Posts tagged detox
223: EMFs! Can Essential Oils Help?

The world we are living in is changing. 2 5G satellites every day are getting launched into the Earth’s atmosphere, with 20,000 satellites orbiting the Earth by 2022…we need to understand the effects these electromagnetic frequencies are having on our bodies, and look for practical ways to protect ourselves.

Wendy Myers is founder of, a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, and NES Bioenergetic Practitioner in Los Angeles, CA. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue and the host of the heavy metals, plus creator of the Myers Detox Protocol and Mitochondria Detox.

If you are experiencing unwanted physical symptoms and nothing you try is offering relief, try some of the EMF-lowering tips in this episode to rule out EMF sensitivity.

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072: Natural Beauty & Skincare Recipes for Toxin-Free Living

The safety regulations in America for cosmetics have not been significantly changed since 1938! There are literally thousands of chemicals being used in American cosmetics that are straight up banned from most European countries.

When choosing which products to buy for skincare, make-up, lotions, and more, it can feel a little like getting dressed in the dark. Luckily, now that we are in the information age it’s becoming easier for us as consumers to make safer and wiser choices for how we vote with our dollars.

Joining us once again on the show is Kate Doubler from She shares her vast knowledge about the truth about what’s in your products, and what to do about it.

Also, learn about the safe alternative to skincare and makeup that I can't stop talking about! Beauty Counter.


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