Posts tagged ADHD
210: ADHD Tips + Essential Oils for the Whole Body

Millions of children in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD, and quite often, this diagnosis is accompanied by another disorder such as anxiety, depression, or other behavioral or conduct disorders. Since essential oils affect the limbic system of the brain, they are uniquely well suited to support individuals with these challenges.

Heather Dawn Godfrey is the Author of the award winning and bestselling new release, Essential Oils for the Whole Body, and author of Essential Oils for Mindfulness and Meditation. Her dissertation, which was on the topic of the role of essential oils in the treatment and management of ADHD, was published in the International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy (IJCA). She runs a private aromatherapy practice and teaches aromatherapy.

Follow the advice of your healthcare provider when it comes to treating ADHD, but also take advantage of the tools offered by nature that can have real and lasting impact in supporting the emotions of individuals with ADHD.

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