092:The Free Dilution Calculator + Carrier Oils 101

Discover Young Living with Samantha Lee Wright Live Webinar | October 17th 8:30pm Eastern | Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

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 Ever wondered how much Thieves to use on your child? Or how much 1 tbls of dried oregano might mean in oily language? Wonder no more! Meet Jeniffer Nishizaki, co­creator of OilyNotebook.com and The Free Dilution Calculator. With the free dilution calculator you simply plug in your questions and get the answers

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090: Oola Author, Dr. Troy, Shares Oola for Women and More

Oola is a lifestyle based upon the internationally best-selling book series. The OolaGuys are currently traveling to all 50 states in a VW Surf Bus collecting 1,000,000 dreams and helping people find balance and growth in the 7 key areas of life(the 7 F’s of Oola)–Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends, and Fun.

Oola partnered with Young Living in 2013 to develop, for the first time in history, a personal development system incorporating the benefits of unique and proprietary essential oils blends specially formulated by D. Gary Young. This collaboration, known as INFUSED, allows you to make personal development, and pulling out the best version of you, a multi-sensory experience.

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081: Make Menopause Better w/ Essential Oils

Menopause may be a normal part of a healthy woman’s lifecycle but it doesnt have to be miserable! Learn some amazing tips about using essential oils that support a women’s health and vitality.

Dr. Krystal is the CEO of Pure Balance Holistic Healing in Portsmouth, NH and Newburyport, MASS. She is physical therapist, craniosacral therapist, aromatherapist and overall holistic healing expert


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076: The Body Doesn’t Lie w/ Vicky Vlachonis

Today on the show we talk with the wonderful Vicky Vlachonis, author of The Body Doesn’t Lie: A 3-Step Program to End Chronic Pain and Become Positively  Radiant.

Vicky is a European Osteopath and pain expert who uses western as well as eastern tools and methods s to help her clients release their pain. Vicky currently works with notable personalities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Katy Perry, Chris Martin, and Nicole Ritchie. On the show, we explore the incredible world of pain, holistic health, and essential oils.

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075: Finding Abundance w/ Essential Oils

And...our very first Kickstarter!

Tune in and learn how Katie Giordano grew her oil business in just 2 1/2 short years and earns almost triple what she made in her previous job with a fraction of the work hours.

Also, check out the Kickstarter to support the production of a completely separate business-focused podcast. You can score some amazing gifts when you pledge such as Sam’s “Classroom in a Box,” or private coaching sessions.

Vote YES for the production of a separate, essential oil business coaching podcast.

Go to the Kickstarter now to learn more.

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074: Activate Your Superpowers with Essential Oils

Janet has been playing with energy her entire life, but in 2004 she began to do so in a serious way. She began with the study of Reiki and quickly became a Master. She has since learned Pranic Healing and Matrix Energetics, and she is able to psychically understand what Spirit wishes to reveal to her clients. As a result, she has created a type of healing that is led by her intuition and personalized to each individual’s unique needs. Over time, she was given tools to help others connect with their intuition as well and she has become an activator for others, helping them to access their healing and intuitive gifts in a way that feels safe and secure.She has a thriving healing practice, teaches intuitive development, leads spiritual circles, and hosts retreats around the world. On today’s show she shares with us how essential oils can help us become more intuitive, more grounded, less overwhelmed, and even develop your superpower.


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072: Natural Beauty & Skincare Recipes for Toxin-Free Living

The safety regulations in America for cosmetics have not been significantly changed since 1938! There are literally thousands of chemicals being used in American cosmetics that are straight up banned from most European countries.

When choosing which products to buy for skincare, make-up, lotions, and more, it can feel a little like getting dressed in the dark. Luckily, now that we are in the information age it’s becoming easier for us as consumers to make safer and wiser choices for how we vote with our dollars.

Joining us once again on the show is Kate Doubler from RealFoodRN.com. She shares her vast knowledge about the truth about what’s in your products, and what to do about it.

Also, learn about the safe alternative to skincare and makeup that I can't stop talking about! Beauty Counter.


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