Posts tagged meditation
197: Jasmine Oil and Reinventing Yourself

Looking for a tool that can enhance your love life, calm you down, give you clarity of mind, increase intuition, diminish wrinkles, anxiety and apathy? It may be hard to believe…but you can find it all in one delicious-smelling bottle. Today we talk about Jasmine oil and the process of reinventing yourself with Brooke Kornegay. Brooke’s background is in sustainable agriculture education and management. She is passionate about permaculture, essential oils, biodynamic agriculture, compost, getting biology back in the soils that grow our food, and community building. She is currently the Food Council Coordinator for her county, and recently began a podcast called Soul Soil: Where Agriculture and Spirit Intersect. 


When you take the time to intentionally design and enjoy your life…it becomes more enjoyable. Articulate what has the most value to you, what you enjoy doing, what your unique talents and interests are…and design your experience around them. This is work you won’t regret doing. 

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176: Conquer Anything! Mindset, Meditation, and Essential Oil

How can we harness the power of our minds in order to help us through life’s challenges? Is meditation the answer? How can essential oils play a role in that journey? Join us as we discuss the role of meditation in shifting mindset with Brenton Dunnington.  Brenton enjoys helping people achieve their goals through guided meditation & visualization.  He leads The 21-Day YL Mindset Meditation Challenge: Young Living Specific Guided Visualizations, Affirmations, & Meditations to help overcome negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, and common fears in your business. Don’t worry if you’re not a Young Living business builder…everyone can benefit from these exercises! 

Tune in to learn about how the combined power of essential oils, meditation, and visualization can reduce stress and inflammation, break through our self-worth and abundance blocks, and even reverse the aging process! You won’t want to miss this one! 

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