Posts tagged coach
211: Weight Loss via Mindset & Essential Oils

What if what’s holding you back from achieving your ideal weight isn’t the amount of calories you consume, or which diet you’re on, or how many hours you log at the gym…what if the key to sustained weight loss actually resided in your relationship with yourself, and the work you need to “put in” is giving your body love, not shame or hate?

Steph Hendel is a women's weight loss coach, internationally recognized health personality, mom, wife and mentor to the tens of thousands of women who follow her work online. Steph chose to build her body with love, lost 40 pounds and has kept it off for 6+ years after struggling with it for most of her life. Steph's weight loss coaching is unique with her focus on emotional intelligence, inner work, mindset, self-healing and manifestation.

Swap toxic beliefs for empowering, loving ones…learn to raise the vibe…and change your body with much less effort and a lot more love!

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208: Alzheimer's, Dementia, and the Blood-Brain Barrier

Alzheimer’s, the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S., affects 1 in every 10 individuals aged 65 and older. Most of us have known someone with this degenerative condition that slowly strips away personality and ability to care for oneself. Deaths from Alzheimer’s have increased 145% since 2000. In today’s episode, we talk to Kelli Oster and discuss health factors and ways to help support individuals suffering from this condition. Kelli has been working in Health and Wellness for over 15 years and currently works for a company that specializes in natural brain health. She loves teaching about essential oils and the role they play in our bodies and our minds. She provides private coaching and education for people looking to become the best versions of themselves. 


Tune in to discover the 8 biggest factors that influence a healthy mind, including which essential oils are known to support brain health. After all, “essential oils are nature’s way of helping us balance our body and mind.”  

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