Posts tagged mindset
194: Facing Down Addiction with The Natural Guinea Pig

No one consciously embarks on a journey of addiction, saying “I’m going to devote the next year to destroying my life”…yet so many people in this world end up in this dark place. Listen in and hear Matt’s story of how he slowly climbed back up from rock bottom to a place of vibrant health and gratitude. Matt Taylor is a Certified Natural Nutrition Coach, Certified Essential Oil Coach and has been the owner of The Taylored Touch Therapy Massage Studio in Philadelphia since 2007. He’s also a Motivational Speaker & digital creator and has been living with HIV for the past decade. Part of his journey has been overcoming a year long addiction to crystal meth. Matt shares his story through daily videos on social media, focusing on gratitude, vulnerability and Natural Wellness as a way to overcome even the most difficult life experiences.  


There IS hope for each of us. If we can commit to one small action, day after day, and reach for that first ladder rung to climb back up to stable ground, we will eventually gain the confidence and momentum to get to a place of wholeness. 

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193: Melissa Oil + 10 Oils for a Successful Mindset

Melissa (a.k.a. lemon balm) is a plant that is so sensitive, it is affected by the attitudes of the people around it! Tune in to learn about the benefits of Melissa as well as Gretchen’s tips for transforming your mindset and preparing for success. Gretchen King-Ann was a marketing manager from a multi-national company who quit her busy and stressful job so that she could have a baby. When she was 8 months pregnant, she was introduced to essential oils and this was the start of her healthy living journey. When Gretchen visited her first Young Living farm and met with members around the world in 2014, she realized that Young Living can be her life-time career and passion. She worked extraordinarily hard and the end of the following year, she reached the highest possible rank in her company.  

When pursing success, we must first pursue happiness. Many of us fall into the trap of waiting for success to come in order to find happiness. Tending to our state of mind first will facilitate the success we want to see.  

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