013: Conquer Complaining & Negativity w/ Sara McFall

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It might not be deadly, but it’s certainly lethal….complaining. It can permeate every aspect of your life and put you in a rut of negativity. If you struggle with finding the positive in your day t0 day, you may be negativity effecting yourself and everything around you more than you realize. But there is a way out, and it’s a simple one. Learn how to live a life free from negativity and full of positive energy.

In this Episode You’ll Discover:

  • Practical ways to get out of the cycle of negativity.

  • Why we fall into the trap of complaining (5:45)

  • The Importance of being grateful for what you have.

  • Being happy with yourself makes you capable of being happy for others. (8:10)

  • What it really looks like to be grateful. (11:40)

  • How positive affirmations can transform your life. (12:30)

  • The power of starting a “Gratitude Journal” and committing to it. (18:40)

  • How to use essential oils alongside positive affirmations (20:00)

  • Control: what we have it over and what we don’t. (22:45)

  • Training your brain to act vs. react (23:10)

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Recipes Mentioned in this Episode:

DIY: From Mia- “The Goodnight Roller Ball”

– Fill roller ball halfway with carrier oil of your choice, top off with 2 parts lavender, 2 parts cedarwood, and one part vetiver- roll on feet and temples before bed.    (2:00)
