Posts tagged vibrational healing
171: Archetypes and Essential Oils

We are vibrational creatures! As such, we have the ability to choose tools to influence our vibration in a direction of our choosing. Candice Covington, author of Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice: Working with the Chakras, Divine Archetypes, and the Five Great Elements, discusses what it means to work with plants on a vibrational level. She also sheds light on the topic of archetypes, present in human culture since the dawn of time, and the purpose behind their stories and mythology. A certified aromatherapist, healing arts master, and energy worker, Candice is now the primary aromatherapist at the Chopra Center. She is the founder of Divine Archetypes, an essential oil company that specializes in the esoteric, and is currently working on You Are What You Eat: A Vibrational Cookbook for Inner Traditions

Tune in for a fascinating look at the underlying influences of plants and archetypes and how you can use both to assist in reaching your most heartfelt goals! 

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