom automatic red flag, because you really, there's no way to know what is in a product when it has that word fragrance in it. They just hide all the chemicals underneath that, you know, trademark secret word fragrance. And as you said, those, the, I, you know, the shampoo conditioner aisle, for example, it's almost impossible to find anything on those, on those shells that aren't laid in with carcinogens fragrance, you know, even the ones that are listed as, you know, no SLS, because they know people have, have become aware of like SLS, maybe not being the best thing, but just because it doesn't contain SLS doesn't mean it doesn't contain, you know, 10 other variants of SLS or other chemicals that are probably worse actually.

0 (8m 50s): You know, I've studied a lot about exactly sodium Laurel sulfate SLS is, is not nearly as evil as it has been painted to be. And now the alternatives that companies are using to be able to put that contains no SLS on their bottle are actually way worse for things like your endocrine system. And so, yeah, it makes sense in my mind. Now, if you're using all these chemicals that are affecting your endocrine system, you know, that's linked directly to your hormones and what else controls your hair growth and hair loss besides hormones, your hormones are so powerful. So yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

3 (9m 26s): Yeah. Oh, that's so good. So I'm, I'm a little bit of a, a medical geek just because I'm a registered nurse. So I, I like to dig into a little bit of the science behind why hair loss happens. So just to give you a little bit of a background, I wanna talk really quickly about the four stages of hair growth, and then how essential oils can help these four stages of hair growth. So first the first phase of hair growth is called the antigen phase. So this is the growth phase or active phase of hair. So every single hair on our body is grown from a hair follicle. So this hair follicle, secures the hair to the scalp, and it also is connected to a blood supply that constantly supplies us with nutrients to be able to grow strong and healthy hair.

3 (10m 14s): So we do have a set number of hair follicles at birth. So we cannot grow more hair follicles as we age, but the goal is to keep the hair follicles that we do have active and healthy, and this is where essential oils can help.

0 (10m 27s): So the, in other words, if you, if you're a kid and you have luscious locks of hair, you should be able to retain that lusciousness, you know, technically throughout life, you know, but if you, if, as a kid, even you never really had thick hair, then don't think that, you know, using any amount of essential oils is gonna magically make your hair super thick. It's more like we're just trying to keep those hair fol follicles active throughout life.

3 (10m 55s): Exactly. So in the antigen phase, stem cells are rapidly dividing so that new hair is formed. And for most people, they generally grow about half an inch per month. Although some people naturally experience faster or slower hair growth. This phase generally lasts between three to five years. Although some things like stress, pregnancy, certain medical conditions, they can cause this phase to be much shorter. Generally about 80% of our hairs are in the antigen phase at any given time after the antigen phase comes the catagen phase, this phase just lasts a couple of days. And it's the process where the individual hair strands are cut off from the blood supply immediately after the catagen phase, we enter into the Telegen phase.

3 (11m 40s): So this is where our hair is already disconnected from the blood supply. And they enter into what is known as a resting phase. So a hair no longer continues to grow though. It's also not ready to fall out yet. So this phase generally lasts about one to three months. Typically 10 to 15% of the hairs in our head are in this phase at any given time. And then the last and final phase is the Exogen phase. So when you hear Exogen think exit, so this is where the hair falls out. And as long as our hair follicles and our scalp are healthy, our hair follicle will immediately enter into the antigen phase again, restart recurring hair. So this is where I wanna talk about things that can disrupt the normal hair growth process, and then how essential oils can help.

3 (12m 27s): So there are several things that we want to think about supporting when we are thinking about hair growth, we want our hair follicles to be strong and not irritated or inflamed so that the hair strands aren't popping out prematurely. We want the hair shaft, which is the hair strand itself to be strong because when our hair is dry and brittle, that is when our hair snaps and we start to get breakage and split ends. We also want a constant, healthy blood supply to our scalp so that the hair and scalp are constantly receiving nutrients. When the blood supply to our hair and scalp is disrupted due to things like stress or iron deficiency, anemia hair does not stay in the antigen phase for as long as we would like for it, to which results in us losing hair faster.

3 (13m 12s): So the first step in fixing hair loss is finding the root cause. So there are many things that can cause hair loss, such as stress, heredity, pregnancy, hormone, imbalances, metabolic imbalances, vitamin deficiency, such as iron deficiency or zinc deficiency, some medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or P C O S can lead to hair loss. There are even some medications that can cause hair loss. So if you, if you notice that you're starting to lose your hair and you're on a medication, oftentimes it's good to check the side effects just to make sure that hair loss isn't one of them. And then of course, things like over styling or over coloring, your hair can lead to hair loss. So I do want to encourage listeners that if you have just recently started losing hair and you were not completely certain as of the reason why you were losing your hair, it is always a good idea to get checked out by the doctor.

3 (14m 3s): So like I wouldn't, I actually have iron deficiency anemia. I don't know if I said that in the beginning, but I wouldn't have known that I had iron deficiency anemia. If I didn't go see my doctor and get blood tests drawn. So doctors can run blood tests, but dermatologists can even run tests on your scalp that can give you even more information on what might be going on. So it is definitely a good idea to get checked out by a doctor,

0 (14m 25s): If that is what you, that iron deficiency is that related to hair 3 (14m 28s): Loss. It is. So when you have low iron, so we have iron and then we have iron stores in our body, which is called ferritin. When you have an abundance of iron in the body, it turns into ferritin, which is the iron stores. That ferritin is very important for creating strong and healthy hair and keeping the hair follicles strong. So when you don't have an abundance of iron or Farin in the body, the body pulls all of the iron and Farin towards your more vital organs like your brain and your heart. It doesn't consider your scalp. It's like

0 (15m 2s): A cares about hair, or let's keep this brain going.

3 (15m 5s): Yes, exactly. So that is why. So a lot of women often have hair loss related to iron deficiency anemia. So that's definitely a really good one to get checked out. But the really good news is that for many people, if we are willing to implement lifestyle changes, work on reducing stress, making dietary changes as needed. These things can go a long way in helping us improve our hair without breaking the bank.

0 (15m 30s): And I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that essential oils can be one of those things. Brianna, what do we know about essential oils and hair growth?

3 (15m 38s): So there are quite a few essential oils that can help to stimulate the scalp. A really big one is Rosemary. So there are several studies showing that Rosemary can actually increase cellular metabolism to the scalp, and it can also help stimulate hair growth. Other ones that are also really helpful for increasing circulation to the scalp are Clary Sage, Rosemary, lavender time, chemo type, liminal, lineal, cedarwood, and peppermint. When I say chemotype a lot of people aren't familiar with chemotype depending on where essential oils are grown, they are high in certain chemical constituents.

3 (16m 21s): So specifically time chemotype lineal law is really good at helping increasing circulation to the scalp. One of the best things that you can do to help increase circulation to the scalp are scalp massages with some kind of carrier oil and a little bit of essential oil scalp massages in and of themselves help to increase circulation to our scalp. So a really easy way to do this is just to take a tablespoon of any carrier oil of your choice, argon oil and ho hobo hobo oil are really great choices for the hair. And you can add like a couple of drops of any essential oil. If you're choosing to the mix, a massage into your scalp, what is really cool about carrier oils is that they also have their own list of benefits for the hair and scalp, so they can make hair stronger.

3 (17m 7s): They can add shine, reduce frizz, and some of them can even help provide nutrients to the hair like vitamin C and vitamin E. So that is actually one of the things that essential oils cannot do. Essential oils don't have vitamins and minerals in them. So it's really cool that carrier oils can help supply a little bit more of those nutrients to your hair.

0 (17m 30s): What would be maybe the top carrier oil you would suggest for people who are having thinner hair or hair loss, maybe ha Hoba or almond or avocado, do you have a favorite?

3 (17m 43s): So pumpkin oil is actually a really good one for the hair. Pumpkin oil helps to block something called D H T. So DHT is also called it is a byproduct of testosterone. So it stands for dihydro testosterone. So it is an androgen sex hormone that is created from testosterone. Both men and women have testosterone in their bodies. Some people think that only men have testosterone in their bodies, but it's actually both men and women. And approximately 10% of the testosterone in our body is converted to DHT. Our body actually needs a little bit of DHT, but when we have too much, it is believed that it's attacks the stem cells in our hair follicles, which then causes our hair to not grow.

3 (18m 33s): So either our hair quits, growing it quits, growing well, or our hair starts to fall out more quickly. So pumpkin oil actually helps to block that, which is amazing for hair. So a lot of people, a lot of people who have like male and female pattern baldness, which is something that you tend to get more often as you age. So like men have the receiving hairline and then women, typically they get hair loss. That's dispersed all over their head that is often caused by DHT attacking their hair at follicles. So pumpkin seed oil is great for that. If you have a scalp condition or any kind of irritation, coconut oil is actually a really good one, although I will let you know that coconut oil is often thicker and a little, sometimes it feels a little bit stickier to wash out than some of the other essential oils, but it's great for scalp irritations.

3 (19m 25s): If you just want a gentle carrier oil, that's not gonna feel quite as oily or as difficult to wash out argon oil. And Hoba Hoba oil are really good ones to use.

0 (19m 36s): Okay, well, I love this. I, I didn't know this about pumpkin seed oil. So if we were to, you know, create like a little mixture at home, that's our scalp massage mixture and we take a, you know, bottle of pumpkin oil about how much essential oil would you wanna add ratio wise to that pumpkin oil. And would you do just as many oils as you can that you listed like Rosemary lavender and Claire Sage and cedarwood, or would you maybe just do one or two?

3 (20m 6s): That is a great question. So I usually encourage people if you're gonna be using a mixture on your scalp frequently, like let's say four to five times a week, probably doing a 1% blend is best. So 1% means that it is five to six drops per ounce of carrier oil. So one ounce is 30 CC. So if you're gonna do like a 30 CC mixture, then add five to six drops. You're such a nurse oil. I, I it's coming out, but if you were gonna do something like just a hair mask, like maybe once a week that you're gonna leave in overnight, you could go a little bit, bit stronger.

3 (20m 48s): So like maybe a 2% or a 3% blend generally for the scalp. I don't typically encourage people to go above a 3%. So 3% is just five to six times three. So that would be 15 to 18 drops per one ounce of carrier oil. So if you're just gonna do that, like once or twice a week, then you can go, you can go a little bit heavier.

0 (21m 11s): Okay. And if you were to just incorporate this into sort of your like daily routine, or like whenever you shower, for example, since you're already kind of in that mindset of, okay, I'm, I'm showering, I'm putting things in my hair, I'm washing them out. Would you suggest having that maybe 1% dilution, you know, in your bathroom, and then would you maybe give yourself a scout massage with about a tablespoon of that before you take a shower and then just wash it out or would you do it after and have it stay in there

3 (21m 43s): As long as you can leave those oils and that mixture in your hair, it's gonna provide even more benefit, but some people don't want those oils hanging out in their hair forever. So I typically encourage people like if you can do that scout massage, like maybe before you go to bed with some of those oils in that mixture and leave it in your hair overnight, that's amazing. You're gonna get just so much benefit from that mixture. But if you're somebody who doesn't really want to go to bed with oily hair, you can definitely do like a scout massage with this mixture, like 10 to 20 minutes before you take a shower and then wash it out. I do have cuz like I, I don't always want a super oily blend on my hair.

3 (22m 26s): I do a blend of lavender. Hydrosol some people are familiar with hydrosol, some people aren't and then you take what is known as soluble, which is an emulsifier and it blends the hydrosol and the essential oils together. That might be a new term for some people as well. But I actually use this spray and I, I personally like to put RAs, Rosemary, cedarwood, and lavender there because they've been shown to have so much effects and so much benefit on hair loss. So I spray this on my hair after I wash my hair because it's not oily and it's super safe and super easy to put on the scalp after you take a shower. So I do a combination of all three of those things.

3 (23m 6s): I probably sleep with oils in my hair one night a week. I do the scalp massages before I take a shower a couple times a week, and then I do spray this on my scalp after I wash my hair.

0 (23m 17s): Well, that's great. I think that some of those ingredients people are less familiar with. So maybe after this, would you mind emailing us that recipe? And we'll add that to the show notes for today. Definitely.

3 (23m 27s): Yeah, I can do that.

0 (23m 29s): Great. Well also these are amazing tips. I had curious about gray hair as well. We've been talking about hair loss and thinning, but you know, is there any, is there any magical way that we can prevent gray hair?

3 (23m 43s): So I'll, I'll be honest. I haven't found any studies like clinical studies that have proven this is effective, but some people, so there's anecdotal evidence to suggest that Rosemary geranium and Frank and sense may be helpful at slowing the grain process. So yeah, if you're interested in doing that, you can definitely give some of those a try.

0 (24m 8s): Yeah. I'm gonna guess that gray hair is often linked to stress as well. So in, in we know a lot about essential oils and stress, you know, using essential oils can often really help lower stress levels. So even just right there, I'd say essential oils can help prevent gray hair if you are using them to manage stress as well.

3 (24m 29s): Yes, that is a very good link. And what is so cool about essential oils is that you can often combat both the issue of hair loss, but then also help support your body during things like stress. So if like stress is causing your hair loss, you can use essential oils, both to help decrease your stress and to help encourage hair loss, which is super cool.

0 (24m 54s): Yeah. And when it comes to stress and essential oils, you know, lowering stress, I always, I try not to overcomplicate it at all, you know, and just simply tell people, Hey, whichever essential oils you like, whatever smells good to you, whatever you open the bottle, you sniff it and you go, ah, that's all, that's all you need to do. Yep. Yep. Open the bottle, smell it or throw it in your diffuser or put a couple drops in your bathtub or put a couple drops on your wrist or your heart, you know, really no wrong way to go about using oils to lower your stress so long as you're enjoying the process. And it's it makes you go. Ah,

3 (25m 31s): Yes. Yep. And I always really like to encourage people that when you are using essential oils with stress, it is the effect of essential oils is always compounded when you are just speaking and believing positive affirmations at the same exact time, because a lot of stress does begin in our mind and a lot of stress is absolutely valid, but when we speak positive things or like speaking a scripture or something like that and breathe in the essential oil at the same exact time that can have an even greater effect at reducing your stress.

0 (26m 2s): So Brianna, besides gray hair and hair loss, I'm thinking dandruff is kind of a, a hot topic for a lot of people they struggle with. So are there any tips you have for that?

3 (26m 14s): Yeah, so it is estimated that about 50% of people worldwide do experience dandruff at some period in their life. Sometimes it, it can lead to hair loss though. Oftentimes it's just annoying and it causes like itching and flaking. What is really cool is that essential oils can help this as well. So dandruff is often caused just by the buildup of dead skin cells or the buildup of product on your scalp, but sometimes it's also caused by yeast. So essential oils can help with all of these things, essential oil, such as tea, tree oil and lemon grass. There are many studies behind these two oils that show that they can help ease dandruff and ease some of the symptoms. They also help to unplug our hair follicles.

3 (26m 54s): So if we have hair follicles that are, are plugged due to product or something like that, it can help cleanse your hair, ease any inflammation in your hair, follicles help to get rid of any yeast that might be in your scalp. So these are really good ones. You can just add a super easy way just to add a couple of drops to your shampoo and do that daily until that you see the symptoms are gone

0 (27m 18s): And hopefully your shampoo is not laid in with chemicals, but even if it is, go ahead and throw some tea tree in there. Right?

3 (27m 25s): Yep, yep, exactly. And then just a couple other really quick cool things that essential oils can do. Many essential oils have antioxidants in them, which is very nourishing to the scalp. And so a lot of the aging process, both in our hair and our scalp is caused by UV effects from the sun. So when you are frequently applying antioxidants, both from the carrier oils and the essential oils that can help just mitigate the effects of aging that happens from the sun, which is really cool. One fun fact Camile essential oil can actually help lighten the hair naturally. So you can create a DIY with Cama meal, a tiny bit of lemon juice, mix it with a carrier oil and just apply it to your hair from the root to the tips.

3 (28m 11s): And this can help lighten your hair. Naturally. It's not gonna like bleach your hair, like, like a bleach would do, but it can help lighten it a little bit. Would

0 (28m 18s): You wanna get in the sun for that? I always remember that trick as a kid, we would always like put lemon on our, our hair and then laying the sun. Yeah.

3 (28m 26s): Yep. And if you go in the sun that even boosted a little bit more and then one cool fact about lavender essential oil, there is one study that shows that lavender essential oil can actually stimulate collagen production in the hair. So collagen is a very important component for growing strong and healthy hair. So lavender is really cool for that. The only thing with that is lavender can only stimulate collagen that is already present in your body. So that's why you might hear that people, it it's often encouraged to take like a collagen or biotin supplement if you're losing hair and then lavender can help stimulate that collagen production in your body to produce healthy hair.

0 (29m 10s): Brianna, this has been so much fun and so many great tips. Like I'm just, I'm excited to play around in my little, little kitchen of essential oils and, and get some more fun things into my, my daily routine there for my hair. So thank you for sharing all of that before you go. We always love to ask our guests a couple closing questions. And the first is what's just one or two self-care practices that you try to do every day to stay healthy.

3 (29m 39s): So every morning this is super simple. When I wake up every morning is I just immediately drink a glass of water with lemon before I drink my coffee. Before I have breakfast, I drink water. So our, our body gets dehydrated super quickly at nighttime. So drinking water just helps to encourage metabolism to get going, drinking it with lemon just helps to detoxify your body a little bit. So that's just a super easy thing that can have so much benefit for your body.

0 (30m 10s): Wonderful. And finally, what's one thing we should all ditch completely and replace with something healthier today.

3 (30m 18s): So negative self talk. This is it's amazing how much negative self talk can actually impact ourselves. Like even just one stray negative thought can just so quickly put us in a bad mood and cause stress. So it's, it takes practice. But just identifying when we are just speaking negatively about ourselves, thinking that we can't do something or even getting irritated or stressed about a negative situation, if we can identify that quickly and try to replace it with something like, you know, everything's gonna be okay, I'm gonna get through this. I have everything within me that I need to be able to tackle this issue in front of me.

3 (30m 60s): It just completely changes our perspective with what it is that we are tackling and puts us in a more positive frame of mind so that we aren't as stressed with whatever it is in front of us that it we're trying to work through.

0 (31m 14s): Yeah. So do you have tips for, if you catch yourself, you know, let's, let's say you're, I don't know. You wake up and you go, yeah, I'm so lazy. Haven't made a million dollars yet. I'm just worthless, you know, I mean, you catch yourself, you know, how do you counteract that?

3 (31m 31s): I, well, I, I personally counteract a lot of that with scripture. I do have like a list of scriptures that like, I post them on my mirror and things like that, just to remind myself that like, I need to be expectedly hoping and good things. I need to be expecting good things to happen in my life because when I expect good things, my eye is gonna be more naturally trained to see the good that is happening in my life rather than the negative things that are happening. Because I mean, we, we all have difficult things happen every single day of our life. We have inconvenient things that happen and we can just train our eye and our minds to see the good in every day instead of constantly seeing the negative.

3 (32m 14s): And that doesn't mean that we don't be realistic about, you know, some of the difficult situations that are happening. It just means that we seek to change our perspective about what it is that we are walking through at the moment.

0 (32m 26s): Hmm. I love that. Well, thank you so much, Brianna, this has been so much fun. Now, lastly, I just wanna ask what's the best way for people to get in touch with you and get started if they wanna be more a part of your world?

3 (32m 42s): Yeah. So right now I have an Instagram page, so I have just tons of education over on my Instagram page. I have a lot of the studies that I talked about today. I list in greater detail in a lot of my posts. So I try to make what

0 (32m 58s): Your

3 (32m 59s): Handled, oh, it is ignited health. Anybody who wants to pop over there, I'm actually gonna have a free ebook available for people that just gives tips and tricks about hair health, just kind of in honor of this podcast. So there's more DIYs and stuff that you can check out over in that ebook.

0 (33m 19s): Well, great. Well, Brianna, we are gonna add all that to the show notes below, make it real easy for people to find you. Thank you so much for coming on here today. You've given us so much knowledge and practical tips. So thanks for sharing your wisdom with us here on the essential oil revolution. We really appreciate you.

3 (33m 36s): Absolutely. It was a pleasure to be here.

0 (33m 39s): The essential oil revolution is created by me, Samantha Lee Wright. Thanks so much for tuning in. Don't forget to check out our website, revolution, oils, podcast.com to check out our swag, our DIY dugout, enter your own recipe, show notes and more. We'll catch you here next week. In the meantime, keep on learning. Keep on discovering. And most importantly, keep on treating yourself. Well, you are worth it.


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