330: The Kids Scents Oils and How to Use Them w/ Amber Hauser


One of the biggest fears people have around essential oils is knowing how to use them safely with their kids. That's why The Kids Scents Line from Young Living was created. Not only does it make knowing WHICH oils to use easy for nearly every kid occasion, but they come pre-diluted in the perfect proportions so that you never have to worry about improper dilution on your child. Tune in to learn all about each one of the oils that make up this collection.

Amber Hauser has been using essential oils for over 8 years and has been a diamond leader with young living since 2017. She is an adoptive mama, homeschool mama and special needs mama who loves to help others learn more about natural living and peaceful parenting. 


Hi! I’m Sarah!

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  • Connect with Amber Hauser on her site  www.thejoybuilders.com or on social media at Facebook or Instagram.

  • What does 6+ years of experience, thousands of hours of research, and an obsession with essential oils result in? THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS, that’s what. Originally just for my Insiders, this guide literally has it all. And now you, yes you, can get this amazing resource for just $79. Click the link to stop worrying and start learning.

  • Got a recipe you want to share? Submit it to our DIY Dugout HERE

This Week’s DIY Recipe

Reviving face cream

From: Shaina Arb, Hermitage, TN



  • 4 TBSP coconut oil

  • 4 tsp beeswax

  • 4 tsp shea butter 

  • 4 tsp real aloe vera (ideally with vitamin e infused)

  • 4-8 drops geranium


apply to face


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0 (2s): The best inheritance a parent can give his child is a few minutes of his time. Each day, Orlando AIAS Batista

1 (12s): Empowerment in education. Two powerful elements that will help you break free of convention and transform your passion for wellness to a level beyond the status quo, the essential oil revolution, where you're given the tools to supersede an ordinary everyday lifestyle, inspiring speakers, DIY recipes, healthy living tips, and more. You'll discover it all here. So tune in and get ready for a wellness revolution.

0 (43s): Welcome to the essential oil revolution. I'm your host, Samantha Lee Wright. Thanks so much for tuning in today on our show, we're gonna be diving into a specific collection of essential oils called the kids' sense line. You know, one complaint I hear from people who are just starting with essential oils is they just don't know which oils to use for what they're not sure which ones to buy first and how to use them. And they especially don't know which ones to use for their children. So that's one reason that I love to showcase these collections of oils that are put together specifically for certain uses.

0 (1m 23s): This is a line of oils that comes from young living essential oils. If you're not a young living user yet don't worry. You can still learn fascinating tips about how to use essential oils in different situations for kids. And even for yourself, we'll dive a little bit into first aid, digestive help sleep. Snottiness neuro divergence and more that's today on our show. But first allow me to pull a recipe out of our DIY dugout. This is a collection of recipes that have been submitted by you. Our amazing listeners Today's recipe comes from Shaina ARB from Hermitage, Tennessee, and it's called the reviving face cream to make the reviving face cream combine four tablespoons of coconut oil, four teaspoons of bees wax four teaspoons, SHA butter, and four teaspoons real Allo Vera, ideally with vitamin E infused in it to that add four to eight drops, geranium essential oil combined together, and then apply to the face.

0 (2m 28s): Very simple. Thank you so much for this recipe. Shaina. If you have your own recipe submitted to our dugout, not only will it get read to everyone here on the show, but you'll automatically get entered to win our monthly giveaways of a bottle of orange essential oil and our favorite ebook chalk full of DIY recipes. Just email us your name and where you're from, or your website and your unique essential oil recipe. Email that to DIY at revolution oils, podcast.com. Thank you to our sponsor. Better help.

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0 (4m 38s): She is an adoptive mama, homeschool mama and special needs. Mama who loves to help others learn more about natural living and peaceful parenting. Amber, it's such an honor to have you on the show with us today. How are you?

6 (4m 51s): Thank you so much, Samantha. I'm great. Happy to be here.

0 (4m 55s): Well, I'm super excited to talk about today's topic, which is the kids since line such an amazing collection of oils, but for those that are unfamiliar with this line, go ahead and just run us through the basics of why, you know, why did they create this collection and what exactly is inside of it? And then we'll dive into that many, many ways in which we can use it. Great.

6 (5m 19s): So the kids sense collection, they came out a little, little by little and they finally brought together this awesome collection. And there are, I'm counting them right here. They're in my lab, there are six oils in the collection and they wanted to make a super easy way for parents to get going with the oils. There's so much concern about dilution and safety with kids that they wanted to make this collection just a really easy way for parents to not feel afraid and to use these oils. So they come in roller bottle line and also in, and those are a 10 mill bottle of rollers.

6 (6m 5s): I love, I love both of them. I, I use them interchangeably and then they also have a five mill collection of these. So the first one I'm gonna talk about is, or I'll just go down the line of them, kid power, sniffle, ease, genius, owie, tummy guys, and sleepy eyes.

0 (6m 25s): I love the titles. I mean, they're mostly pretty self-explanatory, which is really, really helpful.

6 (6m 31s): And they made 'em in such bright, fun colors, just that I think adults will like them, but kids are just attracted to them as well. And yeah, they're really, yeah. They're really cute and super easy

0 (6m 44s): To use. Yeah. I mean, my kids, they grew up with essential oils, so there's nothing really intimidating about like the quote unquote grown up bottles necessarily, but there is something just extra sort of learning about the, the kid sense roller balls and the fact that they are, you know, pre-diluted ready to go, you know, diluted for kids, makes it just all that more appealing for, for parents to be like, yeah, here you go. You know, take this. Yes. Right.

6 (7m 11s): For sure. Yeah. Yeah.

0 (7m 13s): Well, would you mind telling some stories for us of how you've used these oils with your kids?

6 (7m 19s): Sure. AIE is a favorite of ours because we are an adventure family. We are on the go all the time. We live in Delaware. There's lots of parks around here. We're right on the edge of Pennsylvania and Maryland, just in lots of state parks and stuff to hike and visit in. And I love having this one in my backpack at all times, if it's not my kids, it's a friends kid, somebody is getting a bug bite or a scrape or you know, something happening. And the name of OIE just itself like, oh, you have an OIE. I have a roller for owies is fun for kids, but it's also really helpful for bruises, scrapes, anything, you just roll it right on or drop it right out of the bottle.

6 (8m 6s): So that one is a favorite that I always have in my hiking backpack. And I have like the little first gate, first aid kit that I keep in there. And OIE is always in there.

0 (8m 17s): Yeah. The question I always get when people, you have the OE blend, they're like what you put this directly on. Like if someone, you know, scrapes their knee or something, like people seem really afraid to get essential oils directly like into a cut or something like that. But that's, that's, you know, it's perfectly safe for that. How do you sort of help people get past that sort of initial, like what you're gonna do well with that?

6 (8m 41s): Well, it is diluted really well. So I mean, coconut oil care oil is helpful for any OIE anyways. And I see, you know, them using, they so easily squid out that what's the other stuff called Neosporin. I don't even even know the name of it, but first, you know, like the first aid antibiotic ointment so easily put that on. Cut. And I don't know. I think just with me, with parents that are just so happy to have anything to help, I don't know. They just go, oh sure. Here, put it on. And most of my friends know I'm the oil girl, so they, right. I think they just knowed to trust me that I would use it on my kids, you know, but it's all like skin supporting oils in it.

6 (9m 21s): So, I mean the first ingredient is the, the fractionated coconut oil and then there's grand fur oil LME, other just really good oils that are support. Oh, hem, which is, if you're in the essential oil world, you know, helium, that's like, it's

0 (9m 39s): Like the

6 (9m 40s): Right. Yes. Really helps with bleeding. So that's just an amazing oil to have on hand. I always take Heim when traveling too, that's like in my big case of oils, but knowing that it's in this alley blend is just, just awesome.

0 (9m 58s): Yeah. So, well, it's so great. I always remind people too, like hill Chris, some amazing, amazing oil for, you know, so many things, anything to do with blood, you know, great oil. It's also very expensive, right. So if you can't, you feel like it's not within your budget to have an entire bottle of just hilly crystal on your shelf. Like you don't necessarily need to, to get benefit from it when you can buy a oil blend that has it inside of it, then you're getting hilly crystal right there, you know? Yeah. And there's no reason you can't use this on yourself either. Right. It's designed for kids, but have you ever caught yourself being like, I'm just gonna roll this off.

6 (10m 34s): Oh, I use, we use them all like interchangeably in our home tummy eyes is our favorite. My, my husband and I actually love, I think we use tummy eyes more than, than the kids to do, because we're all, you know, when you're traveling and you eat something we're both gluten free and you know, like if you get gluten or something like that, and you're stomachs hurting, if you get

0 (10m 56s): Gluten, not,

6 (10m 58s): Glutened not everyone loves to use dyes, especially when you're traveling, you're gonna be on a plane or, you know, public transportation or out with other people who don't know about oils. I mean, if you're at like an oil convention, that dyes is totally the way to go. But tummy J is the one you want. My husband does a lot of like work meal, you know, dinners out with clients and stuff like that. And who

0 (11m 24s): Doesn't wanna be smelling like dye is, is a very unique smell for sure.

6 (11m 29s): It is. It is. And tummy, Jas just smells like, yeah, it's some Spearman gum, you know, no one would really even think anything of it. So that is one that's just kind of always, he keeps it in his briefcase and I keep one in my, in my travel bag. And so that's, and I like the roller for that for sure. And I pop a roller if I just have, you know, the five mill one, I pop a roller on top of that as well.

0 (11m 54s): And you just roll that on your belly, you said. Yeah.

6 (11m 58s): Yep. And I tend to, if I eat spicy or acidic foods, that little acidity feeling, I just will rub it, roll it right on my sternum too. Super helpful for that. So,

0 (12m 11s): And I take it that's when you use on your kids pretty regularly too.

6 (12m 14s): Oh, I mean, they're just so used to me just grabbing a roller and rolling it on my kids. One of my, one of my, I'll just say one of my children may struggle with some cation, so not naming names. That is no, not naming any names, but that is one that I'll just grab and roll on. And especially traveling things tend to slow down a little more when you travel. So that one's really handy for children to just roll it right on their, their tummys if they're struggling in that. And it, it helps really, really well. And I use it either way too. Like if they're having a tummy bug and things are going a little faster than they want, it just supports the digestive system to help it do what it's supposed to do.

6 (13m 0s): So they're so used to me just rolling that on them. They don't even think about it. So sniffle ease is another one that we all use. And I mean, definitely more when there's sniffles happening, we'll use it, but I, I love the five mill for that to do in the diffuser. I just think it's really gentle, especially at nighttime. I mean, RC and Raven are so good for that kind of stuff too, but at nighttime you don't necessarily want like everything flowing. And it just is a really gentle one to do at night, along with like lavender or something like that in a diffuser. So, but I mean, we'll just take this and roll it right on like our foreheads and our, our nose, you know, like the nasal spots, you know, that just get congested.

6 (13m 46s): So I like the roller for doing it on our face and behind the ears is really good too, just to keep those ears flowing and not getting stopped up, but in the diffuser as well, that one's always on my daughter's nightstand. I keep sleepy eyes and sniffly ease both there just in case sleepy eyes for, at nighttime, of course. And then sniffle ease for if there's any sniffles going on

0 (14m 13s): Now. Is it, is it okay to put that? I mean, you just said you put it in the diffuser, so I'm assuming it's okay. But do you ever have people not do that because they fear the carrier oil inside of that pre-diluted blend is gonna sort of like gunk up their diffusers or something like that?

6 (14m 29s): No, I, I don't know. I'm not a scientist, so I don't know like the technical terms for that, but they do use the way they process it. It's safe for diffusing.

0 (14m 41s): Okay. Is that the entire kids senses line or just the, okay. It's

6 (14m 46s): Good to know. I mean, I wouldn't diffuse tummy Jas, but yes. Or owie, either one of those, I probably wouldn't diffuse, but all the rest of 'em I definitely diffuse and yes, they make them and there are like valor and other oils like that do have carrier oil in it, but that's, I don't know. And it's really small in these bottles, but whenever you see that capital

0 (15m 9s): Co do you know how to say that triglyceride?

6 (15m 11s): Yeah. Yes. Yeah. That's coconut oil processed in a way that it's safe for diffusers and won't gun up your

0 (15m 18s): Diffusers. Okay. That's really good to know.

6 (15m 21s): Yeah.

0 (15m 21s): Yeah. Awesome. So we've got, we've talked about all of 'em except for genius kid power.

6 (15m 31s): Yes. So kid power is one that I, I do keep a roller on in case any one we're out and about in kids are just need a little extra confidence. It's a good one for that, but I really love diffusing this one in the morning when the kids they're getting breakfast, getting up in the morning, I just feel like it's such a good pick me up. It smells happy. It's a very orange vanilla E it does have blue Tanzy. So it has that little blue color, which kids love to drop that in the diffuser, cuz it's like a science experiment. So get your kids to help you with those. It's really fun, but it has some black spruce in it, which is really calming and it has frankincense and of course the vanilla and orange in it, but it is just, I just call it like happy oil.

6 (16m 24s): I like that it's named kid power, but I also think you could just be like happy oil. And I do make that in rollers for people. I do little, little roller bottles, just as gifts for people. And I have a little label that just says happy, just so cuz adults like it too. And if they see kid, they might not be

0 (16m 42s): As power, like kid power. What do I need to use? Everyone was just, they had like kid powers that energy, my goodness, but right. But yeah, it is such a happy blend and I, I quote this study all the time. So I'm sure my listeners is like rolling in their eyes. Like please and Sam, we know about the orange and vanilla study, but it, have you heard of the study? They did about specifically orange oil and vanilla in combination, no

6 (17m 7s): Different

0 (17m 8s): Them. There's like two case, you know, groups, two study groups, one didn't have any essential oils diffusing in the room and the other one had orange and vanilla diffusing in the room and they put these groups in a room and they basically said, okay, strangers that just met, you've got 20 minutes to discuss how we solve racism in America. Go and the group without the essential oils basically was just like melting down like, well this is just impossible and dumb. And like why, why even try basically it just really just discouraged and, and kind of depressed about it. Right. And the other group, the group with the orange and vanilla diffusing, of course didn't solve racism in 20 minutes, but they did have much more optimism going into it and, and you know, less despondent and more like, all right, like this is, this is tough, but you know, let's, let's talk about it.

0 (18m 3s): Like let's do it. And just in the end, we're much happier coming out of that experience. Wow.

6 (18m 9s): Yeah. That's amazing. I have not heard that, but I'm gonna use that now. So thank you for that. Yeah. I love, love kid power. I have the big it comes. I don't know if it's still, I think it still comes in the 15 mill bottle, but it's the big I call it the big mama bottle and I'm always so happy cuz I, I use it. I use it plenty in my diffuser. It's one just in my kitchen every morning. Not every morning, but I just sometimes will grab for it. So especially when it's rainy and we need some uplifting things going on in our homes. So next the final one to talk about. Well, I haven't, I didn't really talk that much about sleepy. I feel like it's pretty

0 (18m 48s): Self explanatory,

6 (18m 49s): Right? Self explanatory. I'm trying to describe the scent to you. If, if you've ever smelled tranquil, it's kind of like a mild tranquil smell and which is really nice because tranquil only comes in a roller. So I think tranquil is lavender cedarwood and Roman Cama mill. So let, let's see what this one has. This one also has geranium. It has, is that citrus or cystos oh yeah. Mont, which is very calming tan and velar Ru. Yeah, the Rual in it. So it's like a lavender Rual mix, but it's very, it's not overwhelming.

6 (19m 34s): Rival is a little intense and this does have Rala in it, but it's one of the last ingredients in it. So it is, it's just a really lovely oil. So it's good for kids and adults. I mean, it's easy to put in the little, my favorite of course my kids have the owl diffusers, so we love sleepy eyes and the owl diffusers and we go through the, we go through the bottles fast, but if you're gonna buy sleepy eyes, I recommend that one in the, the dropper bottle, the five mill bottle. I mean you can roll on the sleepy eyes as well. It's great to roll on, but if you wanna diffuse, which I just love diffusing oils for my kids at night.

6 (20m 18s): I feel like it goes on for a while.

0 (20m 19s): Yeah. I feel like diffusing for bedtime is like a little more effective than, than rolling it on. I mean, rolling it on is great. Especially for some that maybe you wanna put on the bottom of the feet, but, but diffusing for creating that atmosphere and really getting to that emotional center of the brain, like faster and more consistently, I agree is the way to go.

6 (20m 40s): Yeah. And it's a great like bedtime establishing like nighttime routines too and can help them do that when they go off to college and stuff like that. So just doing that every night is such a good rhythm to have in their lives. And then genius genius. I use this in the roller bottle and the dropper either one to get is, is great. But my, I have a daughter with emotional special needs, major ADHD. And through discovering her ADHD, I realized that I have it as well. Just really struggled with focus for a lot in my life.

6 (21m 21s): So this oil is great. They call it genius, cuz it helps you focus and concentrate on what you really need to do so that you can become a genius or brings out the genius in you. And I really like this one for both of us. I like to roll it right at the base of the brain stem. It's just a great one to help you get to work on things. I homeschool my daughter, which she isn't a huge fan of doing homework. So this does help. I'll diffuse it or roll it on when we're getting some work done. And it's just really helpful. I love it too for work. I actually put some, I put some highest potential on today and some genius before we got on the call just to help with my focus.

6 (22m 8s): So

0 (22m 8s): You seem very focused. I'm very impressed for someone with ADHD. That's great. Yeah. And genius, for those curious, you spell it G E N E Y U S kind of an interesting spelling.

6 (22m 23s): Yeah. They just, I think they like to change up the spelling, so it's not, you know, it's more like just a play on play on words.

0 (22m 29s): Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't think they people Sue for so many reasons, but I can imagine someone being like, I'm suing you because this oil did not make me a, I didn't certified just

6 (22m 40s): Become a gene yet. Yeah. And I love how it's like gene as in like the human genes. Right. So helps with your just helps with your brain and your focus. So

0 (22m 51s): Yeah, I love it. And this one's got a bunch of oils in it, so we don't have to list them all. But at the top of the list is sacred Frankensteins, which is such an amazing oil for the brain, especially, and, and just grounding. So I feel like, especially for those that struggle with focus, you know, just that sacred FRA instance, going right into the brain and just helping ground and, and focus is so important.

6 (23m 17s): Yeah. It also has cedarwood, which is great for brain support. And genius is also part of the reconnect line. Genius and sleepy eyes are both part of the reconnect line, which is a special collection for bringing health and for kids that need some reconnecting narrow pathways in their brain. So just if that's something you're interested in, that's a great thing to look into as well. But important to

0 (23m 48s): Know that. Yeah. What's the name of that collection again?

6 (23m 51s): It's called the reconnect collection.

0 (23m 53s): Oh. And so it's, it's very helpful for kids that have struggles with focus or, or what else would you use that

6 (24m 4s): One? Yeah, I'm trying not to use

0 (24m 6s): Compliant language.

6 (24m 7s): Right. I'm trying to be compliant. The kids that might have some neurodiverse things going on in their brain. Okay. And help

0 (24m 16s): With that. That's great. So I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. David Stewart once he wrote the chemistry of the central oils made simple, which was great. I actually never, I was never able to actually publish the episode because the entire thing was just compliant like every second. And I just, I just, in the end stopped taking notes of like, okay, cut this out and cut this out. I was like, you know what? This was just a interview for me. But, but one thing he told me a trick for using oils that you are specifically trying to target the brain focus attention, or just trying to up your, your study game really cedarwood is great to just put a drop on your thumb and press that to the roof of your mouth, the palette of your mouth, and to do that while you're studying.

0 (25m 9s): And then you can do it again, like while you're taking a test, for example, and this would just really help connect all those, all those brain cells together of, okay. Here's what I've been studying. And now here is where I'm applying it. So I wonder if this blend would be a really good one to try that with as well, just as a sort of instant kind of focus and regroup kind of trick.

6 (25m 32s): Yeah. Probably good for adults to try that first, but with

0 (25m 37s): Yeah.

6 (25m 38s): Internally, but yeah, such a good thing for college students too with, I just remember that's like the most taking time of my life was college and oh man, I would've loved to have some resources like this.

0 (25m 52s): Yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you for running us through the kids since line. It really is such a great collection of oils. And I can tell that they're just sort of used all the time in your, beyond the kid sense line. Just wanted to ask you if you could share quickly what your, your kind of other top oils, like let's say your top three essential oils that you sort of go for for the rest of your daily routine in life. What would those be?

6 (26m 24s): Deep relief is my number one oil that I, I have one on my bedside. I have one usually like in my backpack with my work stuff in it. And then one in my purse. So deep relief comes in a roller bottle and is such an awesome blend of peppermint, wintergreen, helium Cohiba. And I was using it for I've had a lot of car accidents. So just like neck stuff, you know, and would use it for that. That was my first loyalty rewards order. I got it as a promo oil and I probably wouldn't have bought it cuz I didn't know about it. And I got it and I just instantly loved it and was really drawn to it and started using it every day.

6 (27m 8s): And I realized that it has TELEM in it and Copia, which are really good brain supporting oils. So not only was it helping like my neck and shoulder irritation, but also helping me focus in the morning each day. So that one is just like my number one oil, usually on my order about every other month, just because I've stocked up on it enough that I don't have to use it all the time. But I mean, I don't have to order it all the time, but I use that one daily. My next one is valor, love valor. I use it, I roll it. I just make my kids like hold their wrist out. When we're leaving the driveway to go places, just help everyone with courage and with, you know, just piling, it's such a good oil to have, but it's really good for just anxious thoughts.

6 (28m 1s): And so my anxious thoughts when I got in public with a daughter who doesn't always do everything I want her to do. So that just helps me just like gives me courage to not worry about what everyone else thinks. So, and then my other new one that I've been carrying with me all the time is the calm roller, the C CBD column roller. I just love, I love that one. So just for myself and I just heard a trick recently, it was someone at convention was talking about it for sleeping to roll that like on your forehead and on your cheekbones. And so I've been doing that at night and sleeping so well

0 (28m 43s): CBD, calm roller ball. Yes. The roller blend. That's great.

6 (28m 49s): Yes.

0 (28m 50s): Awesome. This has been amazing Amber. This is really, I love these kind of episodes where it's just like very practical, boom, boom, boom. Here's the oil. Here's how to use it here. How here's, how I've used it, you know, very, very useful for those that really want to incorporate essential oils into their everyday life. Are there any last tips or advice you wanna give folks out there who are, you know, really into their essential oils, but feel like they're, they, they could use them more, you know, how can they get the best out of their essential oil use?

6 (29m 29s): I love starting my day with the diffuser and I have the big aria in my kitchen and just filling that up every morning that just part of my daily rhythm each morning, doing that. And I, I use lots of oils and I have, I have a little shelf with, and I just pick different oils just depending how I'm feeling that day kid power is there a lot, but that's a great way to use them. And then every night in the diffusers, I, that aria goes all day long and I do have other diffusers around the house depending on where we're hanging out and what we're doing. But the morning and nighttime routine with the diffusers every day is so helpful.

6 (30m 11s): I also do my, I have my daughter's African American, so I do her hair a lot. And that's another time that I get oil on her. I'm doing her hair and I'm not really like, Hey, I'm putting these oils on you, especially when she is kind of demand resistant. So she, if you want her to do something she usually doesn't want to. So that's just a way that when I'm doing, I'm putting lotion on her hair, you know, on her hair and spraying it with water bottle and stuff. But I just, I'll just drop oils on her scalp, on her, at her brain stem. And it's just a super easy way to get oils on her. And she does like the smells and she, they really do help, but that's just to, when you're doing your kids' hair, helping them get ready in the morning, just establishing that routine of using those oils and getting them in the summer.

6 (30m 59s): It's a little more relaxed, but during the school year, I have one son, one child in school and one that I homeschool, but just trying to get oils on them each morning, just to help them through their day has been something that we started from the very beginning we started using oils and my son was in kindergarten. So, and they're just so used to that. And it's a great routine to just get them using them every morning.

0 (31m 24s): Yeah. That's a great piece of advice of just having that as part of the morning routine, just like, you know, brushing your teeth, you know, you brush your teeth, you put your oils on, or, you know, before you head out the door, put your oils on just like you put your shoes on. You know, I love that.

6 (31m 39s): And the kids' then line makes it so easy to do that. That you're not like, oh, do I have coconut oil? Oh, do I, did you know, did I do enough carry oil? And it just makes it so easy that it's quick and easy. It's not something that's taking a lot of time.

0 (31m 56s): Well, Amber, this has been absolutely wonderful. Thank you for, for sharing all this with us here today, before you go, we always love to ask our guests a couple closing questions and the first is just what's one or two self care practices you try to do every day to stay healthy,

6 (32m 12s): Starting up, washing my face every morning and putting my art. The beauty serum, I think is what it's called on every morning. And it just feels so refreshing. So that's one thing I do and exercise, even if it's just walking my dogs, but getting my body moving and doing a quick Peloton workout or something like that has been something that I started back in the spring doing. I found out that my cortisol levels were really after doing some blood work. This spring, I found out my cortisol levels in the morning were ridiculously high and it was just causing me to have stressful mornings. And my functional doc told me that the best thing to do was to get up and get my Mo body moving and drive those levels down.

6 (32m 59s): And so I've been doing that since March and it's been the best self-care thing because it really, it does bring my stress levels down so quickly. And I try to get up. Doesn't always happen in the summer, but I try to get up before my kids so that I am not confronted with kid craziness and able, even if it's just walking around the block just to get my, my cortisol levels down, I'm just a much more peaceful person in the morning. My husband is so thankful that I figured that out, cuz he couldn't figure out why I was such a bear in the mornings, but that it's like, it's, it feels weird. Like it feels like self-care should be, you know, taking a bath or reading a book or something like that.

6 (33m 39s): But for me, it's just doing some sort of physical activity so that I can be a kinder person during the day.

0 (33m 46s): No, that makes so much sense. How did you, how did you learn about that cortisol issue for yourself?

6 (33m 53s): I was gaining weight and I've always been a really, really high metabolism, you know, able to lose weight if I wanted to, but I was gaining a lot of weight in my midsection and I was a little concerned. So I, my functional doc ran, some, had me ordered me some blood work and we found out that it was really high and cortisol levels make you store fat in your midsection. So that's drastically helped that area too, which gives me more confidence as well that I'm, you know, able to take control of that. So,

0 (34m 28s): Yeah. That's wonderful. And is there sort of like a minimum minutes of exercise that you kind of need to do to make that effective

6 (34m 37s): Walking around the block takes me about 15 minutes. And so that is sometimes all I need or I'll just jump into a quick little, I, I have a Peloton, but I don't really use it for the bike as much in the summer cuz it's hot, but I will just throw on like a strength workout. There's these nice little like 15 or 20 minute workouts that will just cover everything. And I mean, I do usually do more of a workout during the day, but that is just one that just really helps me get, get myself centered in the morning. Yeah.

0 (35m 10s): So I love it. I love it. And finally, what's one thing that we should all ditch completely and replaces something healthier today.

6 (35m 18s): Dryer sheets. 0 (35m 19s): Hmm.

6 (35m 20s): Dryer sheets. I used to love them. I just didn't know how to dry clothes without them. I didn't think your clothes could be soft or smell good or anything. And once I found out how toxic they were, I was like, oh my goodness, I've been poisoning this. It's not really poisoning, but kind of just really bad for respiratory health too. And so I'm so glad I found that out. My kids were little when I stopped using them, I think like five and one when I stopped using them. And I was so, so glad and I just used dryer balls and drop a couple essential oils on them and they smell good and that helps loosen up all the clothes and yeah.

6 (36m 2s): So, and drying on a lower heat helps without the static clean. Cuz I thought that you couldn't have non-static clothes without a dryer sheet.

0 (36m 12s): I've also heard putting a crumpled ball of a aluminum foil in helps with that too.

6 (36m 16s): We're even, I've heard like doing a safety pin into your woo dryer ball.

0 (36m 21s): Absolutely. As well. Yeah. That's a good tip. Yeah.

6 (36m 25s): Yeah. So if you're using those, that is something you don't have to spend a lot of money on. You can get dryer balls that I've found 'em at TJ max I've found 'em on Amazon, like under 10 bucks and they last forever. So not only is it like addition switch as in you're cleaning up your routine, but it's also financially much better.

0 (36m 46s): Yeah. In the long run. That's great. And what are your favorite oils that you put on your dryer balls and like what's the perfect amount. How many drops would you say is like the sweet

6 (36m 55s): Spot? I'm not a big, I am not a big recipe follower person. So I'm just like, I don't know. I just drop a few drops purification or lavender are my favorite ones on dryer balls.

0 (37m 7s): Awesome. Thank you for these amazing tips. Very practical, such great everyday use tips for essential oil set. Really appreciate that. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us here today on the essential oil revolution. We really appreciate you.

6 (37m 22s): Thank you so much, Samantha. I really appreciate the time.

0 (37m 25s): If you'd like to connect with Amber, the best way to reach her is on Instagram at Buber joy. That's B U M B E R J O Y. She also has a website, the joy builders.com. Thanks so much for tuning in today. This show is created by me. Samantha Lee Wright will come at you again next week with a brand new episode of the essential oil revolution. In the meantime, keep on learning, keep on discovering and most importantly, keep on treating yourself. Well, you are worth it.


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